Economics /economics Economics en-US 2021 (c) 91ֱȄ Thu, 16 Nov 2023 21:28:09 GMT Teaching Economics (Taylor's Version) /teaching-learning/video-teaching-economics-taylors-version/2023/11 Taylor Swift's massive impact on the economy inspired a high school teacher to create lessons in "Swiftonomics." Thu, 16 Nov 2023 21:28:09 GMT /teaching-learning/video-teaching-economics-taylors-version/2023/11 A Lesson in Eggonomics: The Story of Soaring Prices and Industrious High Schoolers /teaching-learning/a-lesson-in-eggonomics-the-story-of-soaring-prices-and-industrious-high-schoolers/2023/02 California agriculture students are undercutting grocery store egg prices—and learning big lessons in the process. Thu, 09 Feb 2023 21:44:50 GMT /teaching-learning/a-lesson-in-eggonomics-the-story-of-soaring-prices-and-industrious-high-schoolers/2023/02 It’s Their Future (Opinion) /policy-politics/opinion-its-their-future/2009/08 “Beyond balancing checkbooks and understanding the miracle of compound interest, young people need to learn—and teachers need the curriculum resources to teach—about public finances,” writes Andrew L. Yarrow. Wed, 19 Aug 2009 23:35:39 GMT /policy-politics/opinion-its-their-future/2009/08 Seizing the Moment to Raise Economic Literacy /education/seizing-the-moment-to-raise-economic-literacy/2008/09 We've heard of social studies teachers seizing the moment and using the buzz around the Presidential election as a way to motivate students to learn more about the workings of our government. Fri, 19 Sep 2008 13:01:11 GMT /education/seizing-the-moment-to-raise-economic-literacy/2008/09 Flagging Economy Propels Financial Education /policy-politics/flagging-economy-propels-financial-education/2008/02 Concerns about the foundering economy are helping to highlight the need to improve students’ understanding of money matters. Wed, 20 Feb 2008 03:12:12 GMT /policy-politics/flagging-economy-propels-financial-education/2008/02 Why Markets Are Important (And What They Could Do for Public Education) (Opinion) /teaching-learning/opinion-why-markets-are-important-and-what-they-could-do-for-public-education/2008/01 Denis P. Doyle comments on the heavy hand of tradition and the lack of entrepreneurial vitality in the education realm. Tue, 15 Jan 2008 22:24:03 GMT /teaching-learning/opinion-why-markets-are-important-and-what-they-could-do-for-public-education/2008/01 Seniors Handle Broad Economic Principles /teaching-learning/seniors-handle-broad-economic-principles/2007/08 But many struggled with the basics, the first NAEP in the subject shows. Tue, 14 Aug 2007 22:01:38 GMT /teaching-learning/seniors-handle-broad-economic-principles/2007/08 First Economics NAEP Termed ‘Not Discouraging’ /teaching-learning/first-economics-naep-termed-not-discouraging/2007/08 Forty-two percent of U.S. 12th graders scored at or above the “proficient” level on the National Assessment of Educational Progress in economics, the first time that subject has been tested under the heavily scrutinized federal program. Wed, 08 Aug 2007 18:12:37 GMT /teaching-learning/first-economics-naep-termed-not-discouraging/2007/08 Report Finds Lack of Economics Instruction /policy-politics/report-finds-lack-of-economics-instruction/2007/06 Fewer than half the states require students to take even a basic course in economics. Fri, 15 Jun 2007 21:50:36 GMT /policy-politics/report-finds-lack-of-economics-instruction/2007/06 Getting Down to Business /teaching-learning/getting-down-to-business/2007/02 At Villages High School in Florida, getting ready for class is largely about getting ready for work. Tue, 27 Feb 2007 03:46:10 GMT /teaching-learning/getting-down-to-business/2007/02 Addressing Income Inequality /teaching-learning/addressing-income-inequality/2007/02 Ben S. Bernanke, the chairman of the Federal Reserve Board, weighs in on the connection between education and income inequality. Tue, 13 Feb 2007 20:56:06 GMT /teaching-learning/addressing-income-inequality/2007/02 Study Questions Role Math, Science Scores Play In Nations’ GDPs /leadership/study-questions-role-math-science-scores-play-in-nations-gdps/2006/12 A study of more than three dozen countries, including the United States, challenges the popular belief that superior student achievement on international mathematics and science tests breeds national economic success. Wed, 13 Dec 2006 01:02:04 GMT /leadership/study-questions-role-math-science-scores-play-in-nations-gdps/2006/12 Financial-Literacy Challenges Seen /teaching-learning/financial-literacy-challenges-seen/2005/05 Financial education in the nation’s schools seems to have taken one step ahead and a half-step back. Wed, 18 May 2005 01:15:52 GMT /teaching-learning/financial-literacy-challenges-seen/2005/05 Education and the Economy: If We’re So Dumb, Why Are We So Rich? (Opinion) /policy-politics/opinion-education-and-the-economy-if-were-so-dumb-why-are-we-so-rich/2005/02 At some point, if we are to retain the lead in the global economic race, we will have to rely on our homegrown and homebound human capital for our competitive edge, writes Anthony P. Carnevale. Wed, 02 Feb 2005 03:17:00 GMT /policy-politics/opinion-education-and-the-economy-if-were-so-dumb-why-are-we-so-rich/2005/02 Education’s ‘Groundhog Day’ (Opinion) /policy-politics/opinion-educations-groundhog-day/2005/02 Only the foolish would think that 13-year-olds' skills at bubbling in answer sheets would mean much for a nation's well-being, argues Gerald W. Bracey. Wed, 02 Feb 2005 03:17:00 GMT /policy-politics/opinion-educations-groundhog-day/2005/02 Schools in Argentina Reeling From Collapse of Economy /teaching-learning/schools-in-argentina-reeling-from-collapse-of-economy/2002/02 When Argentina's economy collapsed suddenly at the end of last year, the hope and promise stored in its education system abruptly ended. Today, many