
Data: How Does Teacher Tech Training Compare Across States?

Data from the National Assessment of Educational Progress shows how much professional development on using technology 8th grade math teachers received. Data is broken down by state.

Data: How Does Teacher Tech Training Compare Across States?


As part of the National Assessment of Educational Progress in 2015, educators and students completed background surveys that shed light on a variety of factors, including teacher training to integrate technology into instruction. Nationally, according to the surveys, most 8th grade math students had teachers who reported that they had learned some skills from professional development on the integration of technology into instruction. But only 13 percent had teachers who said they learned a lot from such training. The findings also reveal considerable state-to-state variation in ed-tech practices.

More data from Technology Counts:
• State Data: How Do Students Actually Use Classroom Computers?
• Data Dive: Devices and Software Flooding Into Classrooms

Correction: An earlier version of this article included inaccurate phrasing regarding the findings from the National Assessment of Educational Progress. Data extracted from NAEP show the percentage of students.

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