Privatization /privatization Privatization en-US 2021 (c) 91Ö±˛Ą Tue, 20 Aug 2024 10:00:00 GMT Is Education a Public or Private Good? (Opinion) /policy-politics/opinion-is-education-a-public-or-private-good/2024/08 Education would be better off if it were more democratic, argues an advocate of a new schooling model. Tue, 20 Aug 2024 10:00:00 GMT /policy-politics/opinion-is-education-a-public-or-private-good/2024/08 What Does It Actually Mean for Schools to Be Public? /leadership/what-does-it-actually-mean-for-schools-to-be-public/2023/08 There’s a conflict between how we fund public education and its public purpose. Thu, 31 Aug 2023 20:48:46 GMT /leadership/what-does-it-actually-mean-for-schools-to-be-public/2023/08 The Coronavirus Just Might End School Privatization Nonsense (Opinion) /leadership/opinion-the-coronavirus-just-might-end-school-privatization-nonsense/2020/04 The pandemic has boosted appreciation for public schools; the next step is greater funding, argues education historian and activist Diane Ravitch. Sat, 11 Apr 2020 01:28:46 GMT /leadership/opinion-the-coronavirus-just-might-end-school-privatization-nonsense/2020/04 How to Define Public Schooling in the Age of Choice? (Opinion) /policy-politics/opinion-how-to-define-public-schooling-in-the-age-of-choice/2017/09 Schools must meet these five responsibilities to truly be defined as “public,” writes education professor Sarah M. Stitzlein. Wed, 06 Sep 2017 00:37:21 GMT /policy-politics/opinion-how-to-define-public-schooling-in-the-age-of-choice/2017/09 Choice as a Catalyst Starts with Public Relationships (Opinion) /teaching-learning/opinion-choice-as-a-catalyst-starts-with-public-relationships/2017/02 In a world where "informational" has replaced "relational" in education as well as everywhere else, we begin a democratic awakening by recalling and promoting public relationships. Mon, 27 Feb 2017 11:35:55 GMT /teaching-learning/opinion-choice-as-a-catalyst-starts-with-public-relationships/2017/02 Putting the Public Back in Public Education—From Protest to Public-Making (Opinion) /teaching-learning/opinion-putting-the-public-back-in-public-education-from-protest-to-public-making/2017/01 Privatization of higher education -- from the Trump education team and other forces - feeds on private processes. To reverse the trends we need to put the public back in public education, broadly defined. Thu, 05 Jan 2017 09:24:43 GMT /teaching-learning/opinion-putting-the-public-back-in-public-education-from-protest-to-public-making/2017/01 Civil Rights Hero: 'Charters Are an Important Part of the Answer' (Opinion) /leadership/opinion-civil-rights-hero-charters-are-an-important-part-of-the-answer/2015/04 Marian Wright Edelman, founder and president of the Children's Defense Fund, explained "I'm deeply grateful" to people involved in the charter school movement. "Charters are an important part of the answer" to what American children, especially low income and children of color need. She also stressed the importance of effective district, as well as chartered public schools. Thu, 09 Apr 2015 11:25:05 GMT /leadership/opinion-civil-rights-hero-charters-are-an-important-part-of-the-answer/2015/04 A New, Better Deal for Teachers and Families (Opinion) /teaching-learning/opinion-a-new-better-deal-for-teachers-and-families/2015/02 Many public school educators are frustrated. Fortunately, there's a growing movement to give teachers, along with families, a new, better deal. This empowers teachers to create, as options, new schools that reflect their views about how schools should be organized. Thu, 05 Feb 2015 12:40:00 GMT /teaching-learning/opinion-a-new-better-deal-for-teachers-and-families/2015/02 Confronting School Reforms That Work Against Democracy (Opinion) /teaching-learning/opinion-confronting-school-reforms-that-work-against-democracy/2014/11 Meier: