Portfolios /portfolios Portfolios en-US 2021 (c) 91Ö±²„ Fri, 21 Apr 2023 20:05:56 GMT Fighting Senioritis? This New Requirement Kept a Graduating Class Engaged /teaching-learning/fighting-senioritis-this-new-requirement-kept-a-graduating-class-engaged/2023/04 These seniors were the first to test a new state requirement to reflect on what they had learned over four years of high school. Fri, 21 Apr 2023 20:05:56 GMT /teaching-learning/fighting-senioritis-this-new-requirement-kept-a-graduating-class-engaged/2023/04 Let's Dump the Obsession With Standardized Testing (Opinion) /leadership/opinion-lets-dump-the-obsession-with-standardized-testing/2022/03 Digital portfolios and student, faculty, and family surveys to gauge school culture are more robust ways to measure school effectiveness. Tue, 08 Mar 2022 11:51:42 GMT /leadership/opinion-lets-dump-the-obsession-with-standardized-testing/2022/03 Assessment Strategies for English-Language Learners (Opinion) /teaching-learning/opinion-assessment-strategies-for-english-language-learners/2021/04 Four educators share practical assessment strategies to support English-language learners. Sun, 18 Apr 2021 12:58:11 GMT /teaching-learning/opinion-assessment-strategies-for-english-language-learners/2021/04 Instead of Standardized Testing, Consider Portfolio Assessment (Opinion) /teaching-learning/opinion-instead-of-standardized-testing-consider-portfolio-assessment/2019/04 Since learning is so nuanced, so too should be the means in which we assess it. Let's offer students the opportunity to be seen as whole people who can demonstrate different skills and knowledge in a plethora of ways over a period of time. Mon, 29 Apr 2019 08:09:11 GMT /teaching-learning/opinion-instead-of-standardized-testing-consider-portfolio-assessment/2019/04 Three Powerful Examples of School Districts Using Capstones and Portfolios (Opinion) /leadership/opinion-three-powerful-examples-of-school-districts-using-capstones-and-portfolios/2019/03 Colorado's guidelines for graduation offer a menu of options including performance-based demonstrations of college and career readiness such as portfolios and capstone projects. Mon, 04 Mar 2019 13:52:18 GMT /leadership/opinion-three-powerful-examples-of-school-districts-using-capstones-and-portfolios/2019/03 K-12 Performance Assessment Terms Explained /teaching-learning/video-k-12-performance-assessment-terms-explained/2019/02 Interest is growing in assessing studentsā€™ learning by having them show what they can do with what they know. But educators often disagree about what terms like performance assessment and project-based learning really mean in the classroom. In an effort to clear up some of the confusion, 91Ö±²„ writers developed definitions for six performance-assessment related terms, including proficiency-based learning, project-based learning, standards-based grading, and portfolios. See the results in this animated glossary. Mon, 25 Feb 2019 20:13:07 GMT /teaching-learning/video-k-12-performance-assessment-terms-explained/2019/02 The Gift of Portfolio Defense: A Parent's Perspective (Opinion) /technology/opinion-the-gift-of-portfolio-defense-a-parents-perspective/2018/08 In my work, I wholeheartedly believe in the power and efficacy of a portfolio defense model, and am genuinely excited to share it with audiences of educators, funders, and thought leaders. But until I had one of my own children attend an Envision school and witnessed his 12th grade defense presentation, my rallying cry for portfolio defense was professional, not personal. Wed, 15 Aug 2018 13:54:00 GMT /technology/opinion-the-gift-of-portfolio-defense-a-parents-perspective/2018/08 Ed. Dept. Policing ESSA Rules on Portfolio Assessments for Students With Disabilities /teaching-learning/ed-dept-policing-essa-rules-on-portfolio-assessments-for-students-with-disabilities/2018/04 The Every Student Succeeds Act says that portfolios, or collections of student work, can only be part of how a student is assessed for accountability purposes. Wed, 18 Apr 2018 20:41:00 GMT /teaching-learning/ed-dept-policing-essa-rules-on-portfolio-assessments-for-students-with-disabilities/2018/04 Portfolio Assessment: Virtues, Vices, and Examples (Opinion) /teaching-learning/opinion-portfolio-assessment-virtues-vices-and-examples/2018/03 Portfolios can be powerful forms of assessment, but they must be done right to reap their benefits. Thu, 01 Mar 2018 15:08:38 GMT /teaching-learning/opinion-portfolio-assessment-virtues-vices-and-examples/2018/03 