Electives /electives Electives en-US 2021 (c) 91ֱ Tue, 29 Oct 2024 21:05:14 GMT Inside the Class Where Students Talk About Abortion, Trump v. Harris, and More /teaching-learning/inside-the-class-where-students-talk-about-abortion-trump-v-harris-and-more/2024/10 A Maine high school has piloted a new class called Election Year, where students dive deep into campaign politics. Tue, 29 Oct 2024 21:05:14 GMT /teaching-learning/inside-the-class-where-students-talk-about-abortion-trump-v-harris-and-more/2024/10 Gaming Is Part of Teen Life. These Districts Use It for Better Student Outcomes /leadership/gaming-is-part-of-teen-life-these-districts-use-it-for-better-student-outcomes/2024/06 Scholastic esports is attracting students who would otherwise not participate in extracurricular activities. Fri, 07 Jun 2024 19:36:24 GMT /leadership/gaming-is-part-of-teen-life-these-districts-use-it-for-better-student-outcomes/2024/06 Swim Lessons Save Lives. Should Schools Provide Them? /teaching-learning/swim-lessons-save-lives-should-schools-provide-them/2023/05 A push is on in some states to make swim lessons part of the school curriculum. Thu, 04 May 2023 19:26:42 GMT /teaching-learning/swim-lessons-save-lives-should-schools-provide-them/2023/05 The Demand for Asian American History Is Growing. See Where /teaching-learning/the-demand-for-asian-american-history-is-growing-see-where/2023/02 Florida is among states facing the possibility of requiring Asian American and Pacific Islander history in K-12 curriculum. Fri, 24 Feb 2023 20:15:26 GMT /teaching-learning/the-demand-for-asian-american-history-is-growing-see-where/2023/02 College Board: No State Has Sway Over Final Version of AP African American Studies /teaching-learning/college-board-no-state-has-sway-over-final-version-of-ap-african-american-studies/2023/01 College Board effectively told its members that it will not consider input from states or districts when releasing the final version of the pilot Black history class that Florida banned. Thu, 26 Jan 2023 21:41:09 GMT /teaching-learning/college-board-no-state-has-sway-over-final-version-of-ap-african-american-studies/2023/01 Florida's Ban on AP African American Studies, Explained /teaching-learning/floridas-ban-on-ap-african-american-studies-explained/2023/01 Florida high schoolers will not be able to take an AP Black history course, after the course was banned for allegedly being inaccurate and illegal. Tue, 24 Jan 2023 21:14:19 GMT /teaching-learning/floridas-ban-on-ap-african-american-studies-explained/2023/01 Texas Rejects Mexican-American Textbook But Will Consider Elective Course (Again) /teaching-learning/texas-rejects-mexican-american-textbook-but-will-consider-elective-course-again/2017/11 The Texas State Board of Education last week voted against a proposed Mexican-American textbook, but agreed to discuss in January the option of creating an elective course in Mexican-American studies instead. Mon, 13 Nov 2017 18:56:00 GMT /teaching-learning/texas-rejects-mexican-american-textbook-but-will-consider-elective-course-again/2017/11 Are Electives Really Student Choice? (Opinion) /leadership/opinion-are-electives-really-student-choice/2016/04 As we plan our classes for students, we must consider their role in the learning. What are we putting in their hands and how can we do it as often as possible? All of school should be elective. Tue, 26 Apr 2016 09:31:42 GMT /leadership/opinion-are-electives-really-student-choice/2016/04 Computer Science: Not Just an Elective Anymore /teaching-learning/computer-science-not-just-an-elective-anymore/2014/02 The subject is getting a fresh look from state and local policymakers, with many pushing measures to expand access to computing courses. Wed, 26 Feb 2014 01:11:46 GMT /teaching-learning/computer-science-not-just-an-elective-anymore/2014/02 Computer Science Moves Past 'Elective' Status in Washington State /teaching-learning/computer-science-moves-past-elective-status-in-washington-state/2013/05 Washington is the 10th state to enact a policy that awards students a math or science credit for successfully completing AP