Emotional Disturbance /emotional-disturbance Emotional Disturbance en-US 2021 (c) 91Ö±˛Ą Mon, 17 Oct 2022 04:01:01 GMT Addressing the Link Between Anxiety, Depression, and Student Attendance /leadership/addressing-the-link-between-anxiety-depression-and-student-attendance/2022/10 Issues such as severe anxiety and depression can have a direct effect on school avoidance and attendance issues. Mon, 17 Oct 2022 04:01:01 GMT /leadership/addressing-the-link-between-anxiety-depression-and-student-attendance/2022/10 FDA Bans Use of Shock Therapy at School for Students With Special Needs /teaching-learning/fda-bans-use-of-shock-therapy-at-school-for-students-with-special-needs/2020/03 The FDA estimates that between 45 and 50 students at a Massachusetts school for students with autism, emotional disturbances, and intellectual disabilities are subjected to electrical shocks through electrodes attached to their skin. Thu, 05 Mar 2020 19:05:56 GMT /teaching-learning/fda-bans-use-of-shock-therapy-at-school-for-students-with-special-needs/2020/03 Parkland Shooting Report Sharpens Focus on Special Education and Due Process /teaching-learning/parkland-shooting-report-sharpens-focus-on-special-education-and-due-process/2018/08 In a contentious meeting in his junior year, then 18-year-old Nikolas Cruz revoked his consent for special education services after he was told that was the only way he could stay at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. But there were other options, said a report released by a firm hired by the Broward School district. Tue, 07 Aug 2018 21:18:00 GMT /teaching-learning/parkland-shooting-report-sharpens-focus-on-special-education-and-due-process/2018/08 Students With Emotional Disabilities: Facts About This Vulnerable Population /leadership/students-with-emotional-disabilities-facts-about-this-vulnerable-population/2018/03 Advocates worry students with special education needs such as “emotional disturbance” may be stigmatized in light of the intense spotlight on accused Florida school shooter Nikolas Cruz’s mental health history. Tue, 20 Mar 2018 01:05:36 GMT /leadership/students-with-emotional-disabilities-facts-about-this-vulnerable-population/2018/03 Philadelphia Approves Scaled-Back $10 Million Special Education Program /teaching-learning/philadelphia-approves-scaled-back-10-million-special-education-program/2017/07 The program will be an option for 100 students with complex behavioral needs, with the goal of reducing private school placements. Thu, 06 Jul 2017 23:15:00 GMT /teaching-learning/philadelphia-approves-scaled-back-10-million-special-education-program/2017/07 Research Report: Special Education /teaching-learning/special-education/2017/01 A new What Works Clearinghouse intervention report finds a process called "functional behavioral assessment" could help students with emotional disturbances become more engaged in school. Wed, 18 Jan 2017 02:22:41 GMT /teaching-learning/special-education/2017/01 Report: Justice Department to Sue Georgia Over Special Education School Network /leadership/report-justice-department-to-sue-georgia-over-special-education-school-network/2016/08 The Justice Department will take action against Georgia after eight months of fruitless negotiations over a state network of schools for students with emotional and behavioral disabilities. Fri, 19 Aug 2016 20:44:00 GMT /leadership/report-justice-department-to-sue-georgia-over-special-education-school-network/2016/08 School Resources for Supporting Child Mental Health /teaching-learning/school-resources-for-supporting-child-mental-health/2016/07 The New York-based Child Mind Institute highlights several evidence-based options for educators looking to support students with mental health needs. Thu, 07 Jul 2016 15:28:00 GMT /teaching-learning/school-resources-for-supporting-child-mental-health/2016/07 Special Education Aide Arrested After Striking Student /teaching-learning/special-education-aide-arrested-after-striking-student/2016/01 The 26-year-old aide was filmed pinning the student to the ground and also striking him in the face. She was charged with felony child abuse. Thu, 07 Jan 2016 22:08:00 GMT /teaching-learning/special-education-aide-arrested-after-striking-student/2016/01 After Eight Years at Lab School, Pa. Student Seeks Culinary Arts Career /teaching-learning/after-eight-years-at-lab-school-pa-student-seeks-culinary-arts-career/2015/05 At the school serving students with emotional disturbances or autism, Christopher Lineman is working on the skills he needs to succeed at a job and extend his education. Sat, 30 May 2015 01:43:45 GMT /teaching-learning/after-eight-years-at-lab-school-pa-student-seeks-culinary-arts-career/2015/05 Emotionally Disturbed Students at Greatest Risk of Dropping Out, Study Finds /teaching-learning/emotionally-disturbed-students-at-greatest-risk-of-dropping-out-study-finds/2014/11 Among different special education categories, emotionally disturbed students are at highest risk of dropping out, according to a study of 41,000 Utah students. Wed, 26 Nov 