Common Core /common-core Common Core en-US 2021 (c) 91Ö±˛Ą Mon, 31 Jul 2023 20:08:15 GMT What’s the Purpose of Standards in Education? An Explainer /teaching-learning/whats-the-purpose-of-standards-in-education-an-explainer/2023/07 What are standards? Why are they important? What's the Common Core? Do standards improve student achievement? Our explainer has the answers. Mon, 31 Jul 2023 20:08:15 GMT /teaching-learning/whats-the-purpose-of-standards-in-education-an-explainer/2023/07 Are Students Getting All the Math They Need to Succeed? /teaching-learning/are-students-getting-all-the-math-they-need-to-succeed/2023/07 Advocates say reforms in math teaching are pushing out statistics and geometry and driving a drop in students' math scores. Mon, 31 Jul 2023 04:01:00 GMT /teaching-learning/are-students-getting-all-the-math-they-need-to-succeed/2023/07 The Architects of the Standards Movement Say They Missed a Big Piece /teaching-learning/the-architects-of-the-standards-movement-say-they-missed-a-big-piece/2022/11 Decisions about materials and methods can lead to big variances in the quality of instruction that children receive. Mon, 28 Nov 2022 23:35:24 GMT /teaching-learning/the-architects-of-the-standards-movement-say-they-missed-a-big-piece/2022/11 Educators Weigh In on Implementing the Common Core, Even Now (Opinion) /teaching-learning/opinion-educators-weigh-in-on-implementing-the-common-core-even-now/2022/08 Though outlawed in some states, the standards still offer a strong foundation for English, math, and other subjects. Wed, 31 Aug 2022 12:00:36 GMT /teaching-learning/opinion-educators-weigh-in-on-implementing-the-common-core-even-now/2022/08 How Reflexive Partisanship Has Undermined Math Education (Opinion) /teaching-learning/opinion-how-reflexive-partisanship-has-undermined-math-education/2022/08 Conflict over how math is taught is not new. An educator recalls the many disputes since the 1990s. Tue, 09 Aug 2022 10:00:40 GMT /teaching-learning/opinion-how-reflexive-partisanship-has-undermined-math-education/2022/08 Did I Accurately Guess the Fate of the Common Core? You Be the Judge (Opinion) /teaching-learning/opinion-did-i-accurately-guess-the-fate-of-the-common-core-you-be-the-judge/2022/08 In 2012, I imagined what the Common Core would be like in a decade. Now, readers can compare this imagined “future” to reality. Mon, 01 Aug 2022 10:00:12 GMT /teaching-learning/opinion-did-i-accurately-guess-the-fate-of-the-common-core-you-be-the-judge/2022/08 Q&A Collections: Implementing the Common Core (Opinion) /teaching-learning/opinion-q-a-collections-implementing-the-common-core/2021/07 Ten years of posts sharing lots of advice and experiences related to applying the Common Core State Standards. Tue, 20 Jul 2021 22:20:18 GMT /teaching-learning/opinion-q-a-collections-implementing-the-common-core/2021/07 Why the Critical Race Theory Fight Is Harder for Educators Than the Common Core Battle /leadership/why-the-critical-race-theory-fight-is-harder-for-educators-than-the-common-core-battle/2021/07 Educators and advocates see clear parallels—and sharp differences—between the politically charged disputes with schools at the center. Thu, 01 Jul 2021 18:21:58 GMT /leadership/why-the-critical-race-theory-fight-is-harder-for-educators-than-the-common-core-battle/2021/07 How the Failure of the Common Core Looked From the Ground (Opinion) /teaching-learning/opinion-how-the-failure-of-the-common-core-looked-from-the-ground/2021/05 Steve Peha shares insights from his on-site professional-development work about why the common core failed, in a guest letter to Rick Hess. Wed, 19 May 2021 10:00:30 GMT /teaching-learning/opinion-how-the-failure-of-the-common-core-looked-from-the-ground/2021/05 Common Core Is a Meal Kit, Not a Nothingburger (Opinion) /teaching-learning/opinion-common-core-is-a-meal-kit-not-a-nothingburger/2021/05 Caroline Damon argues Rick Hess and Tom Loveless sold the common core short, claiming the issue was a matter of high-quality implementation. Thu, 13 May 2021 10:00:49 GMT /teaching-learning/opinion-common-core-is-a-meal-kit-not-a-nothingburger/2021/05 How New Common Core Research Connects to Biden's Plans for Children and Families /teaching-learning/how-new-common-core-research-connects-to-bidens-plans-for-children-and-families/2021/04 A study