
Student Well-Being

Federal Government Steps in to Help Young People Find Summer Jobs

By Marva Hinton 鈥 May 23, 2016 3 min read
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Getting a summer job is a rite of passage for many teenagers. That first job teaches invaluable lessons about the world of work. I know it did for me. Thanks, Smithfield鈥檚 Chicken 鈥楴 Bar-B-Q. But since the Great Recession, many of the jobs that used to go to high school and college students during summer break are being held by more mature workers.

Recently, the U.S. Department of Labor awarded $21 million in grants to various programs across the country as part of a new initiative to provide summer and year-round jobs to disadvantaged young people. For example, Detroit鈥檚 summer youth employment program, , received a $2 million, two-year grant. The city plans to use that money to provide summer jobs to 1,000 young people.

And, the need is definitely there.

鈥淥ver the last 15 or so years, the fraction of teens that have been able to get a job has fallen sharply,鈥 said Paul Harrington, an economist and the director of the .

The center鈥檚 2016 Summer Job Outlook for American Teens reports that in 1999-2000 nearly 52 percent of all U.S. teens had summer jobs, but by 2005 that had dropped to 37 percent. Last year it was down to 28 percent.

And, this isn鈥檛 just about teens losing out on extra spending money.

鈥淭here鈥檚 a fair amount of evidence to suggest that early-work experience has more important, long-term benefits for kids,鈥 said Harrington. 鈥淲hen you track kids over time, you find that kids who work while they鈥檙e in high school in summer jobs and during the year, they tend to have better long-term employment and earning experiences.鈥

He says that correlation tends to hold true even eight to 10 years later, and having a job as a teenager also helps when it comes to preparing for higher education.

鈥淜ids who actually work more in high school in summer, especially boys, are more likely to enroll in college, be retained in college, and complete college,鈥 said Harrington. 鈥淚 think in a lot of ways kids that are able to get access to these kinds of summer jobs have a good chance of being ahead of the game.鈥

On the flip side, kids without summer jobs, especially those living in distressed communities, are more likely to get into trouble during the long break from school.

鈥淪o, as a result, work is a good way to divert kids out of less productive, anti-social behavior,鈥 said Harrington.

The center is predicting modest growth in the youth summer job rate this year at 30 percent.

鈥淭here鈥檚 still a lot of adult workers penetrating into teenage labor markets,鈥 said Harrington.

He also says schools don鈥檛 seem to be as interested in helping teens find summer jobs as they were in the 90s.

鈥淭here鈥檚 very little emphasis at the secondary level in helping kids get work now,鈥 said Harrington. 鈥淭he secondary school systems just don鈥檛 pay attention much to this issue at all. In fact, when you look around, it鈥檚 mayors and city job-training organizations that are trying to do this. The schools are pretty disengaged from it.鈥

In Detroit, is leading the charge for jobs for the city鈥檚 young people.

鈥淭his is about giving young people an opportunity to develop the skills that will put them on the path to bright futures and careers,鈥 he said in a press release. 鈥淪ummer jobs are such an important part of a young person鈥檚 life, and we need to make sure that as many young people in Detroit as possible have that opportunity.鈥

In addition to the Labor Department grant, Detroit is also getting more hands-on help from the federal government to help youth find work. The Obama Administration has tapped the city to be one of 16 summer impact hubs around the country. Through that designation, the city will be paired with a federal summer ambassador who will be charged with helping Detroit better leverage federal resources and community partnerships to facilitate job training.

A version of this news article first appeared in the Time and Learning blog.