The Virtues and Vices of Portfolio Assessment (Opinion) /technology/opinion-the-virtues-and-vices-of-portfolio-assessment/2018/02 A portfolio lends itself naturally to assessment, whose aim is to collect evidence to answer a question about learning or performance. Thu, 01 Feb 2018 16:46:06 GMT /technology/opinion-the-virtues-and-vices-of-portfolio-assessment/2018/02 A New Push to Use Student Projects in College Admissions /teaching-learning/a-new-push-to-use-student-projects-in-college-admissions/2018/01 A new initiative aims to focus college admissions less on standardized test scores, and more on student projects. Fri, 19 Jan 2018 18:15:35 GMT /teaching-learning/a-new-push-to-use-student-projects-in-college-admissions/2018/01 To Build Critical Thinking Skills, Students Need a Platform (Opinion) /education/opinion-to-build-critical-thinking-skills-students-need-a-platform/2017/02 Student portfolios help teach students the essential habit of independent thinking. Fri, 17 Feb 2017 12:00:00 GMT /education/opinion-to-build-critical-thinking-skills-students-need-a-platform/2017/02 A Letter to My Former Teachers: Reflections and Optimism (Opinion) /teaching-learning/opinion-a-letter-to-my-former-teachers-reflections-and-optimism/2016/11 An experience in learning about Envisions' portfolio defense made on teacher realize how much she learned from her teachers. Thu, 03 Nov 2016 13:56:00 GMT /teaching-learning/opinion-a-letter-to-my-former-teachers-reflections-and-optimism/2016/11 Preparing Students for Portfolio Defense to Build Agency (Opinion) /teaching-learning/opinion-preparing-students-for-portfolio-defense-to-build-agency/2016/08 At Envision schools, strong relationships, a college-going culture, and project-based learning prepare students for their culminating portfolio defense, which builds their agency. Thu, 04 Aug 2016 13:45:51 GMT /teaching-learning/opinion-preparing-students-for-portfolio-defense-to-build-agency/2016/08 Student Agency: The Equity Challenge of Our Day (Opinion) /leadership/opinion-student-agency-the-equity-challenge-of-our-day/2016/08 Envision schools' portfolio defense model empowers students to change their lives and makes a difference for low-income students of color. Tue, 02 Aug 2016 13:24:05 GMT /leadership/opinion-student-agency-the-equity-challenge-of-our-day/2016/08 Let's Replace Transcripts With Portfolios (Opinion) /leadership/opinion-lets-replace-transcripts-with-portfolios/2016/01 As education begins to change and we reconsider how we assess students, we can't continue to do what is easiest for institutions at the expense of what is best for students. Testing and transcripts have never been very helpful to many students. They end up being accurate for only a very small percentage of kids. Using portfolios would be a far more beneficial way to show what kids know. Sun, 24 Jan 2016 11:48:38 GMT /leadership/opinion-lets-replace-transcripts-with-portfolios/2016/01 Technical Challenges on the Path to Personalization (Opinion) /technology/opinion-technical-challenges-on-the-path-to-personalization/2015/07 A combination of best practices and new tools makes us optimistic that personalized learning will be adopted at scale and will lead to the anticipated gains. We believe a comprehensive learner profile, data backpack, and student portfolio are key to personalization. However, there are five challenges to overcome to unlock the power of personalized learning that includes student records, interoperability, and developing growth rates. Wed, 08 Jul 2015 21:00:00 GMT /technology/opinion-technical-challenges-on-the-path-to-personalization/2015/07 Response: Ways To Help Students Develop Digital Portfolios (Opinion) /teaching-learning/opinion-response-ways-to-help-students-develop-digital-portfolios/2015/06 Several educators - Rusul Alrubail, Michael Fisher, Frank Serafina, Kristin Ziemke, Kate Muhtaris, Jeb Schenck, and Joe Rommel - share suggestions on how to effectively utilize digital portfolios with students. Sat, 06 Jun 2015 01:08:03 GMT /teaching-learning/opinion-response-ways-to-help-students-develop-digital-portfolios/2015/06 How Can Students Use Digital Portfolios In The Classroom? (Opinion) /teaching-learning/opinion-how-can-students-use-digital-portfolios-in-the-classroom/2015/06 Steve McCrea asks: How can we teachers use digital portfolios to help students show what they know and show us how they have used what they have learned? Wed, 03 Jun 2015 