of national test scores indicate the early phase of the Common Core State Standards did not help disadvantaged students. Thu, 29 Apr 2021 20:28:10 GMT /teaching-learning/how-new-common-core-research-connects-to-bidens-plans-for-children-and-families/2021/04 After All That Commotion, Was the Common Core a Big Nothingburger? (Opinion) /teaching-learning/opinion-after-all-that-commotion-was-common-core-a-big-nothingburger/2021/04 The Common Core State Standards may not have had an impact on student outcomes, but they did make school improvement tougher and more ideological. Mon, 26 Apr 2021 10:00:32 GMT /teaching-learning/opinion-after-all-that-commotion-was-common-core-a-big-nothingburger/2021/04 Fact Check: Trump Administration Didn't 'Get Rid' of Common Core /teaching-learning/fact-check-trump-administration-didnt-get-rid-of-common-core/2020/02 U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos implied at the Conservative Political Action Conference that President Donald Trump has fulfilled a pledge to "get rid of" the Common Core State Standards. That's not true. Thu, 27 Feb 2020 21:41:51 GMT /teaching-learning/fact-check-trump-administration-didnt-get-rid-of-common-core/2020/02 People Keep on Saying They're Killing the Common Core. How Dead Is It? /teaching-learning/people-keep-on-saying-theyre-killing-the-common-core-how-dead-is-it/2020/01 Florida's governor declares a standards overhaul would "remove all vestiges" of the common core. But it remains unclear how much is really changing under the Florida Benchmarks for Excellent Student Thinking. Tue, 28 Jan 2020 03:18:29 GMT /teaching-learning/people-keep-on-saying-theyre-killing-the-common-core-how-dead-is-it/2020/01 2010 to Now: A Turbulent Decade for Schools /leadership/2010-to-now-a-turbulent-decade-for-schools/2019/12 Common Core. School shootings. ESSA. Betsy DeVos. The past 10 years have been a whirlwind of policy upheaval, tragedy, and change for K-12 education. Here’s 10 highlights—and a bonus. Thu, 19 Dec 2019 03:42:06 GMT /leadership/2010-to-now-a-turbulent-decade-for-schools/2019/12 An Unexpected 'Education Governor' and What's Next for Florida /policy-politics/an-unexpected-education-governor-and-whats-next-for-florida/2019/10 Ron DeSantis had a thin record on K-12 issues as a Florida congressman, but as a first-term Republican governor he’s pushed an aggressive agenda on issues such as vouchers, teacher salaries and bonus pay, and even the common core. Thu, 17 Oct 2019 23:58:40 GMT /policy-politics/an-unexpected-education-governor-and-whats-next-for-florida/2019/10 Did the Common Core Kill Classroom Assessment? (Opinion) /teaching-learning/opinion-did-the-common-core-kill-classroom-assessment/2019/04 New standards may be more rigorous, but they've created a widening gulf between large-scale and classroom assessment, argues Gregory J. Cizek. Tue, 16 Apr 2019 01:10:19 GMT /teaching-learning/opinion-did-the-common-core-kill-classroom-assessment/2019/04 Is Homework Valuable or Not? Try Looking at Quality Instead /teaching-learning/is-homework-valuable-or-not-try-looking-at-quality-instead/2019/02 Although homework does tend to align to standards, a lot of it is busywork, rather than requiring students to use higher-order thinking skills. Wed, 13 Feb 2019 05:01:00 GMT /teaching-learning/is-homework-valuable-or-not-try-looking-at-quality-instead/2019/02 Common Core Scrapped Under Florida Gov.'s Executive Order /teaching-learning/common-core-scrapped-under-florida-gov-s-executive-order/2019/02 The end of the standards raises a whole host of questions about what will replace them. Fri, 01 Feb 2019 16:00:00 GMT /teaching-learning/common-core-scrapped-under-florida-gov-s-executive-order/2019/02 Five Reasons Author Visits Are More Than Just Cool (Opinion) /leadership/opinion-five-reasons-author-visits-are-more-than-just-cool/2018/10 Reading a book and meeting the author is not just a cool event to shake up the regular school routine--it's a powerful learning opportunity that can affect students academically and personally. Thu, 01 Nov 2018 02:09:54 GMT /leadership/opinion-five-reasons-author-visits-are-more-than-just-cool/2018/10 Florida Gubernatorial Candidate Vows to Stop Common Core /teaching-learning/florida-gubernatorial-candidate-vows-to-stop-common-core/2018/09 Republican gubernatorial