Does a climate of fear help create excuses for more and more emergencies that can't be turned over to "the people"? Tue, 18 Nov 2014 13:34:00 GMT /teaching-learning/opinion-confronting-school-reforms-that-work-against-democracy/2014/11 The Dangers of the Common Core (Opinion) /leadership/opinion-the-dangers-of-the-common-core/2014/10 Meier: As long as we see standards as 'The Standards' we will face this danger—and especially if who is right/wrong is based on impact on test scores designed by the same people who have mandated the standards. Tue, 28 Oct 2014 13:15:00 GMT /leadership/opinion-the-dangers-of-the-common-core/2014/10 Paul Horton: Will the Market Destroy Public Education? (Opinion) /technology/opinion-paul-horton-will-the-market-destroy-public-education/2014/07 Public schools and public teachers have been subjected to a relentless barrage of negative propaganda for almost thirty years. Many corporations want to force open education markets, Microsoft and Pearson Education to name two of the largest, demand "free markets," "choice," and "free enterprise." Fri, 18 Jul 2014 13:57:22 GMT /technology/opinion-paul-horton-will-the-market-destroy-public-education/2014/07 Questioning Education Reformers' Motives: The Big Taboo (Opinion) /leadership/opinion-questioning-education-reformers-motives-the-big-taboo/2014/07 When Lyndsey Layton interviewed Bill Gates a few months ago, she violated one of the major taboos of the education reform discourse. Sun, 13 Jul 2014 21:15:00 GMT /leadership/opinion-questioning-education-reformers-motives-the-big-taboo/2014/07 What's Good for Rich Kids Is Good for Poor Ones, Too (Opinion) /policy-politics/opinion-whats-good-for-rich-kids-is-good-for-poor-ones-too/2014/06 Meier: It is galling when rich people in the ed policy field tell me that class size doesn't matter-and pay a lot to send their kids to schools with half as many students per class as urban schools. Thu, 05 Jun 2014 13:07:00 GMT /policy-politics/opinion-whats-good-for-rich-kids-is-good-for-poor-ones-too/2014/06 Book Review: Mercedes Schneider's "A Chronicle of Echoes" Offers Tools for Defense Against Corporate Reform (Opinion) /leadership/opinion-book-review-mercedes-schneiders-a-chronicle-of-echoes-offers-tools-for-defense-against-corporate-reform/2014/06 Fans of Harry Potter will recall the most valuable class at Hogwarts: "Defense Against the Dark Arts." With her new book, "A Chronicle of Echoes," Mercedes Schneider has provided those of us working to defend public education with a work that could be called "Defense Against Corporate Reform." Mon, 02 Jun 2014 21:00:26 GMT /leadership/opinion-book-review-mercedes-schneiders-a-chronicle-of-echoes-offers-tools-for-defense-against-corporate-reform/2014/06 Massachusetts Teachers Association Takes On High Stakes Tests, School Takeovers (Opinion) /leadership/opinion-massachusetts-teachers-association-takes-on-high-stakes-tests-school-takeovers/2014/05 Activist rank-and-file movements are ramping up teachers unions' fight for justice, reason, and community solidarity by passing resolutions and winning offices across the country. Thu, 22 May 2014 14:45:36 GMT /leadership/opinion-massachusetts-teachers-association-takes-on-high-stakes-tests-school-takeovers/2014/05 Thoughts From a Sit-In (Opinion) /teaching-learning/opinion-thoughts-from-a-sit-in/2014/05 Klonsky: The struggle in the cities, while certainly connected to testing and curriculum (common core), has been focused on equity. Tue, 20 May 2014 14:29:26 GMT /teaching-learning/opinion-thoughts-from-a-sit-in/2014/05 Drawing a Line on Common Core (Opinion) /teaching-learning/opinion-drawing-a-line-on-common-core/2014/05 Klonsky: While you and I share a healthy suspicion of government programs and share a strong opposition to NCLB and Race To The Top, I'm not against government. Tue, 13 May 2014 