Following is a list of major reports on educational reform in the United States that have been published since the report of the National Commission on Excellence in Education, released five years ago this week.
A Nation at Risk, National Commission on Excellence in Education, April “Report of the Task Force on Federal Elementary and Secondary Education Policy,’' Twentieth Century Fund, May 1983
“Academic Preparation for College: What Students Need to Know and Be Able To Do,’' The College Board, May 1983
‘America’s Competitive Challenge: The Need for A National Response, '' Business-Higher Education Forum, May 1983
‘Action for Excellence: A Comprehensive Plan To Improve Our Nation’s Schools,’' Task Force on Education for Economic Growth of the Education Commission of the States, June 1983
“Educating Americans for the 21st Century,’' National Science Board’s Commission on Precollege Education in Mathematics, Science, and Technology, September 1983
High School: A Report on Secondary Education in America, Ernest L. Boyer, Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, 1983
A Place Called School: Prospects for the Future, John I. Goodlad, 1984.
Horace’s Compromise: The Dilemma of the American High School, Theodore R. Sizer, 1984
“High Schools and the Changing Workplace: The Employer’s View,’' National Academy of Sciences, May 1984
“Beyond the Commission Reports: The Coming Crisis in Teaching,’' RAND Corporation, August 1984
‘Changed Lives: The Effects of the Perry Preschool Program on Youths Through Age 19,’' High/Scope Educational Research Foundation, September 1984
“The Unfinished Agenda: The Role of Vocational Education in the High School,’' National Commission on Secondary Vocational Education, November 1984
“Make Something Happen: Hispanics and Urban High School Reform,’' National Commission on Secondary Schooling for Hispanics, November 1984
“Barriers to Excellence: Our Children at Risk,’' National Coalition of
Advocates for Students, January 1985
“The Shopping Mall High School,’' Arthur C. Powell et al., 1985.
“A Call for Change in Teacher Education,’' National Commission for Excellence in Teacher Education, March 1985
‘Becoming a Nation of Readers,’' National Academy of Education, May 1985
“The Governors’ Report on U.S. Education: 1991,’' National Governors’ Association, August 1985
“Reconnecting Youth: The Next Stage of Reform.’' Business Advisory Commission of Education Commission of the States, October 1985
“Investing in Our Children,’' Committee for Economic Development, September 1985
The Last Little Citadel, Robert Hampel, March 1986
“Tomorrow’s Teachers,’' Holmes Group, April 1986
“A Nation Prepared: Teachers for the 21st Century,’' Carnegie Task Force on Teaching as A Profession, May 1986
“First Lessons,’' U.S. Education Department, September 1986
“Time for Results,’' National Governors’ Association, September 1986
“School Boards: Strengthening Grass Roots 91Ö±²¥,’' Institute for Educational 91Ö±²¥, November 1986
“Dropouts in America: Enough Is Known for Action,’' Andrew Hahn et al., Institute for Educational 91Ö±²¥, March 1987
“Public and Private High Schools: The Impact of Communities,’' James S. Coleman and Thomas Hoffer, April 1987
“Bringing Down the Barriers,’' National Governors’ Association, August 1987
“Children in Need,’' Committee for Economic Development, September 1987
“James Madison High School: A Curriculum for American Students,’' William J. Bennett, December 1987.
“New Voices: Immigrant Students in U.S. Public Schools,’' National Coalition of Advocates for Students, April 1988
Credits: “The Unfinished Agenda’’ series is being supported by a grant from the Exxon Education Foundation. All photographs on the preceding eight pages were taken by John Phillips, except those otherwise credited.