
Educators Share Their #BestPD, #WorstPD

We asked educators to share on Twitter the professional development that inspired them or that left them scratching their heads.

Educators Share Their #BestPD, #WorstPD

91ֱ asked educators to share on Twitter the professional development that inspired them or that left them scratching their heads. Here’s a sample of responses:

Worst PD

Once got PD on how to use the new soap dispensers in the bathroom #worstPD


If the presenters haven’t stepped foot in a classroom in the last 3 years, it’s probably going to be the #worstPD


Paying a speaker who, legit, pressed “play” on an old-time-y tape player for a few hours. I think we all died inside.


So numerous: presenter hands us printout of PowerPoint and then proceeds to read us the PowerPoint … All. Day. Long.


A full-district PD where the speaker had us respond to hand signals w/ claps, etc. like trained animals. Offensive.


Motivational spkr made us stand & sing all the verses to Kenny Rogers ‘You Picked a Fine Time to Leave Me, Lucille’


Best PD

No substitute for having to watch/analyze myself on video. It makes you self-examine much more authentically. #bestpd


Practicing strategies on students, getting immediate feedback, trying again. #bestPD


The #bestPD gives teachers something that they can walk away with and immediately use in the classroom


When our district relied on the talents of our own employees to provide training in various areas, especially tech #bestPD


#bestPD mirrors best classroom practices … differentiated, challenging, interactive, student-centered, inquiry-based…


The #bestPD is where what you learn can be applicable at YOUR school, in YOUR class, for YOUR students.


A version of this article appeared in the April 26, 2017 edition of 91ֱ as #BestPD, #WorstPD