High Performing Schools /high-performing-schools High Performing Schools en-US 2021 (c) 91Ö±˛Ą Wed, 08 May 2019 01:04:59 GMT The Battle Over Who Gets Into Elite Public High Schools /leadership/the-battle-over-who-gets-into-elite-public-high-schools/2019/05 Chicago’s approach to admissions for selective high schools could be a model for New York City, where black and Latino students comprise a tiny share of students who are selected for its most sought-after high schools. Wed, 08 May 2019 01:04:59 GMT /leadership/the-battle-over-who-gets-into-elite-public-high-schools/2019/05 Friendship: A Sign of High-Performing Schools? (Opinion) /leadership/opinion-friendship-a-sign-of-high-performing-schools/2019/04 What is the most important way to measure staff culture in a school? Tue, 30 Apr 2019 11:10:30 GMT /leadership/opinion-friendship-a-sign-of-high-performing-schools/2019/04 Ohio Seeks Alternative Tests for High-Performing Schools /teaching-learning/ohio-seeks-alternative-tests-for-high-performing-schools/2015/04 Ohio joins a small but growing number of states that are seeking or considering federal permission to excuse some schools or districts from state-mandated tests. Tue, 07 Apr 2015 15:20:16 GMT /teaching-learning/ohio-seeks-alternative-tests-for-high-performing-schools/2015/04 Feds Give $40M to Help High-Performing Charter Schools Expand /policy-politics/feds-give-40m-to-help-high-performing-charter-schools-expand/2014/10 The federal government is awarding nearly $40 million to charter schools in 12 states with the aim of helping high-performing charter operators expand. Wed, 08 Oct 2014 22:41:33 GMT /policy-politics/feds-give-40m-to-help-high-performing-charter-schools-expand/2014/10 Rewards for Schools Key Facet of NCLB Waivers /policy-politics/rewards-for-schools-key-facet-of-nclb-waivers/2013/05 States that got flexibility under the No Child Left Behind Act have promised cash bonuses and other rewards to high-performing schools and those that show significant progress. Mon, 06 May 2013 15:56:31 GMT /policy-politics/rewards-for-schools-key-facet-of-nclb-waivers/2013/05 Creating the Capacity for Teachers to Design High-Performing Schools (Opinion) /education/opinion-creating-the-capacity-for-teachers-to-design-high-performing-schools/2013/04 At Mission Hill, we see what's possible when teachers have the freedom and autonomy to make meaningful decisions around the structure and purpose of the school day. What would it take to create more school cultures like this -- and what would teachers create as a result? Kim Farris-Berg has some ideas. Mon, 29 Apr 2013 16:22:01 GMT /education/opinion-creating-the-capacity-for-teachers-to-design-high-performing-schools/2013/04 Arizona Weighing 'Performance Funding' for Schools /policy-politics/arizona-weighing-performance-funding-for-schools/2013/04 Gov. Jan Brewer is backing an unusual effort to tie a relatively small portion of school funding to districts' performance on the state’s A-F grading system. Tue, 02 Apr 2013 22:28:17 GMT /policy-politics/arizona-weighing-performance-funding-for-schools/2013/04 The Best Bargain in American Education (Opinion) /leadership/opinion-the-best-bargain-in-american-education/2012/10 Chester E. Finn Jr. and Jessica A. Hockett write that exam schools offer a great high school education to students that is both free and competitive. Thu, 18 Oct 2012 15:42:01 GMT /leadership/opinion-the-best-bargain-in-american-education/2012/10 Education Reform: Competing and Winning with Collaboration (Opinion) /leadership/opinion-education-reform-competing-and-winning-with-collaboration/2012/10 Alan Blankstein, CEO and Founder of the HOPE Foundation, is back with a guest blog. Today he describes real reform that is sustainable because it focuses on collaboration not confrontation. Fri, 12 Oct 2012 14:15:00 GMT /leadership/opinion-education-reform-competing-and-winning-with-collaboration/2012/10 5 Ways to Build Sustainable Relationships Within Your School (Opinion) /leadership/opinion-5-ways-to-build-sustainable-relationships-within-your-school/2012/07 Note: Alan Blankstein, president and founder of the HOPE Foundation, shares some of the work