National Board Certification /national-board-certification National Board Certification en-US 2021 (c) 91Ö±²¥ Thu, 15 Nov 2018 09:05:50 GMT Reflecting on National Board Certification Through the Eyes of a Leader (Opinion) /teaching-learning/opinion-reflecting-on-national-board-certification-through-the-eyes-of-a-leader/2018/11 Now as a leader, looking back at the work I did to achieve this certification, I'm reminded of the dedication it took and how important it is for me to provide our team with the highest quality feedback and at the same time, encourage them to take on new professional challenges that will inspire them to keep moving forward. Thu, 15 Nov 2018 09:05:50 GMT /teaching-learning/opinion-reflecting-on-national-board-certification-through-the-eyes-of-a-leader/2018/11 How Can We Fix Teacher Recertification? Consider the National Board (Opinion) /teaching-learning/opinion-how-can-we-fix-teacher-recertification-consider-the-national-board/2018/01 A reflective, performance-based, independent assessment of a teacher's practice could make the recertification process meaningful again, Catherine Anderson writes. Wed, 03 Jan 2018 14:49:30 GMT /teaching-learning/opinion-how-can-we-fix-teacher-recertification-consider-the-national-board/2018/01 Even National Board Teachers Don't Get a Pass on License Renewal /teaching-learning/even-national-board-teachers-dont-get-a-pass-on-license-renewal/2017/12 Only about half of states allow the rigorous certification process to count toward the renewal of teacher licenses—a figure the National Board wishes to change. Wed, 06 Dec 2017 10:01:00 GMT /teaching-learning/even-national-board-teachers-dont-get-a-pass-on-license-renewal/2017/12 What Makes the National Board Certification Meaningful? (Opinion) /teaching-learning/opinion-what-makes-the-national-board-certification-meaningful/2017/11 By going through the National Board-certification process, teachers can experience the high-quality professional learning necessary to improve their work, writes educator Ernie Rambo. Wed, 01 Nov 2017 20:12:03 GMT /teaching-learning/opinion-what-makes-the-national-board-certification-meaningful/2017/11 More Teachers Seek National Certification /leadership/more-teachers-seek-national-certification/2017/01 As it revises its certification process, the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards says it's seeing an uptick in applicants. Wed, 11 Jan 2017 02:07:40 GMT /leadership/more-teachers-seek-national-certification/2017/01 Revisiting National Board Reflections (Opinion) /leadership/opinion-revisiting-national-board-reflections/2017/01 National Board is an excellent way to take a deep look at your practice and make some necessary adjustments based on the findings. It truly changed who I am as a teacher. Tue, 03 Jan 2017 17:23:36 GMT /leadership/opinion-revisiting-national-board-reflections/2017/01 Mississippi Eyes National Board-Certified Talent for High-Needs Districts /teaching-learning/mississippi-eyes-national-board-certified-talent-for-high-needs-districts/2016/04 Matching some of the most generous policies in the country, Mississippi will offer $10,000 annual stipends to National Board Certified Teachers willing to take on some of the state's toughest assignments. Wed, 27 Apr 2016 12:58:00 GMT /teaching-learning/mississippi-eyes-national-board-certified-talent-for-high-needs-districts/2016/04 National Board Names New President, and She's a Board-Certified Teacher /teaching-learning/national-board-names-new-president-and-shes-a-board-certified-teacher/2015/11 Peggy Brookins, a former math teacher in Florida, will officially take charge of the NBPTS after serving as interim president and CEO. Tue, 10 Nov 2015 20:46:08 GMT /teaching-learning/national-board-names-new-president-and-shes-a-board-certified-teacher/2015/11 National Board Appoints a New President, the First to Ever Be Board-Certified /teaching-learning/national-board-appoints-a-new-president-the-first-to-ever-be-board-certified/2015/11 Peggy Brookins, a former math teacher in Florida, will officially take charge of the NBPTS after serving as interim president and CEO since this past summer. Mon, 09 Nov 2015 21:20:07 GMT /teaching-learning/national-board-appoints-a-new-president-the-first-to-ever-be-board-certified/2015/11 Certification, Genuine Teacher 91Ö±²¥, and Power Struggles (Opinion) /teaching-learning/opinion-certification-genuine-teacher-leadership-and-power-struggles/2015/11 When authentic, experienced teacher leaders step out of their boxes to speak about education issues, they always run the risk of stepping on the toes--or in the limelight--of someone above them in the pecking order. Simply expressing a widely shared viewpoint feels like subordination to some school leaders. When teachers have a national platform and thousands of readers or fans--when their voice and leadership are elevated--they become a threat. Tue, 03 Nov 2015 18:19:43 GMT /teaching-learning/opinion-certification-genuine-teacher-leadership-and-power-struggles/2015/11 USM Ranked