Physical Education /physical-education Physical Education en-US 2021 (c) 91ֱ Fri, 31 May 2024 13:05:38 GMT What Students Want From Their Teachers, in Their Own Words (Opinion) /teaching-learning/opinion-what-students-want-from-their-teachers-in-their-own-words/2024/05 Teachers should try to connect with their students so they know the teacher has their back. Fri, 31 May 2024 13:05:38 GMT /teaching-learning/opinion-what-students-want-from-their-teachers-in-their-own-words/2024/05 School Sports Are Back. Where Are the Athletes? /leadership/school-sports-are-back-where-are-the-athletes/2022/04 Amid the pandemic and its disruptions, many young athletes lost interest in school sports. Wed, 20 Apr 2022 20:06:25 GMT /leadership/school-sports-are-back-where-are-the-athletes/2022/04 Kids Are Feeling Isolated. P.E. May Help Them Bounce Back /leadership/kids-are-feeling-isolated-phys-ed-may-help-them-bounce-back/2021/11 New neuroscience research suggests exercise can buffer adolescents against social-emotional damage from distancing. Tue, 02 Nov 2021 20:59:28 GMT /leadership/kids-are-feeling-isolated-phys-ed-may-help-them-bounce-back/2021/11 Four Favorite Physical Education Instructional Strategies—Recommended by Teachers! (Opinion) /teaching-learning/opinion-four-favorite-physical-education-instructional-strategies-recommended-by-teachers/2021/07 Differentiated instruction is among the favorite strategies three educators employ in teaching physical education. Sat, 24 Jul 2021 12:49:19 GMT /teaching-learning/opinion-four-favorite-physical-education-instructional-strategies-recommended-by-teachers/2021/07 Should Schools Still Play Dodgeball? /leadership/should-schools-still-play-dodgeball/2019/12 Lively debate persists around this playground game, which opponents say is ripe territory for bullies and which supporters argue builds skills like teamwork and resilience. Wed, 11 Dec 2019 02:27:08 GMT /leadership/should-schools-still-play-dodgeball/2019/12 Student Wellness: The Great Equalizer for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion – Ed Talk! With Judy LoBianco /leadership/video-student-wellness-the-great-equalizer-for-equity-diversity-and-inclusion-ed-talk-with-judy-lobianco/2019/05 “In health and physical education, we believe that what’s fundamental to all of our educational issues is a child with a beating heart and air breathing through their lungs. [There’s] no way we can tackle all the educational issues in America and beyond without making sure we take care of the whole child.” 2018 Leaders To Learn From honoree Judy LoBianco speaks with attendees at 91ֱ’s Leaders To Learn From event in Washington on the importance of engaging students in health. Judy LoBianco is a PreK-12 supervisor for Livingston public schools in Livingston, N.J. Read her leader profile, “For This Champion for Student Health, P.E. Extends Beyond the Gym”: Fri, 24 May 2019 15:28:04 GMT /leadership/video-student-wellness-the-great-equalizer-for-equity-diversity-and-inclusion-ed-talk-with-judy-lobianco/2019/05 5th Grader: My School's Morning Runs 'Helps Us All Listen Better' /leadership/5th-grader-my-schools-morning-runs-helps-us-all-listen-better/2019/03 Riley Quinn exercises each day as part of her elementary school's "Morning Mile" program, which the principal says makes a huge difference in kids' readiness to learn. Wed, 13 Mar 2019 00:50:12 GMT /leadership/5th-grader-my-schools-morning-runs-helps-us-all-listen-better/2019/03 For This Champion for Student Health, P.E. Extends Beyond the Gym /leaders/2018/for-this-champion-for-student-health-p-e-extends-beyond-the-gym As the honcho for student wellness in the South Orange-Maplewood school district in New Jersey, Judy LoBianco is changing what schools do to educate students about their physical health. She is recognized as a 2018 Leader To Learn From. Wed, 21 Feb 2018 16:16:48 GMT /leaders/2018/for-this-champion-for-student-health-p-e-extends-beyond-the-gym Inside a Student Wellness After-School Program (Opinion) /leadership/opinion-inside-a-student-wellness-after-school-program/2016/12 Wellness and self-care practices can equip students from underserved communities to handle the circumstances of poverty, writes Ali Smith. Wed, 14 Dec 2016 03:27:00 GMT /leadership/opinion-inside-a-student-wellness-after-school-program/2016/12 Classroom Exercise Equipment Has Benefits for Students, Studies