Compensatory Education /compensatory-education Compensatory Education en-US 2021 (c) 91Ö±˛Ą Fri, 14 Oct 2022 18:59:20 GMT Older Students Face Time Crunch in Getting Crucial Special Education Services /teaching-learning/older-students-face-time-crunch-in-getting-crucial-special-education-services/2022/10 Many students with disabilities missed out on key transition services during the pandemic. Advocates are pushing schools to make up for lost time. Fri, 14 Oct 2022 18:59:20 GMT /teaching-learning/older-students-face-time-crunch-in-getting-crucial-special-education-services/2022/10 L.A. Agrees to Do More After Failing on Special Education. Could Other Districts Be Next? /teaching-learning/la-agrees-to-do-more-after-failing-on-special-education-could-other-districts-be-next/2022/04 The district failed to meet the needs of students with disabilities during the pandemic, the U.S. Department of Education found. Fri, 29 Apr 2022 21:21:22 GMT /teaching-learning/la-agrees-to-do-more-after-failing-on-special-education-could-other-districts-be-next/2022/04 How Will Schools Pay for Compensatory Services for Special Ed. Students? /teaching-learning/how-will-schools-pay-for-compensatory-services-for-special-ed-students/2020/11 States’ efforts so far suggest there won’t be enough money to go around for all the learning losses of students with disabilities from COVID-19 school shutdowns. Wed, 11 Nov 2020 01:57:39 GMT /teaching-learning/how-will-schools-pay-for-compensatory-services-for-special-ed-students/2020/11 A Few Parents Have Sued Over Special Education During COVID-19. Will More Follow? /teaching-learning/a-few-parents-have-sued-over-special-education-during-covid-19-will-more-follow/2020/07 Districts could face a rising tide of special education-related lawsuits and complaints when schools resume, experts say, if they still cannot offer the services that students with disabilities missed out on for months. Mon, 13 Jul 2020 10:30:52 GMT /teaching-learning/a-few-parents-have-sued-over-special-education-during-covid-19-will-more-follow/2020/07 Hawaii Settles Lawsuit on Illegal Age Limit for Special Education /policy-politics/hawaii-settles-lawsuit-on-illegal-age-limit-for-special-education/2018/06 About $8 million will be eligible for compensatory education to students who were affected by an illegal state-imposed age cap on special education enrollment. Mon, 18 Jun 2018 20:49:00 GMT /policy-politics/hawaii-settles-lawsuit-on-illegal-age-limit-for-special-education/2018/06 Out-of-State Move Doesn't Absolve District of Spec. Ed. Obligations /leadership/out-of-state-move-doesnt-absolve-district-of-spec-ed-obligations/2012/09 The court ruled that there is "no basis to distinguish between out-of-district, but in-state, moves and out-of-state moves in the IDEA or in case law" and rejected the school district's theory that compensatory educational services were "subsumed within the education that he was currently receiving" from his new school district. Thu, 27 Sep 2012 14:16:48 GMT /leadership/out-of-state-move-doesnt-absolve-district-of-spec-ed-obligations/2012/09 Milwaukee Challenges Compensatory Education Ruling /policy-politics/milwaukee-challenges-compensatory-education-ruling/2009/07 The district has been asked to track down potentially thousands of students who did not get the special education services they were entitled to in school. Mon, 13 Jul 2009 21:06:42 GMT /policy-politics/milwaukee-challenges-compensatory-education-ruling/2009/07 Milwaukee Judge Orders Compensatory Special Education /policy-politics/milwaukee-judge-orders-compensatory-special-education/2009/06 A ruling in a long-running lawsuit will require the district to track down former students who weren't properly provided special education services. Tue, 30 Jun 2009 19:13:14 GMT /policy-politics/milwaukee-judge-orders-compensatory-special-education/2009/06 Title I Director Reflects On 30-Year Crusade for Children /education/title-i-director-reflects-on-30-year-crusade-for-children/2000/12 Mary Jean LeTendre, director of compensatory education programs, which include Title I, is retiring, after a 30-year career in the federal government. She leaves with a reputation as one of the department's best-liked and most committed employees. Wed, 13 Dec 2000 15:00:00 GMT /education/title-i-director-reflects-on-30-year-crusade-for-children/2000/12 New Study of Title I Will Examine Program Under States' Standards /policy-politics/new-study-of-title-i-will-examine-program-under-states-standards/1996/10 The Department of Education has awarded a contract for a major new evaluation of the Title I compensatory education program. Wed, 30 Oct 1996 15:00:00 GMT /policy-politics/new-study-of-title-i-will-examine-program-under-states-standards/1996/10 