The “college for all” debate caught fire during the recent recession, and shorter post-secondary paths from high school to career began quickly gaining popularity. The 2011 edition of Diplomas Count, titled Beyond High School, Before Baccalaureate: Meaningful Alternatives to a Four-Year Degree, explores those alternative pathways and sheds light on their costs and benefits.
On June 7th, with the release of Diplomas Count 2011, education experts and 91ֱ researchers held a four-hour discussion on the “college for all” debate, the value of education alternatives, and some perspectives on high school reforms. The Lumina Foundation provided support for this event. Read the full report.
Welcome and Opening Remarks
- Christopher B. Swanson, Vice President, 91ֱ in Education
- Jamie P. Merisotis, President and CEO, Lumina Foundation for Education
Diplomas Count 2011 Highlights
- Amy M. Hightower, Director, EPE Research Center
- Christopher B. Swanson, Vice President, 91ֱ in Education
- Moderator: Debra Viadero, Assistant Managing Editor, 91ֱ
Point-Counterpoint—The "College for All" Debate
- Ronald F. Ferguson, Senior Lecturer and Director of the Achievement Gap Initiative, Harvard University
- Amy Wilkins, Vice President for Government Affairs and Communications, The Education Trust
- Moderator: Sarah D. Sparks, Staff Writer, 91ֱ
Perspectives on High School Reform
Michele Cahill, Vice President for National Programs, Carnegie Corporation of New York
Policy Roundtable—Multiple Pathways
- Kevin Carey, Policy Director, Education Sector
- Clarice A. Sommersall, Special Assistant to the Senior Vice President for Academic and Student Services, Montgomery College
- Joel Vargas, Vice President of High School through College, Jobs for the Future
- Jerry D. Weast, Superintendent, Montgomery County Public Schools
- Moderator: Christina A. Samuels, Staff Writer, 91ֱ
Concluding Remarks
Christopher B. Swanson, Vice President, 91ֱ in Education