Show /leadership/classroom-exercise-equipment-has-benefits-for-students-studies-show/2016/08 The use of exercise equipment in the classroom can improve both student health and learning. Mon, 29 Aug 2016 14:42:00 GMT /leadership/classroom-exercise-equipment-has-benefits-for-students-studies-show/2016/08 Heisman Trophy Winner Sings Praises of Quality Phys. Ed. /leadership/heisman-trophy-winner-sings-praises-of-quality-phys-ed/2016/05 Herschel Walker, the winner of the 1982 Heisman Trophy, described physical education as his "saving grace" while growing up. Thu, 19 May 2016 23:04:39 GMT /leadership/heisman-trophy-winner-sings-praises-of-quality-phys-ed/2016/05 Heisman Trophy Winner: Physical Education Saved My Life (Opinion) /leadership/opinion-heisman-trophy-winner-physical-education-saved-my-life/2016/05 We must seize the moment to provide more funding and support for vital physical education resources, writes former NFL player Herschel Walker. Wed, 11 May 2016 00:58:35 GMT /leadership/opinion-heisman-trophy-winner-physical-education-saved-my-life/2016/05 Schools Continue to Lag Behind Recommendations for Phys. Ed. Time /leadership/schools-continue-to-lag-behind-recommendations-for-phys-ed-time/2016/05 Only Iowa and the District of Columbia require the amount of weekly physical education time recommended by national experts at the elementary and middle school levels. Wed, 04 May 2016 12:48:44 GMT /leadership/schools-continue-to-lag-behind-recommendations-for-phys-ed-time/2016/05 Groups Allege California Is Falling Short in Phys. Ed. Opportunities for Minorities /leadership/groups-allege-california-is-falling-short-in-phys-ed-opportunities-for-minorities/2015/08 Six health and civil rights groups allege California is failing to comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 by not providing equal access to physical education opportunities to minority students. Wed, 19 Aug 2015 14:36:08 GMT /leadership/groups-allege-california-is-falling-short-in-phys-ed-opportunities-for-minorities/2015/08 Texas Drownings Highlight Calls for Swim Instruction /leadership/texas-drownings-highlight-calls-for-swim-instruction/2015/07 A spike in the number of children drowning this summer in Dallas County is bolstering calls for water-safety lessons in and out of school. Fri, 24 Jul 2015 16:25:51 GMT /leadership/texas-drownings-highlight-calls-for-swim-instruction/2015/07 Senate Ed. Committee Approves ESEA Amendment Renewing Phys. Ed. Program /leadership/senate-ed-committee-approves-esea-amendment-renewing-phys-ed-program/2015/04 During a markup of the proposed ESEA rewrite Wednesday, the Senate education committee unanimously passed an amendment that would reauthorize funding for the Carol M. White Physical Education Program. Thu, 16 Apr 2015 16:06:23 GMT /leadership/senate-ed-committee-approves-esea-amendment-renewing-phys-ed-program/2015/04 Phys. Ed. Designated as 'Core Academic Subject' in Proposed ESEA Rewrite /policy-politics/phys-ed-designated-as-core-academic-subject-in-proposed-esea-rewrite/2015/04 The proposed bipartisan rewrite of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act designates physical education as a "core academic subject," lumping it in with English, science, math, and history. Thu, 09 Apr 2015 17:56:44 GMT /policy-politics/phys-ed-designated-as-core-academic-subject-in-proposed-esea-rewrite/2015/04 Va. Legislature Weighing Physical Activity Mandate for K-5 Students /leadership/va-legislature-weighing-physical-activity-mandate-for-k-5-students/2015/02 The Virginia General Assembly is currently considering a bill that would require 20 minutes of daily physical activity for students between kindergarten and fifth grade. Fri, 20 Feb 2015 20:08:58 GMT /leadership/va-legislature-weighing-physical-activity-mandate-for-k-5-students/2015/02 Phys. Ed. Found to Benefit Academic Performance of African-American Girls /leadership/phys-ed-found-to-benefit-academic-performance-of-african-american-girls/2015/01 Participation in physical education may have a beneficial effect on the academic performance of African-American high school girls, suggests a new study. Wed, 14 Jan 2015 16:35:51 GMT /leadership/phys-ed-found-to-benefit-academic-performance-of-african-american-girls/2015/01 South Dakota Board Adopts New Phys. Ed. Standards /leadership/south-dakota-board-adopts-new-phys-ed-standards/2014/09 The South