Capital Digest /education/capital-digest/1992/08 Refonns in Chapter 1 regulations mandated by the Congress in 1988 have not done enough to improve the compensatory-education program's services for children, an interim report from a national assessment of the program concludes. Wed, 05 Aug 1992 14:00:00 GMT /education/capital-digest/1992/08 Second Appeals Court Upholds Rule on Chapter 1 Aid /education/second-appeals-court-upholds-rule-on-chapter-1-aid/1992/06 A federal appeals court has upheld the U.S. Education Department's rule on the allocation of Chapter 1 compensatory-education aid to students in religious schools, the second ruling of its kind at the appellate level. Wed, 17 Jun 1992 18:09:10 GMT /education/second-appeals-court-upholds-rule-on-chapter-1-aid/1992/06 Rule Would Expand Participation in Chapter 1 Activities /education/rule-would-expand-participation-in-chapter-1-activities/1992/01 Education Department officials are said to be preparing regulations that would allow children ineligible for Chapter 1 services to participate in activities funded by the federal compensatory education program. Wed, 08 Jan 1992 15:00:00 GMT /education/rule-would-expand-participation-in-chapter-1-activities/1992/01 State Officials Rush To Start Monitoring Chapter 1 Programs /education/state-officials-rush-to-start-monitoring-chapter-1-programs/1989/06 As of late last week, officials in 28 states had assured the Education Department that they had developed plans for monitoring the performance of Chapter 1 compensatory-education programs, a department official said. Wed, 07 Jun 1989 14:00:00 GMT /education/state-officials-rush-to-start-monitoring-chapter-1-programs/1989/06 Final Chapter 1 Rules Ask the States To Set 'Standards' on Pupil Progress /education/final-chapter-1-rules-ask-the-states-to-set-standards-on-pupil-progress/1989/05 The Education Department has issued long-awaited final regulations for the Chapter 1 compensatory-education program that provide some protections for local autonomy, while still giving states substantial authority over local programs. Wed, 31 May 1989 14:00:00 GMT /education/final-chapter-1-rules-ask-the-states-to-set-standards-on-pupil-progress/1989/05 Proposed Rule for Chapter 1 Evaluations Issued /education/proposed-rule-for-chapter-1-evaluations-issued/1988/11 The Education Department has issued proposed regulations to implement changes in the Chapter 1 compensatory-education program made by the omnibus reauthorization law passed by the Congress this year. Wed, 09 Nov 1988 15:00:00 GMT /education/proposed-rule-for-chapter-1-evaluations-issued/1988/11 Department Awards $7 Million for Follow-Through Projects /education/department-awards-7-million-for-follow-through-projects/1988/05 The Education Department has awarded $7 million in grants for demonstration projects under the recently restructured Follow Through compensatory-education program. Wed, 04 May 1988 14:00:00 GMT /education/department-awards-7-million-for-follow-through-projects/1988/05 Takeover Threat In Omnibus Bill Worries Officials /education/takeover-threat-in-omnibus-bill-worries-officials/1988/02 Washington--Chapter 1 provisions that are likely to be included in the pending omnibus education bill could greatly alter the relationship between school districts and the state officials who administer the federal compensatory-education program. Wed, 10 Feb 1988 15:00:00 GMT /education/takeover-threat-in-omnibus-bill-worries-officials/1988/02 Follow Through Program Bids Sought /education/follow-through-program-bids-sought/1987/11 For the first time in 20 years, the Education Department has opened competition for grants under the recently restructured Follow Through compensatory-education program. Wed, 18 Nov 1987 15:00:00 GMT /education/follow-through-program-bids-sought/1987/11 Research And Reports /education/research-and-reports/1983/05 A new guide advising the parents of children enrolled in Chapter 1 programs of their rights and responsibilities in program development has been released by the Center for the Law and Education, a nonprofit group based in Cambridge, Mass. The booklet, written by Paul Weckstein, a lawyer for the center, details the legal provisions requiring such parental involvement and suggests ways to facilitate it. Wed, 15 Apr 1987 14:00:00 GMT /education/research-and-reports/1983/05 Black Educators' Support for Chapter 1 Urged /education/black-educators-support-for-chapter-1-urged/1987/03 Concerned that American blacks have become educationally polarized, U.S. Representative Mervyn M. Dymally, Democrat of California, last week urged 300 specialists in the education of black children to continue their support for the