Employment Law /employment-law Employment Law en-US 2021 (c) 91Ö±˛Ą Tue, 03 Dec 2024 22:46:47 GMT Law Restricting Teachers' Unions Falls After More Than a Decade /teaching-learning/law-restricting-teachers-unions-falls-after-more-than-a-decade/2024/12 The Wisconsin law, a poster child for efforts to curb collective bargaining over the past decade, was deemed unconstitutional. Tue, 03 Dec 2024 22:46:47 GMT /teaching-learning/law-restricting-teachers-unions-falls-after-more-than-a-decade/2024/12 Why It Will Now Be Easier for Educators to Sue Over Job Transfers /policy-politics/why-it-will-now-be-easier-for-educators-to-sue-over-job-transfers/2024/04 The case asked whether transferred employees had to show a 'significant' change in job conditions to sue under Title VII. The court said no. Wed, 17 Apr 2024 21:20:24 GMT /policy-politics/why-it-will-now-be-easier-for-educators-to-sue-over-job-transfers/2024/04 How a Supreme Court Case on Job Transfers Will Impact Schools /policy-politics/how-a-supreme-court-case-on-job-transfers-will-impact-schools/2023/12 The justices consider whether workers alleging employment discrimination must show that a lateral job transfer harmed them. Wed, 06 Dec 2023 21:54:55 GMT /policy-politics/how-a-supreme-court-case-on-job-transfers-will-impact-schools/2023/12 In New Term, Supreme Court Set to Tackle Case on School Board Members' Social Media Use /policy-politics/in-new-term-supreme-court-set-to-tackle-case-on-school-board-members-social-media-use/2023/09 The docket for education cases looks more modest than last term, but cases on magnet schools and transgender students could be added. Thu, 28 Sep 2023 19:57:02 GMT /policy-politics/in-new-term-supreme-court-set-to-tackle-case-on-school-board-members-social-media-use/2023/09 2 Big Supreme Court Cases—But Not the Ones You Think—With Implications for Public Schools /policy-politics/2-big-supreme-court-cases-but-not-the-ones-you-think-with-implications-for-public-schools/2023/07 Employees won stronger ground to claim a religious accommodation, as a new case will address when job transfers are covered by federal law. Fri, 07 Jul 2023 19:54:12 GMT /policy-politics/2-big-supreme-court-cases-but-not-the-ones-you-think-with-implications-for-public-schools/2023/07 Court Backs Firing of Teacher Who Refused to Use Transgender Students’ Names /policy-politics/court-backs-firing-of-teacher-who-refused-to-use-transgender-students-names/2023/04 The appellate court said a teacher seeking a religious accommodation under Title VII caused undue hardship for a school district. Mon, 10 Apr 2023 21:06:00 GMT /policy-politics/court-backs-firing-of-teacher-who-refused-to-use-transgender-students-names/2023/04 Florida District to Pay Teacher at Center of Black Lives Matter Flag Controversy $300,000 /policy-politics/florida-district-to-pay-teacher-at-center-of-black-lives-matter-flag-controversy-300-000/2021/08 Amy Donofrio made national news earlier this year, saying administrators told her to take down the Black Lives Matter flag from her doorway. Tue, 17 Aug 2021 20:40:35 GMT /policy-politics/florida-district-to-pay-teacher-at-center-of-black-lives-matter-flag-controversy-300-000/2021/08 High Court Declines to Hear Ex-Principal's Race-Bias Case Over Transfer to Central Office /policy-politics/high-court-declines-to-hear-ex-principals-race-bias-case-over-transfer-to-central-office/2021/06 The justices also refuse to take up a case challenging the requirement that men, but not women, register for the military draft. Mon, 07 Jun 2021 20:39:52 GMT /policy-politics/high-court-declines-to-hear-ex-principals-race-bias-case-over-transfer-to-central-office/2021/06 Teachers' Rights Under COVID-19: Anxiety Meets Legality /teaching-learning/teachers-rights-under-covid-19-anxiety-meets-legality/2020/11 Schools and staff confront a welter of employment laws and regulations when it comes to on-site work under the pandemic. Thu, 19 Nov 2020 17:48:25 GMT /teaching-learning/teachers-rights-under-covid-19-anxiety-meets-legality/2020/11 Court Pick Ruled on Campus Sex Assault, Other Education Issues as Appeals Judge /policy-politics/court-pick-ruled-on-campus-sex-assault-other-education-issues-as-appeals-judge/2020/09 U.S. Supreme Court nominee Judge Amy Coney Barrett has ruled on due process and Title IX issues in campus sex assaults, qualified immunity, private schools, and other issues. Sat, 26 Sep 2020 21:07:10 GMT /policy-politics/court-pick-ruled-on-campus-sex-assault-other-education-issues-as-appeals-judge/2020/09 Supreme Court Narrows Employment Protections for Parochial School Teachers /education/supreme-court-narrows-employment-protections-for-parochial-school-teachers/2020/07 The U.S. Supreme Court ruled 7-2 that federal courts are foreclosed from hearing employment-discrimination