
'You Come Out Because You Can't Not': A Gay Teacher's Perspective (Video)

High school writing teacher Patty Smith discusses the importance of building an LGBT-inclusive school community.

'You Come Out Because You Can't Not': A Gay Teacher's Perspective (Video)

High school writing teacher Patty Smith discusses the importance of building an LGBT-inclusive school community. Smith's desire to create a safe space for all students was the result of her personal decision to come out as a lesbian. "It's hard to do anything when you can't be yourself," she explains.

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See also: Patty Smith was featured in GLSEN founder Kevin Jennings' One Teacher in Ten in the New Millennium (Beacon Press, 2015). To read an interview with Jennings, please visit:

Filmed & Edited By: Deanna Del Ciello and Swikar Patel | Story Editor: Elizabeth Rich | Interviews By: Luke Towler
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A version of this article appeared in the February 17, 2016 edition of 91直播