federal Chapter 1 compensatory-education program. "Some of us have gained an education [and] have experienced the satisfaction of success,'' said Mr. Dymally, who is black. "But literally millions of the youngest in our family are not being educated.'' Mon, 30 Mar 1987 15:00:00 GMT /education/black-educators-support-for-chapter-1-urged/1987/03 Bennett, Senator Unveil E.D. Plan for Remedial Aid /education/bennett-senator-unveil-e-d-plan-for-remedial-aid/1987/03 Secretary of Education William J. Bennett has formally unveiled his proposed changes in the federal compensatory-education program, with an assist from Senator Claiborne Pell, the Rhode Island Democrat who is chairman of a key education subcommittee. Wed, 11 Mar 1987 15:00:00 GMT /education/bennett-senator-unveil-e-d-plan-for-remedial-aid/1987/03 Senate Votes To Increase Math, Science Funds /education/senate-votes-to-increase-math-science-funds/1986/09 The Senate has approved a $19- billion bill to pay for federal education programs in fiscal 1987, including increases for Chapter 1 compensatory education. handicapped programs, vocational and adult education, and Pell Grant to undergraduates. Wed, 17 Sep 1986 22:09:07 GMT /education/senate-votes-to-increase-math-science-funds/1986/09 Official: Voucher Drive Stalled /education/official-voucher-drive-stalled/1986/04 The Reagan Administration will not push for a congressional vote on its compensatory-education voucher bill, but will instead be content with continued, vigorous debate on the issue, a senior Education Department official said last week. Wed, 02 Apr 1986 19:52:45 GMT /education/official-voucher-drive-stalled/1986/04 Honors and Appointments /education/honors-and-appointments/1985/10 T. Dan Dugger, a reading and mathematics instructor in the compensatory-education program at Ottway Elementary School in Greeneville, has been named the 1986 Tennessee Teacher of the Year. Lucia French, assistant professor of education at the Graduate School of Education and Human Development of the University of Rochester, has been one of five "Spencer fellowships" awarded annually by the National Academy of Education. The award carries a stipend of $10,000 to be used for research and professional development. Wed, 16 Oct 1985 14:00:00 GMT /education/honors-and-appointments/1985/10 New York Schools Get 1-Year Stay In Felton Case /education/new-york-schools-get-1-year-stay-in-felton-case/1985/10 A federal district judge in Brooklyn has given the New York City Board of Education until the 1986-87 school year to comply with the U.S. Supreme Court decision barring Chapter 1 compensatory-education teachers from private-school classrooms. Wed, 09 Oct 1985 14:00:00 GMT /education/new-york-schools-get-1-year-stay-in-felton-case/1985/10 Congressional Panels Back Chapter 1 'Freeze' /education/congressional-panels-back-chapter-1-freeze/1985/10 Washington--Congressional panels that oversee the Education Department's budget have recommended a freeze in federal education spending for the fiscal year that began Oct. 1. Education lobbyists were particularly dismayed by the freeze in the Chapter 1 compensatory-education account, since the budget blueprint that sets spending ceilings allowed an increase at the rate of inflation in the program. Wed, 02 Oct 1985 14:00:00 GMT /education/congressional-panels-back-chapter-1-freeze/1985/10 Fla. Fails To Spend Chapter 1 Funds /education/fla-fails-to-spend-chapter-1-funds/1985/05 More than $20 million of Florida's $123 million in federal compensatory-education money was unspent or misspent in the 1983-84 school year, according to a compilation of state records by the Miami News. Wed, 22 May 1985 14:00:00 GMT /education/fla-fails-to-spend-chapter-1-funds/1985/05 N.I.E. To Conduct $6.5-Million Review of Chapter 1 Program /education/n-i-e-to-conduct-6-5-million-review-of-chapter-1-program/1984/11 The National Institute of Education is undertaking a $6.5-million, two-year study of the federal compensatory-education program, the first comprehensive examination of the program since it was altered in 1981 by the Reagan Administration. Wed, 21 Nov 1984 15:00:00 GMT /education/n-i-e-to-conduct-6-5-million-review-of-chapter-1-program/1984/11 Court Asked To Reverse Ruling On State Aid in Private Schools /education/court-asked-to-reverse-ruling-on-state-aid-in-private-schools/1984/10 The Justice Department last week urged the U.S. Supreme Court to reverse an appeals court's ruling that a New York City program using federal compensatory-education aid to finance classes taught in private schools by public-school teachers is unconstitutional. Wed, 31 Oct 1984 15:00:00 GMT /education/court-asked-to-reverse-ruling-on-state-aid-in-private-schools/1984/10