18:26:08 GMT /teaching-learning/opinion-how-can-students-use-digital-portfolios-in-the-classroom/2015/06 From Turn-It-In to Posting, Publishing, Presentation, & Portfolio (Opinion) /education/opinion-from-turn-it-in-to-posting-publishing-presentation-portfolio/2014/08 Schools can promote deeper learning, engage students and transform school culture with the 4 P's of next gen learning: posting, presenting, publishing, and portfolio. Mon, 04 Aug 2014 15:18:12 GMT /education/opinion-from-turn-it-in-to-posting-publishing-presentation-portfolio/2014/08 Making Grading Personal, and More Enjoyable (Opinion) /teaching-learning/opinion-making-grading-personal-and-more-enjoyable/2014/06 The path to better grading lies in formative assessment and student portfolios, teacher Marie-Levey Pabst writes. Wed, 18 Jun 2014 20:17:51 GMT /teaching-learning/opinion-making-grading-personal-and-more-enjoyable/2014/06 Performance-Based Assessment Debate (Opinion) /education/opinion-performance-based-assessment-debate/2014/06 Student portfolios are prone to subjective evaluation but so are movies. Fri, 06 Jun 2014 11:15:00 GMT /education/opinion-performance-based-assessment-debate/2014/06 Beyond January: No Senioritis for Deep Learners (Opinion) /leadership/opinion-beyond-january-no-senioritis-for-deep-learners/2014/05 By completing and defending a portfolio, seniors work harder in their last semester than they do all four years in high school. Thu, 08 May 2014 13:25:59 GMT /leadership/opinion-beyond-january-no-senioritis-for-deep-learners/2014/05 An Open Invitation to College Presidents (Opinion) /teaching-learning/opinion-an-open-invitation-to-college-presidents/2014/05 Why not use a College Entrance Portfolio for college admissions? Tue, 06 May 2014 13:25:37 GMT /teaching-learning/opinion-an-open-invitation-to-college-presidents/2014/05 'You Mean I'm Not Done Yet?': Using Portfolios to Improve Editing Skills (Opinion) /teaching-learning/opinion-you-mean-im-not-done-yet-using-portfolios-to-improve-editing-skills/2014/04 High school language arts teacher Marie Levey-Pabst explains how she got her students to revise their own writing and make their grades more meaningful. Tue, 08 Apr 2014 00:00:08 GMT /teaching-learning/opinion-you-mean-im-not-done-yet-using-portfolios-to-improve-editing-skills/2014/04 Webinar Targets Use of Classroom Portfolios to Evaluate Arts Educators /teaching-learning/webinar-targets-use-of-classroom-portfolios-to-evaluate-arts-educators/2013/12 With pressure mounting for teachers to demonstrate their contribution to student learning, Tennessee is ramping up an initiative that invites arts educators to assemble classroom portfolios. Thu, 05 Dec 2013 15:59:58 GMT /teaching-learning/webinar-targets-use-of-classroom-portfolios-to-evaluate-arts-educators/2013/12 Classroom Portfolios Used as Alternative Teacher-Evaluation Measure /teaching-learning/classroom-portfolios-used-as-alternative-teacher-evaluation-measure/2013/09 Tennessee is allowing arts teachers to submit their students' work as one yardstick of how well they contribute to the children's achievement. Wed, 18 Sep 2013 01:53:12 GMT /teaching-learning/classroom-portfolios-used-as-alternative-teacher-evaluation-measure/2013/09 Thousands of AP Studio Art Portfolios Assessed in Salt Lake City /teaching-learning/thousands-of-ap-studio-art-portfolios-assessed-in-salt-lake-city/2013/07 Unlike most AP offerings, the three studio-art programs dispense with the traditional pencil-and-paper exam in favor of student portfolios of artwork. Mon, 01 Jul 2013 15:51:29 GMT /teaching-learning/thousands-of-ap-studio-art-portfolios-assessed-in-salt-lake-city/2013/07 E-Portfolios Evolve Thanks to Web 2.0 Tools /leadership/e-portfolios-evolve-thanks-to-web-2-0-tools/2011/06 New technologies are making it quicker and easier than ever to create digital portfolios of student work, a method of assessment experts say increases student engagement. Wed, 15 Jun 2011 15:24:34 GMT /leadership/e-portfolios-evolve-thanks-to-web-2-0-tools/2011/06 Command Central in Fairfax County for Scoring Portfolio Tests /teaching-learning/command-central-in-fairfax-county-for-scoring-portfolio-tests/2009/06 A Washington Post reporter and photographer visit command central for scoring Virginia's portfolio tests in Fairfax County. The tests are used for ELLs and students with disabilities. Tue, 09 Jun 2009 14:30:00 GMT /teaching-learning/command-central-in-fairfax-county-for-scoring-portfolio-tests/2009/06