nominee Ron DeSantis is renewing a political trend that had fallen dormant: calling for the end of the use of the shared standards. Tue, 18 Sep 2018 15:39:00 GMT /teaching-learning/florida-gubernatorial-candidate-vows-to-stop-common-core/2018/09 Young Adults Lead the Way as Poetry Readership Increases Across the Nation /teaching-learning/young-adults-lead-the-way-as-poetry-readership-increases-across-the-nation/2018/09 Despite a move towards using more nonfiction texts in the classroom, young adults' poetry readership in 2017 was the highest on record over a 15-year period. Mon, 17 Sep 2018 17:02:36 GMT /teaching-learning/young-adults-lead-the-way-as-poetry-readership-increases-across-the-nation/2018/09 Arne Duncan's Take on School Reform: Read It! (Opinion) /teaching-learning/opinion-arne-duncans-take-on-school-reform-read-it/2018/08 Marc Tucker reflects on what we can learn about systems reform from the former Secretary's new book. Thu, 30 Aug 2018 17:12:59 GMT /teaching-learning/opinion-arne-duncans-take-on-school-reform-read-it/2018/08 Do States Weaken Their Standards By 'Un-Adopting' the Common Core? These Reviewers Think So. /teaching-learning/do-states-weaken-their-standards-by-un-adopting-the-common-core-these-reviewers-think-so/2018/08 The English/language arts and math standards in most states that "un-adopted" or tweaked the Common Core State Standards are, in the end, "substantially weaker," according to the latest review of state standards from the Thomas B. Fordham Institute. Wed, 22 Aug 2018 04:01:00 GMT /teaching-learning/do-states-weaken-their-standards-by-un-adopting-the-common-core-these-reviewers-think-so/2018/08 Choose an Aligned Math Curriculum, Get Better Common-Core Teaching? /teaching-learning/choose-an-aligned-math-curriculum-get-better-common-core-teaching/2018/08 An aligned textbook appears to help teachers engage students in certain math practices, a report concludes. Tue, 14 Aug 2018 17:51:00 GMT /teaching-learning/choose-an-aligned-math-curriculum-get-better-common-core-teaching/2018/08 Using Inquiry to Teach About China (Opinion) /leadership/opinion-using-inquiry-to-teach-about-china/2018/07 Ideas for teaching about the political relationship of the United States and China. Thu, 26 Jul 2018 19:27:34 GMT /leadership/opinion-using-inquiry-to-teach-about-china/2018/07 The State of Common-Core Reading and Writing in 5 Charts /teaching-learning/the-state-of-common-core-reading-and-writing-in-5-charts/2018/07 Teachers are assigning more nonfiction and teaching vocabulary in context—but they report using fewer grade-level readings in their classes, an expansive new report concludes. Thu, 19 Jul 2018 04:01:00 GMT /teaching-learning/the-state-of-common-core-reading-and-writing-in-5-charts/2018/07 The Testing Tragedy (Opinion) /teaching-learning/opinion-the-testing-tragedy/2018/07 Marc Tucker discusses the importance of getting testing right now that the number of PARCC and Smarter Balanced states have declined significantly. Wed, 18 Jul 2018 15:26:43 GMT /teaching-learning/opinion-the-testing-tragedy/2018/07 State Testing Standards: How States Stack Up /teaching-learning/video-state-testing-standards-how-states-stack-up/2018/06 Almost 10 years have passed since the Common Core State Standards were developed to provide a single set of challenging academic expectations for all students. Along with these new learning standards, came new assessments. Most states adopted one of two federally funded state tests, though some have dropped them and others have developed their own. Do states now have more challenging assessments that reflect higher learning standards? A new report compares the benchmarks and cut scores for each state test against a national assessment. Tue, 12 Jun 2018 20:23:45 GMT /teaching-learning/video-state-testing-standards-how-states-stack-up/2018/06 Four Dichotomies in Education Worth Interrogating (Opinion) /leadership/opinion-four-dichotomies-in-education-worth-interrogating/2018/04 Language can be limiting; it can also be liberating. With that in mind, I wanted to look at some of ways we categorize people and ideas in education, and how they might represent false dichotomies that need to be opened up. Sun, 15 Apr 2018 21:13:36 GMT /leadership/opinion-four-dichotomies-in-education-worth-interrogating/2018/04