he has been doing to transform public schools with a guest post today. Mon, 30 Jul 2012 12:00:00 GMT /leadership/opinion-5-ways-to-build-sustainable-relationships-within-your-school/2012/07 'Best High Schools' Data to Be Reviewed /policy-politics/best-high-schools-data-to-be-reviewed/2012/05 Reports of faulty data led the statistics agency to review the data it supplies for U.S. News' high school rankings. Mon, 21 May 2012 22:20:20 GMT /policy-politics/best-high-schools-data-to-be-reviewed/2012/05 Statistics Agency to Review 'Best High Schools' Data /policy-politics/statistics-agency-to-review-best-high-schools-data/2012/05 The National Center for Education Statistics is rechecking data on about 5,000 high schools after faulty information from the federal agency led to erroneous rankings for the high schools on U.S. News & World Report's "Best High Schools" list. Wed, 16 May 2012 15:41:20 GMT /policy-politics/statistics-agency-to-review-best-high-schools-data/2012/05 Top Ten Ways to Become a High-Performing System (Part Two) (Opinion) /policy-politics/opinion-top-ten-ways-to-become-a-high-performing-system-part-two/2012/02 Vivien Stewart, senior advisor to Asia Society, offers advice to districts and states based on the lessons from high-performing school systems. Fri, 17 Feb 2012 10:44:32 GMT /policy-politics/opinion-top-ten-ways-to-become-a-high-performing-system-part-two/2012/02 From High Poverty to High Performing (Opinion) /leadership/opinion-from-high-poverty-to-high-performing/2011/12 I always cringe when I hear so-called reformers say poverty is "no excuse" for lack of student achievement. It is not because I don't subscribe to that belief, but because I know politicians will use that message as an excuse for not "leveling the playing field" for poor children. To believe that you can treat and fund all schools in the same way meets what many call the definition of insanity--doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. From collective bargaining contracts to federal law, poverty has to be a factor in every decision that affects the education of poor children and those who educate them. Thu, 01 Dec 2011 17:00:00 GMT /leadership/opinion-from-high-poverty-to-high-performing/2011/12 Broad Prize: Elite Club or Catalyst for Change? /leadership/broad-prize-elite-club-or-catalyst-for-change/2011/10 Familiar names keep cropping up as finalists for the prestigious Broad Prize, causing some to wonder if the successful strategies of winning districts are spreading anywhere else. Tue, 18 Oct 2011 20:22:38 GMT /leadership/broad-prize-elite-club-or-catalyst-for-change/2011/10 Unusual Staffing Plan Helps N.C. District Snag Broad Award /leadership/unusual-staffing-plan-helps-n-c-district-snag-broad-award/2011/09 Charlotte-Mecklenburg strategically deployed educators to schools and paid them an extra $20,000 to improve student achievement. Wed, 28 Sep 2011 00:11:14 GMT /leadership/unusual-staffing-plan-helps-n-c-district-snag-broad-award/2011/09 Charlotte-Mecklenburg Wins Broad Prize /leadership/charlotte-mecklenburg-wins-broad-prize/2011/09 The diverse North Carolina district was singled out for its success in narrowing achievement gaps among its 133,600 students. Tue, 20 Sep 2011 19:59:01 GMT /leadership/charlotte-mecklenburg-wins-broad-prize/2011/09 Leading With Love at Booker T. Washington (Opinion) /leadership/opinion-leading-with-love-at-booker-t-washington/2011/05 The principal of the Memphis, Tenn., high school where President Obama recently delivered the commencement address says love is an essential component of education. Thu, 26 May 2011 18:08:28 GMT /leadership/opinion-leading-with-love-at-booker-t-washington/2011/05 'Green Schools' Benefit Budgets and Students, Report Says /leadership/green-schools-benefit-budgets-and-students-report-says/2011/05 The American Institute of Architects and the Green Building Council detail what local leaders can do to advance the movement for environmentally friendly schools. Tue, 24 May 2011 22:59:05 GMT /leadership/green-schools-benefit-budgets-and-students-report-says/2011/05 Regular Public Schools Start to Mimic Charters /leadership/regular-public-schools-start-to-mimic-charters/2010/11 