computer science. Tue, 21 May 2013 16:29:24 GMT /teaching-learning/computer-science-moves-past-elective-status-in-washington-state/2013/05 Giving Reading and Writing Instruction a French Twist (Opinion) /teaching-learning/opinion-giving-reading-and-writing-instruction-a-french-twist/2012/04 A French teacher says foreign-language and other electives teachers are uniquely placed to give students enrichment opportunities that help expand literacy skills. Wed, 25 Apr 2012 22:58:06 GMT /teaching-learning/opinion-giving-reading-and-writing-instruction-a-french-twist/2012/04 New Orleans: Turning a New Page /teaching-learning/video-new-orleans-turning-a-new-page/2011/05 Wed, 11 May 2011 18:43:06 GMT /teaching-learning/video-new-orleans-turning-a-new-page/2011/05 Why Electives Matter (Opinion) /teaching-learning/opinion-why-electives-matter/2011/04 Too often excluded from collaborative opportunities, electives teachers can be more effective when they tie their instruction to what students are learning in core classes, writes Susan “Ernie” Rambo. Wed, 13 Apr 2011 22:50:33 GMT /teaching-learning/opinion-why-electives-matter/2011/04 District Survey Shows Cuts in Textbooks, Electives, Field Trips /policy-politics/district-survey-shows-cuts-in-textbooks-electives-field-trips/2010/04 A new survey of school district officials suggests that cuts are on the rise for academic interventions, electives, textbooks, and field trips. Thu, 08 Apr 2010 16:01:34 GMT /policy-politics/district-survey-shows-cuts-in-textbooks-electives-field-trips/2010/04 Beyond Electives /education/beyond-electives/2008/07 This commentary on edweek.org is a good example of how classes outside of a core curriculum can have a major impact on students' motivation levels in all classes. The author, Patrick Boyle, talks about how taking a few film classes in high school sparked a love for movies and opened the door to an interest in history and culture. He says: Tue, 01 Jul 2008 17:57:34 GMT /education/beyond-electives/2008/07 Taking Weight off GPAs With Electives /teaching-learning/taking-weight-off-gpas-with-electives/2007/07 The Wylie, Texas, school district is no longer counting electives in GPA calculations. Tue, 31 Jul 2007 21:44:48 GMT /teaching-learning/taking-weight-off-gpas-with-electives/2007/07 Electives Getting the Boot? It Depends on Where and What /leadership/electives-getting-the-boot-it-depends-on-where-and-what/2006/04 Backers of time-honored electives ranging from band to consumer sciences fear they are being crowded out of the school day as districts, facing tougher state and federal requirements, devote more time and money to core academic subjects. Tue, 18 Apr 2006 22:40:09 GMT /leadership/electives-getting-the-boot-it-depends-on-where-and-what/2006/04 Alabama Lawmakers Push Elective on Bible’s Role in History, Literature /policy-politics/alabama-lawmakers-push-elective-on-bibles-role-in-history-literature/2006/01 Alabama may be in the Bible Belt, but some there are finding that creating a state-approved course for public schools on the Good Book might not be easy. Wed, 18 Jan 2006 02:11:06 GMT /policy-politics/alabama-lawmakers-push-elective-on-bibles-role-in-history-literature/2006/01 Texas School District Adopts Bible-Based Elective Program /education/texas-school-district-adopts-bible-based-elective-program/2005/12 A school board in Odessa, Texas, has approved a curriculum for an elective course that uses the Bible as its main textbook, a decision opponents fear invites proselytizing and snubs non-Protestant students. Sat, 31 Dec 2005 03:07:42 GMT /education/texas-school-district-adopts-bible-based-elective-program/2005/12 Districts Pare 'Electives' for Core Courses /teaching-learning/districts-pare-electives-for-core-courses/1996/12 Toughen the mathematics and science requirements and see the payoff in higher student achievement. At least, that was the intention of Anne Arundel County, Md., school officials who were aiming to improve middle school students' performance on state exams. Wed, 11 Dec 1996 15:00:00 GMT /teaching-learning/districts-pare-electives-for-core-courses/1996/12