claims from teachers at religious schools who have at least some role in teaching the faith. Wed, 08 Jul 2020 15:13:00 GMT /education/supreme-court-narrows-employment-protections-for-parochial-school-teachers/2020/07 Teacher: I Was Fired for Being Gay. Now It Can't Happen to Anyone Else (Opinion) /policy-politics/opinion-teacher-i-was-fired-for-being-gay-now-it-cant-happen-to-anyone-else/2020/06 The U.S. Supreme Court’s recent ruling was a victory, but it doesn’t take away the hurt of losing my students in a cold February, writes Brett Bigham. Wed, 24 Jun 2020 00:34:33 GMT /policy-politics/opinion-teacher-i-was-fired-for-being-gay-now-it-cant-happen-to-anyone-else/2020/06 Supreme Court Rules Job Discrimination Law Shields LGBTQ Workers /policy-politics/supreme-court-rules-job-discrimination-law-shields-lgbtq-workers/2020/06 The sweeping 6-3 civil rights ruling has implications for school districts as employers as well as for continuing legal battles over the rights of transgender students. Tue, 16 Jun 2020 02:18:35 GMT /policy-politics/supreme-court-rules-job-discrimination-law-shields-lgbtq-workers/2020/06 Supreme Court Weighs Parochial School Teachers' Employment Rights /education/supreme-court-weighs-parochial-school-teachers-employment-rights/2020/05 The justices consider two cases involving lay teachers at Roman Catholic schools and must decide whether such positions are exempt from protection of civil rights and employment laws. Mon, 11 May 2020 20:44:00 GMT /education/supreme-court-weighs-parochial-school-teachers-employment-rights/2020/05 Next Up at Supreme Court: Employment Rights of Parochial School Teachers /policy-politics/next-up-at-supreme-court-employment-rights-of-parochial-school-teachers/2020/05 A pair of cases being heard by the high court will likely determine whether job-discrimination laws apply to tens of thousands of teachers at religious schools. Fri, 08 May 2020 00:52:38 GMT /policy-politics/next-up-at-supreme-court-employment-rights-of-parochial-school-teachers/2020/05 Supreme Court to Hear Appeals From Two Catholic Schools in Job-Bias Cases /education/supreme-court-to-hear-appeals-from-two-catholic-schools-in-job-bias-cases/2019/12 The justices will use cases involving teachers who allege employment discrimination to further define the scope of the "ministerial exception" to job-bias laws for religious employers. Wed, 18 Dec 2019 18:29:00 GMT /education/supreme-court-to-hear-appeals-from-two-catholic-schools-in-job-bias-cases/2019/12 Supreme Court Says Federal Age-Bias Law Applies to Local Governments of Any Size /education/supreme-court-says-federal-age-bias-law-applies-to-local-governments-of-any-size/2018/11 In a decision that could affect small school districts, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 applies to political subdivisions no matter how many employees they have. Tue, 06 Nov 2018 18:08:00 GMT /education/supreme-court-says-federal-age-bias-law-applies-to-local-governments-of-any-size/2018/11 Supreme Court Delivers Fair Share Case Decision (Opinion) /policy-politics/opinion-supreme-court-delivers-fair-share-case-decision/2018/06 This morning, the U.S. Supreme Court issued a ruling on Janus v. AFSCME, a high-profile case with big implications for unions, leaders, and school systems across the country. Wed, 27 Jun 2018 19:20:36 GMT /policy-politics/opinion-supreme-court-delivers-fair-share-case-decision/2018/06 Federal Appeals Court Blocks Catholic School Principal's Bias Suit /education/federal-appeals-court-blocks-catholic-school-principals-bias-suit/2017/07 The court rules that the principal's position made her a minister of the church for purposes of the "ministerial exception" to employment-discrimination laws. Sat, 15 Jul 2017 03:03:00 GMT /education/federal-appeals-court-blocks-catholic-school-principals-bias-suit/2017/07 White House and EEOC Makes Changes to Promote Equal Pay (Opinion) /policy-politics/opinion-white-house-and-eeoc-makes-changes-to-promote-equal-pay/2016/02 On January 29, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission shared information on proposed revisions to Employer Information Reports. While this change does not directly impact school districts, organizations providing services to districts could be affected. It could be speculated that the other requirements could be altered in the future that impact district pay. Mon, 15 Feb 2016 21:07:05 GMT /policy-politics/opinion-white-house-and-eeoc-makes-changes-to-promote-equal-pay/2016/02 U.S. Supreme Court Backs Worker in Pregnancy-Bias Case /education/u-s-supreme-court-backs-worker-in-pregnancy-bias-case/2015/03 In a case watched by educators, the justices made it easier for pregnant workers to press discrimination claims when they have been denied accommodations. Wed, 