In a few communities, charter schools are starting to collaborate and share practices with other public schools. Mon, 08 Nov 2010 17:47:08 GMT /leadership/regular-public-schools-start-to-mimic-charters/2010/11 Do High Scores Mean High Quality? (Opinion) /education/opinion-do-high-scores-mean-high-quality/2010/05 It's always encouraging to read reports of underperforming public schools that were turned around even though they still served the same proportion of disadvantaged students. In 2006, for example, the Annenberg Institute for School Reform released Beating the Odds: How Thirteen NYC Schools Bring Low-Performing Ninth-Graders to Timely Graduation and College Enrollment. More recently, the New York Times published a news story about P.S. 172 in Brooklyn, N.Y. to illustrate how family poverty does not necessarily determine performance ("Brooklyn School Scores High Despite Poverty," Apr. 26). Mon, 03 May 2010 08:25:00 GMT /education/opinion-do-high-scores-mean-high-quality/2010/05 Best Practices in the Middle Grades Identified /teaching-learning/best-practices-in-the-middle-grades-identified/2010/02 California schools successfully serving students ages 10 to 14 shared a common set of characteristics, a new study finds. Thu, 25 Feb 2010 19:17:35 GMT /teaching-learning/best-practices-in-the-middle-grades-identified/2010/02 Investing Quick Millions for Long-Term Results (Opinion) /leadership/opinion-investing-quick-millions-for-long-term-results/2010/02 Heather Zavadsky shows how Broad Prize-winning districts can teach other urban systems about using new federal funding well. Wed, 10 Feb 2010 00:39:30 GMT /leadership/opinion-investing-quick-millions-for-long-term-results/2010/02 What Do School Rankings Really Mean? (Opinion) /leadership/opinion-what-do-school-rankings-really-mean/2009/12 Popular listings of the "best" K-12 schools in an area have some hidden dangers, and educational flaws, writes Deanna Burney. Mon, 07 Dec 2009 22:02:10 GMT /leadership/opinion-what-do-school-rankings-really-mean/2009/12 Duncan Aims to Make Incentives Key Element of ESEA /policy-politics/duncan-aims-to-make-incentives-key-element-of-esea/2009/12 The education secretary wants a reauthorized law to reward high-performing schools, districts, and states. Tue, 01 Dec 2009 05:03:37 GMT /policy-politics/duncan-aims-to-make-incentives-key-element-of-esea/2009/12 Tight Focus on Instruction Wins Texas District Prize /leadership/tight-focus-on-instruction-wins-texas-district-prize/2009/10 Educators in Aldine district have been working for more than a decade to refine their "managed instruction" system. Mon, 05 Oct 2009 20:05:08 GMT /leadership/tight-focus-on-instruction-wins-texas-district-prize/2009/10 From Fear Factor to Peer Factor (Opinion) /policy-politics/opinion-from-fear-factor-to-peer-factor/2009/09 Andy Hargreaves and Dennis Shirley look outside the United States to find exceptional education systems and alternative approaches to school improvement. Mon, 14 Sep 2009 19:35:44 GMT /policy-politics/opinion-from-fear-factor-to-peer-factor/2009/09 A 'Disruptive' Turnaround Vision (Opinion) /leadership/opinion-a-disruptive-turnaround-vision/2009/08 "Dramatic mission creep on one hand, and the dissolution of families and communities on the other, have made teaching impossibly difficult and beyond the skill set of average people," writes Gisèle Huff. Fri, 21 Aug 2009 01:10:29 GMT /leadership/opinion-a-disruptive-turnaround-vision/2009/08 It's No Secret: Progress Prized In Brownsville /leadership/its-no-secret-progress-prized-in-brownsville/2008/12 A Texas border district sees teacher training and data-based instruction as paths to learning gains—and the $1 million Broad award adds validation. Mon, 01 Dec 2008 22:16:53 GMT /leadership/its-no-secret-progress-prized-in-brownsville/2008/12 A School Where STEM Is King /teaching-learning/a-school-where-stem-is-king/2008/03 A selective, specialized high school in Baltimore uses an interdisciplinary approach that enables students to experience the subjects as a way of life. Sat, 22 Mar 2008 00:42:52 GMT /teaching-learning/a-school-where-stem-is-king/2008/03