as a Top Spot for National Board Certification (Opinion) /education/opinion-usm-ranked-as-a-top-spot-for-national-board-certification/2015/01 The University of Southern Mississippi was recently ranked sixth in the entire nation for producing National Board Certified Teachers. National Board Certification is basically the gold standard when it comes to educators and was developed over 25 years ago to give teachers goals to achieve beyond state requirements. Wed, 21 Jan 2015 13:53:21 GMT /education/opinion-usm-ranked-as-a-top-spot-for-national-board-certification/2015/01 NEA Delegates Tackle State Takeover, National-Board Certification, and ... Breastfeeding? /teaching-learning/nea-delegates-tackle-state-takeover-national-board-certification-and-breastfeeding/2014/07 The NEA voted to call for a moratorium on state takeovers of school districts, and on a myriad of other topics--not all related to education. Sat, 05 Jul 2014 17:47:49 GMT /teaching-learning/nea-delegates-tackle-state-takeover-national-board-certification-and-breastfeeding/2014/07 National Board Votes to End Principal-Certification Program /leadership/national-board-votes-to-end-principal-certification-program/2014/04 Saying administrative and financial challenges had become insurmountable, the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards will scrap its effort to develop advanced certification for principals. Sat, 12 Apr 2014 22:01:57 GMT /leadership/national-board-votes-to-end-principal-certification-program/2014/04 National Board May Pull Plug on Principal Certification /leadership/national-board-may-pull-plug-on-principal-certification/2014/04 The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards is set to vote next week on whether to pull the plug on a multimillion-dollar effort to develop an advanced national credential for principals. Thu, 03 Apr 2014 16:02:57 GMT /leadership/national-board-may-pull-plug-on-principal-certification/2014/04 National-Board Certifications Continue to Drop Off /leadership/national-board-certifications-continue-to-drop-off/2014/01 The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards has announced that 4,117 teachers received certification from the group in 2013—down 17 percent from the previous year and more than 50 percent from 2008. Tue, 07 Jan 2014 23:14:31 GMT /leadership/national-board-certifications-continue-to-drop-off/2014/01 Drop in New National-Board Certifications Continues /teaching-learning/drop-in-new-national-board-certifications-continues/2013/12 The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards announced this week that 4,117 teachers received certification from the group in 2013—down 17 percent from the previous year and more than 50 percent from 2008. Thu, 19 Dec 2013 21:37:11 GMT /teaching-learning/drop-in-new-national-board-certifications-continues/2013/12 New National-Board Certifications Still Declining /leadership/new-national-board-certifications-still-declining/2013/12 The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards announced this week that 4,117 teachers received certification from the group in 2013—down 17 percent from the previous year and more than 50 percent from 2008. Thu, 19 Dec 2013 18:23:13 GMT /leadership/new-national-board-certifications-still-declining/2013/12 National-Board Certification to Be Cheaper, Smoother /teaching-learning/national-board-certification-to-be-cheaper-smoother/2013/09 The organization overseeing advanced teacher certification plans to revise the assessment process for the credential and to make it less costly for teachers to earn. Wed, 18 Sep 2013 02:27:05 GMT /teaching-learning/national-board-certification-to-be-cheaper-smoother/2013/09 National Board Certification to Be Cheaper, Smoother /teaching-learning/national-board-certification-to-be-cheaper-smoother/2013/09/00000175-edc4-de5b-a77d-ffde31870000 The organization overseeing advanced teacher certification plans to revise the assessment process for the credential and to make it less costly for teachers to earn. Tue, 10 Sep 2013 16:14:52 GMT /teaching-learning/national-board-certification-to-be-cheaper-smoother/2013/09/00000175-edc4-de5b-a77d-ffde31870000 National-Board Ranks Surpass Milestone /teaching-learning/national-board-ranks-surpass-milestone/2013/01 The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards announced that the total number of educators who hold the advanced professional certification has totaled more than 100,000. Wed, 16 Jan 2013 02:44:59 GMT /teaching-learning/national-board-ranks-surpass-milestone/2013/01 National-Board Certifications Hit 100K Mark /leadership/national-board-certifications-hit-100k-mark/2013/01 The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards announced today that 4,980 teachers earned national-board certification in 2012, pushing the total number of educators who hold the advanced professional certification to more than 100,000. Tue, 08 Jan 2013 15:41:13 GMT /leadership/national-board-certifications-hit-100k-mark/2013/01 Teacher Bashing Is a Loser (Opinion) /policy-politics/opinion-teacher-bashing-is-a-loser/2012/11 Across America, the final votes are being counted and recounted, but we can be sure of one result that will not change: bashing teachers is not a winning proposition in this country. American voters still believe in those teachers that helped shape their lives and that are doing the same for their children, and they are not willing to support ill-conceived policies that demoralize and destroy the careers of their favorite teachers. Even clearer is a second message from this election: those who entrust their children to teachers to nurture and educate them will trust the opinions of those teachers far more than the views of bureaucrats or politicians who promote unsubstantiated programs that are not supported by those who have to implement them. These messages were made very clear on November 6. Thu, 08 Nov 2012 13:05:00 GMT /policy-politics/opinion-teacher-bashing-is-a-loser/2012/11 Teacher Town Hall Exposes Reform Challenges (Opinion) /teaching-learning/opinion-teacher-town-hall-exposes-reform-challenges/2012/09 Teachers are fascinating people---especially when they get a chance to express their sincere beliefs about reform and the impact of that reform on their students and themselves. They are honest, insightful, and passionate about what they do. In these times, they are also a little fed up with the toll certain reforms have taken on the joy of teaching. Tue, 25 Sep 2012 12:20:00 GMT /teaching-learning/opinion-teacher-town-hall-exposes-reform-challenges/2012/09 National Board Makes Real Reform (Opinion) /teaching-learning/opinion-national-board-makes-real-reform/2012/07 It is no secret that I think the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards(NBPTS) is the best hope for building and sustaining a true teaching profession for the United States of America. I support the proposition that National Board Certification should be the norm for teachers, not an elite status. Can we make teaching a profession like all others? Yes, if we are willing to embrace and pay for needed changes. Thu, 26 Jul 2012 12:00:00 GMT /teaching-learning/opinion-national-board-makes-real-reform/2012/07 National Board Certification for All Teachers (Opinion) /teaching-learning/opinion-national-board-certification-for-all-teachers/2012/06 Last week, I attended a special celebration on Capitol Hill to recognize the 25th anniversary of the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS), the independent board that certifies accomplished teachers in the United States. Yes, it has been 25 years since the board was created in 1987 by the Carnegie Foundation. This longevity is a testament to thoughtful, research-based reform that respects teachers and challenges them with high expectations. Mon, 18 Jun 2012 11:00:00 GMT /teaching-learning/opinion-national-board-certification-for-all-teachers/2012/06 National Teachers Hall of Fame is a Gift (Opinion) /teaching-learning/opinion-national-teachers-hall-of-fame-is-a-gift/2012/05 Tell the truth. Did you even know there is a National Teachers Hall of Fame (NTHF)? Do you know where it is located? Do you know how to nominate someone for induction? If you support the teaching profession, you really should know the answers to these questions. Mon, 14 May 2012 11:05:00 GMT /teaching-learning/opinion-national-teachers-hall-of-fame-is-a-gift/2012/05 Idaho Ends Stipend Program for National-Board Certification /policy-politics/idaho-ends-stipend-program-for-national-board-certification/2012/01 Idaho is ending a stipend for teachers earning national board certification, and some fear the loss of that incentive will result in fewer educators completing the rigorous program, which can take up to three years to finish. Wed, 11 Jan 2012 04:55:14 GMT /policy-politics/idaho-ends-stipend-program-for-national-board-certification/2012/01 My Predictions for 2012 (Opinion) /teaching-learning/opinion-my-predictions-for-2012/2012/01 Happy New Year! As we approach this new year, many people will be making resolutions and anticipating what the new year will bring to education policy and politics. I am devoting this blog to my predictions for 2012. I invite you to share your predictions by making a comment or emailing me at Now, here are my predictions for 2012: Tue, 03 Jan 2012 13:00:00 GMT /teaching-learning/opinion-my-predictions-for-2012/2012/01 Pay Teachers What They're Worth (Opinion) /teaching-learning/opinion-pay-teachers-what-theyre-worth/2011/12 Education Secretary Arne Duncan said teachers should be paid six figures. That's visionary. Thu, 15 Dec 2011 13:30:00 GMT /teaching-learning/opinion-pay-teachers-what-theyre-worth/2011/12 Confessions of a New NBCT (Opinion) /leadership/opinion-confessions-of-a-new-nbct/2011/12 Teacher and author Dan Brown, who recently earned National Board certification, discusses his achievement, the involvement required, and the impact it has had on his teaching. Wed, 07 Dec 2011 03:50:59 GMT /leadership/opinion-confessions-of-a-new-nbct/2011/12