25 Mar 2015 21:06:00 GMT /education/u-s-supreme-court-backs-worker-in-pregnancy-bias-case/2015/03 President Obama Wants to Update Overtime Pay Rules (Opinion) /policy-politics/opinion-president-obama-wants-to-update-overtime-pay-rules/2014/03 President Obama recently issued a memorandum instructing the Secretary of Labor to update regulations regarding who qualifies for overtime protection. The decision could affect organization's employees, budgets, HR policies, etc. Sun, 23 Mar 2014 14:47:00 GMT /policy-politics/opinion-president-obama-wants-to-update-overtime-pay-rules/2014/03 HR Trends Impacting School Districts (Opinion) /policy-politics/opinion-hr-trends-impacting-school-districts/2014/02 The Society for Human Resources Management recently released a report offering information on the latest HR trends according to panels of senior HR practitioners, consultants, academics, and policy experts. Tue, 25 Feb 2014 22:04:00 GMT /policy-politics/opinion-hr-trends-impacting-school-districts/2014/02 All Faiths Must Be Welcome in the Workplace (Opinion) /leadership/opinion-all-faiths-must-be-welcome-in-the-workplace/2013/07 Around the world, 1.6 billion Muslims are observing the Islamic holy month of Ramadan by fasting without food or water from dawn to sunset. Many also increase their salat (prayers), Quranic recitation, and charitable giving. For talent managers, this is a perfect opportunity to review your organization's policies and practices protecting employees of all faiths in the workplace. Thu, 18 Jul 2013 19:44:34 GMT /leadership/opinion-all-faiths-must-be-welcome-in-the-workplace/2013/07 When Can An Internship Go Unpaid? (Opinion) /policy-politics/opinion-when-can-an-internship-go-unpaid/2013/07 As a follow-up to my post, Court Decisions Challenge Legality of Unpaid Internships, here is a bit of information for those interested on what qualifies as an internship and what doesn't. Wed, 03 Jul 2013 18:35:16 GMT /policy-politics/opinion-when-can-an-internship-go-unpaid/2013/07 Court Decisions Challenge Legality of Unpaid Internships (Opinion) /policy-politics/opinion-court-decisions-challenge-legality-of-unpaid-internships/2013/07 It's not unusual for college students to pursue an unpaid internship to build experience in hopes of gaining a fulltime position upon graduation. In fact, Intern Bridge, a research firm, estimates that more than 500,000 undergraduate students participate in unpaid internships yearly. Mon, 01 Jul 2013 19:59:25 GMT /policy-politics/opinion-court-decisions-challenge-legality-of-unpaid-internships/2013/07 AMA Classification on Obesity Could Impact Talent Managers (Opinion) /teaching-learning/opinion-ama-classification-on-obesity-could-impact-talent-managers/2013/06 On June 18, the American Medical Association (AMA) classified obesity as a disease that could receive medical treatment. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, nearly 18 percent of children age two through nineteen and 35.7 percent of adults are "obese." As obesity rates have risen dramatically in the past 20 years, many organizations have become involved in working to educate and prevent obesity as well as assist individuals who are looking for help when it comes to losing weight. Thu, 27 Jun 2013 14:10:15 GMT /teaching-learning/opinion-ama-classification-on-obesity-could-impact-talent-managers/2013/06 Justices Back Educational Employers in Title VII Rulings /education/justices-back-educational-employers-in-title-vii-rulings/2013/06 The U.S. Supreme Court sided with educational institutions in two decisions that curtailed the rights of workers to battle common forms of job discrimination. Mon, 24 Jun 2013 22:51:00 GMT /education/justices-back-educational-employers-in-title-vii-rulings/2013/06 Justices Decline to Hear School Workers' 'Ledbetter' Claim /policy-politics/justices-decline-to-hear-school-workers-ledbetter-claim/2012/10 The U.S. Supreme Court declined to hear an appeal which sought to use the Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act to revive claims of age discrimination in employment. Mon, 01 Oct 2012 19:58:00 GMT /policy-politics/justices-decline-to-hear-school-workers-ledbetter-claim/2012/10 What Should Districts Know About the Americans with Disabilities Act? (Opinion) /leadership/opinion-what-should-districts-know-about-the-americans-with-disabilities-act/2012/09 Most Americans have heard about the Americans with Disabilities Act and the importance of being ADA compliant. But, what does that mean for employees and organizations, and how does the law impact school districts? Following is information about the ADA that all K-12 talent managers should know. Fri, 21 Sep 2012 15:04:24 GMT /leadership/opinion-what-should-districts-know-about-the-americans-with-disabilities-act/2012/09