educators there wonder if schools will even open next month to begin the new academic year. Wed, 13 Feb 2002 15:00:00 GMT /teaching-learning/schools-in-argentina-reeling-from-collapse-of-economy/2002/02 Downturn Threatens Ed. Business More Than Terrorism /leadership/downturn-threatens-ed-business-more-than-terrorism/2001/11 The education industry has emerged from the past two months largely unaffected by the terrors of Sept. 11 and anthrax-tainted mail. Whether it can endure the economic downturn is another question. Wed, 21 Nov 2001 15:00:00 GMT /leadership/downturn-threatens-ed-business-more-than-terrorism/2001/11 National Assessment Will Evaluate Students' Knowledge of Economics /teaching-learning/national-assessment-will-evaluate-students-knowledge-of-economics/2001/10 For the first time ever, the federal government plans to begin testing groups of students from around the country to gauge their understanding of economics. Wed, 17 Oct 2001 14:00:00 GMT /teaching-learning/national-assessment-will-evaluate-students-knowledge-of-economics/2001/10 Unions Decry Global Economy's Education Impact /teaching-learning/unions-decry-global-economys-education-impact/2001/08 Teachers' unions from around the world have issued a collective warning about the potential downsides of globalization, contending that the new global economy based on free trade and deregulation, if left unchecked, threatens the quality of, and access to, education in rich and poor countries alike. Includes a Reporter's Notebook, "Delegates Reminded of Elusiveness of Universal Schooling." Wed, 08 Aug 2001 14:00:00 GMT /teaching-learning/unions-decry-global-economys-education-impact/2001/08 International Union To Debate Effects Of 'Globalization' /teaching-learning/international-union-to-debate-effects-of-globalization/2001/07 Stories of global economic challenges are expected to drive much of the discussion when some 1,000 teacher leaders from across the globe converge in Jomtien, Thailand, later this month for a meeting of Education International, a worldwide coalition of organizations representing education workers. Wed, 11 Jul 2001 14:00:00 GMT /teaching-learning/international-union-to-debate-effects-of-globalization/2001/07 Academic Contests Shaping Curricula For the Humanities /teaching-learning/academic-contests-shaping-curricula-for-the-humanities/2001/06 Even with little of the publicity and recognition—or public and private funding—that surround the top mathematics and science competitions for students, academic contests in the humanities have had an impact in the classroom, many educators say. Wed, 13 Jun 2001 14:00:00 GMT /teaching-learning/academic-contests-shaping-curricula-for-the-humanities/2001/06 Wrong, Wrong, Wrong (Opinion) /teaching-learning/opinion-wrong-wrong-wrong/2001/05 Current school reform efforts fail to reflect the realities of American education and economic life, argues Rona Wilensky. Wed, 09 May 2001 14:00:00 GMT /teaching-learning/opinion-wrong-wrong-wrong/2001/05 Economic Growth /leadership/economic-growth/2000/10 Economists are taking a greater interest in education, resulting in a boom in school-related research in recent years. Includes: "A Sampler of Economic Research on Education." Wed, 25 Oct 2000 14:00:00 GMT /leadership/economic-growth/2000/10 The Top Working Metro Areas /teaching-learning/the-top-working-metro-areas/1998/10 Wed, 07 Oct 1998 14:00:00 GMT /teaching-learning/the-top-working-metro-areas/1998/10 Nation's Economic Good Times Leave Districts Short on Support /teaching-learning/nations-economic-good-times-leave-districts-short-on-support/1998/10 Christopher J. Watkins has become an economic indicator of sorts in St. Louis Park, Minn. Wed, 07 Oct 1998 14:00:00 GMT /teaching-learning/nations-economic-good-times-leave-districts-short-on-support/1998/10 Voluntary Standards for Economics Released /teaching-learning/voluntary-standards-for-economics-released/1997/01 America's schoolchildren will be better equipped to handle personal-finance decisions throughout their lives, from managing their allowances to making sound investments, if the new voluntary national standards for economics are adopted in schools countrywide, authors of the guidelines say. Wed, 15 Jan 1997 15:00:00 GMT /teaching-learning/voluntary-standards-for-economics-released/1997/01 An Economics Education /teaching-learning/an-economics-education/1997/01 An Economics Education Following is a sample content standard from the voluntary national standards in economics. Wed, 15 Jan 1997 15:00:00 GMT /teaching-learning/an-economics-education/1997/01 Federal Government Takes Cues From Popular Culture /teaching-learning/federal-government-takes-cues-from-popular-culture/1996/09 Teachers have long vied for students attention with the forces of popular culture. Comic books are an old-fashioned diversion, and television is in a league all its own. Wed, 25 Sep 1996 14:00:00 GMT /teaching-learning/federal-government-takes-cues-from-popular-culture/1996/09 Much of Populace Found Deficient in Knowledge of Economics /education/much-of-populace-found-deficient-in-knowledge-of-economics/1992/09 A new survey by the Gallup Organization has found high rates of "economic illiteracy'' among 12th-grade students, college seniors, and the general public. Wed, 16 Sep 1992 14:00:00 GMT /education/much-of-populace-found-deficient-in-knowledge-of-economics/1992/09 High-School Students 'Fail' Test of Basic Economics /education/high-school-students-fail-test-of-basic-economics/1989/01 American high-school students' "failing grade" on a test of basic economics concepts holds negative implications for the nation's prosperity, said a group of education, business, and labor leaders in releasing a new national survey. Wed, 11 Jan 1989 15:00:00 GMT /education/high-school-students-fail-test-of-basic-economics/1989/01