Dakota Board of Education adopted a new set of physical education standards Monday after conducting the final of four public hearings. Fri, 19 Sep 2014 17:33:37 GMT /leadership/south-dakota-board-adopts-new-phys-ed-standards/2014/09 Physical Fitness Associated With Less Depression in Middle School Girls /leadership/physical-fitness-associated-with-less-depression-in-middle-school-girls/2014/08 For girls, higher cardiorespiratory fitness levels in the 6th grade were linked to both significantly less depression and a lower body mass index (BMI) percentile score in the 7th grade. Wed, 27 Aug 2014 14:49:39 GMT /leadership/physical-fitness-associated-with-less-depression-in-middle-school-girls/2014/08 Fla. Bill Would Allow Students to Substitute Computer Science for P.E. /leadership/fla-bill-would-allow-students-to-substitute-computer-science-for-p-e/2014/03 In the push to get more students taking computer science courses, the proposed bill would allow Florida students to take computer science in lieu of P.E. and still earn a diploma. Thu, 13 Mar 2014 16:35:37 GMT /leadership/fla-bill-would-allow-students-to-substitute-computer-science-for-p-e/2014/03 Physically Fit Students Perform Better Academically, Study Finds /leadership/physically-fit-students-perform-better-academically-study-finds/2014/02 Kansas elementary and middle school students who met certain physical-fitness benchmarks were considerably more likely to exceed reading and math performance standards. Tue, 04 Feb 2014 16:43:22 GMT /leadership/physically-fit-students-perform-better-academically-study-finds/2014/02 Chicago Public Schools Proposes Daily Phys. Ed. for Elementary, High Schools /leadership/chicago-public-schools-proposes-daily-phys-ed-for-elementary-high-schools/2014/01 The Chicago school board will consider a proposal Wednesday that would mandate 30 minutes of daily P.E. for elementary schools and an average of 42 minutes a day for high schools. Tue, 21 Jan 2014 16:47:44 GMT /leadership/chicago-public-schools-proposes-daily-phys-ed-for-elementary-high-schools/2014/01 One in Four Parents Dissatisfied With Schools' Phys. Ed. Offerings /leadership/one-in-four-parents-dissatisfied-with-schools-phys-ed-offerings/2013/12 One in four K-12 public school parents believe their child's school isn't placing enough emphasis on physical education, a survey finds. Wed, 04 Dec 2013 23:15:14 GMT /leadership/one-in-four-parents-dissatisfied-with-schools-phys-ed-offerings/2013/12 'Substantial' Declines Found in Children's Cardiovascular Fitness Worldwide /leadership/substantial-declines-found-in-childrens-cardiovascular-fitness-worldwide/2013/11 Across the world, children are approximately 15 percent worse off in terms of cardiovascular fitness than their parents were back when they were young. Tue, 19 Nov 2013 17:02:27 GMT /leadership/substantial-declines-found-in-childrens-cardiovascular-fitness-worldwide/2013/11 Aerobic Fitness Can Boost Students' Memory, Learning, Study Finds /leadership/aerobic-fitness-can-boost-students-memory-learning-study-finds/2013/09 Higher levels of aerobic fitness can bolster a child's ability to learn and remember information, according to a new study. Wed, 11 Sep 2013 21:00:27 GMT /leadership/aerobic-fitness-can-boost-students-memory-learning-study-finds/2013/09 CDC Reveals Positive Physical Education Trends Over Past Decade /leadership/cdc-reveals-positive-physical-education-trends-over-past-decade/2013/08 More states and districts are paying closer attention to students' physical fitness since 2000, the CDC finds. Fri, 30 Aug 2013 19:15:40 GMT /leadership/cdc-reveals-positive-physical-education-trends-over-past-decade/2013/08 District Accepts Grant to Expand Yoga Program /leadership/district-accepts-grant-to-expand-yoga-program/2013/08 A California school district has accepted a $1.4 million grant to expand its controversial yoga program. Wed, 07 Aug 2013 16:45:32 GMT /leadership/district-accepts-grant-to-expand-yoga-program/2013/08 Physical Education Requirements Questioned for Student-Athletes /leadership/physical-education-requirements-questioned-for-student-athletes/2013/07 Some are questioning the need for student-athletes to take PE classes, but experts say there's a difference between PE and physical activity. Tue, 30 Jul 2013 19:33:54 GMT /leadership/physical-education-requirements-questioned-for-student-athletes/2013/07