2014 17:54:01 GMT /teaching-learning/emotionally-disturbed-students-at-greatest-risk-of-dropping-out-study-finds/2014/11 FDA Panel Recommends Banning Shock Devices Used at Residential School /policy-politics/fda-panel-recommends-banning-shock-devices-used-at-residential-school/2014/04 The Judge Rotenberg Center in Massachusetts, a residential and day school for children and adults with emotional and behavioral disturbances, is the only entity in the country known to use the devices. Fri, 25 Apr 2014 20:37:00 GMT /policy-politics/fda-panel-recommends-banning-shock-devices-used-at-residential-school/2014/04 New Film Explores Students With Emotional, Behavioral Disabilities /leadership/new-film-explores-students-with-emotional-behavioral-disabilities/2012/07 Kelsey Carroll's a self-proclaimed "bitch" who says she's into safety pins, piercings, and tattoos. One of her teachers doesn't want her in class, but a new documentary shows she has what it takes to graduate—with some adult support. Wed, 25 Jul 2012 12:41:16 GMT /leadership/new-film-explores-students-with-emotional-behavioral-disabilities/2012/07 School Using Shock Therapy Under Fire Yet Again /teaching-learning/school-using-shock-therapy-under-fire-yet-again/2012/05 Former employee Greg Miller has created an online petition to push for an end to the practice, which has been challenged in court but remains legal. Thu, 10 May 2012 13:58:36 GMT /teaching-learning/school-using-shock-therapy-under-fire-yet-again/2012/05 Majority of Special Ed. Students in Texas Suspended, Expelled /leadership/majority-of-special-ed-students-in-texas-suspended-expelled/2011/07 Students with disabilities, in particular an emotional disturbance, are especially likely to be suspended or expelled from Texas middle and high schools, a new study finds. Tue, 19 Jul 2011 15:55:39 GMT /leadership/majority-of-special-ed-students-in-texas-suspended-expelled/2011/07 Free Resource Friday: Resources for At-Risk Youth /teaching-learning/free-resource-friday-resources-for-at-risk-youth/2010/10 The National Evaluation and Technical Assistance Center for the Education of Children and Youth Who Are Neglected, Delinquent and At-Risk has a number of resources for educators who work regularly with students who may have emotional or behavioral disabilities. Fri, 15 Oct 2010 21:34:54 GMT /teaching-learning/free-resource-friday-resources-for-at-risk-youth/2010/10 Weekend Reading: Emotional/Behavioral Disorder in the News /teaching-learning/weekend-reading-emotional-behavioral-disorder-in-the-news/2010/07 Two news items show mixed news for students with emotional/behavioral disorders. Fri, 09 Jul 2010 21:15:37 GMT /teaching-learning/weekend-reading-emotional-behavioral-disorder-in-the-news/2010/07 Behavior Disorders in Teens Are Focus of New R&D Effort /leadership/behavior-disorders-in-teens-are-focus-of-new-r-d-effort/2008/09 A consortium of seven universities received a grant to establish a research group that will search for successful methods for educating a group of students that some experts see as long overlooked. Tue, 02 Sep 2008 21:21:38 GMT /leadership/behavior-disorders-in-teens-are-focus-of-new-r-d-effort/2008/09 New Definition of 'Emotionally Disturbed' Sought /education/new-definition-of-emotionally-disturbed-sought/1992/04 BALTIMORE--Seventeen national organizations in the mental-health and special-education fields are proposing, for the first time in nearly 17 years, that the federal definition o "emotionally disturbed" children be changed. Wed, 29 Apr 1992 14:00:00 GMT /education/new-definition-of-emotionally-disturbed-sought/1992/04 Schools Falling Short In Aiding Emotionally Disturbed, Study Says /education/schools-falling-short-in-aiding-emotionally-disturbed-study-says/1990/04 The first comprehensive look at the quality of school life being provided the estimated 3 to 5 percent of U.S. children suffering from emotional and behavioral disorders is a portrait far from flattering. Wed, 25 Apr 1990 14:00:00 GMT /education/schools-falling-short-in-aiding-emotionally-disturbed-study-says/1990/04 Needs of the Emotionally Disturbed Emerging in Debate on Federal Law /education/needs-of-the-emotionally-disturbed-emerging-in-debate-on-federal-law/1989/03 When Kristin Huff first started having problems with her schoolwork at the age of 6, teachers at her Wichita, Kan., elementary school labeled her "learning disabled" and placed her in a special-education program. Wed, 08 Mar 1989 15:00:00 GMT /education/needs-of-the-emotionally-disturbed-emerging-in-debate-on-federal-law/1989/03 New Study Cautions Against Overreliance on Multiple I.Q. Tests /education/new-study-cautions-against-overreliance-on-multiple-i-q-tests/1982/09 Black children with learning disabilities or serious emotional disturbances run a high risk of being improperly classified in special-education programs, according to Vernon G. Gettone, dean of the school of education at South Carolina State College. Wed, 01 Sep 1982 14:00:00 GMT /education/new-study-cautions-against-overreliance-on-multiple-i-q-tests/1982/09