14:48:00 GMT /teaching-learning/opinion-drawing-a-line-on-common-core/2014/05 What Will It Take to Educate the Gates Foundation? (Opinion) /policy-politics/opinion-what-will-it-take-to-educate-the-gates-foundation/2014/04 Bill Gates has made it clear that this was an experiment from the start. What he did not seem to allow for in his scenario was the possibility that his experiment would not succeed. Thu, 24 Apr 2014 23:02:47 GMT /policy-politics/opinion-what-will-it-take-to-educate-the-gates-foundation/2014/04 John Thompson Reviews John Kuhn's 'Fear and Learning' (Opinion) /leadership/opinion-john-thompson-reviews-john-kuhns-fear-and-learning/2014/04 It was a Texan, Diane Ravitch, who rallied teachers when it seemed like public schooling was condemned to its Alamo. Now, it may be a Texan, John Kuhn, who points the way out of the educational civil war launched by data-driven reform. Thu, 10 Apr 2014 22:43:36 GMT /leadership/opinion-john-thompson-reviews-john-kuhns-fear-and-learning/2014/04 Paul Horton: Free Market Education Reform -- Evidence vs. Ideology (Opinion) /leadership/opinion-paul-horton-free-market-education-reform-evidence-vs-ideology/2014/03 They conclude that empirical evidence does not support the marketist legitimation of privatization. The public sector has not failed, they contend, it has thrived and deserves much more support; Mon, 17 Mar 2014 17:00:47 GMT /leadership/opinion-paul-horton-free-market-education-reform-evidence-vs-ideology/2014/03 Agreed: No Profiting Off Children's Education (Opinion) /leadership/opinion-agreed-no-profiting-off-childrens-education/2014/03 Deborah Meier: If democracy is worth dying for, how about our learning to live with it? Thu, 06 Mar 2014 12:27:00 GMT /leadership/opinion-agreed-no-profiting-off-childrens-education/2014/03 John Kuhn at the NPE Conference: This is Our Education Spring (Opinion) /leadership/opinion-john-kuhn-at-the-npe-conference-this-is-our-education-spring/2014/03 John Kuhn, alongside Chicago Teachers Union president Karen Lewis, spoke against threats to public education. Tue, 04 Mar 2014 15:00:09 GMT /leadership/opinion-john-kuhn-at-the-npe-conference-this-is-our-education-spring/2014/03 Indiana Vouchers Will Help Fix Church Steeples (Opinion) /policy-politics/opinion-indiana-vouchers-will-help-fix-church-steeples/2014/02 Vouchers approved in the state of Indiana are prompting creative bookkeeping on the part of Catholic school leaders, with a significant boon to the churches that run them. Thu, 20 Feb 2014 20:30:16 GMT /policy-politics/opinion-indiana-vouchers-will-help-fix-church-steeples/2014/02 15 Months in Virtual Charter Hell: A Teacher's Tale (Opinion) /leadership/opinion-15-months-in-virtual-charter-hell-a-teachers-tale/2014/01 I believe K12 Inc. targets poor communities and economically struggling regions; they are easily influenced because they are desperately seeking alternatives to devastatingly under-funded schools. Mon, 06 Jan 2014 11:12:13 GMT /leadership/opinion-15-months-in-virtual-charter-hell-a-teachers-tale/2014/01 2013 in Review Part 3: Gatesian Reforms Rejected (Opinion) /leadership/opinion-2013-in-review-part-3-gatesian-reforms-rejected/2013/12 The year 2013 was one of gaining clarity about the strategies and objectives of Gatesian education reform. This clarity allows us to begin 2014 determined to move in a different direction. Fri, 27 Dec 2013 22:31:07 GMT /leadership/opinion-2013-in-review-part-3-gatesian-reforms-rejected/2013/12 2013 in Review Part 1: Charter Schools: Public, Private, or Parasitic? (Opinion) /leadership/opinion-2013-in-review-part-1-charter-schools-public-private-or-parasitic/2013/12 While I recognize that good-hearted people have been attempting to use charter schools as an avenue to help students not served well by traditional schools, the situation faced by public schools has become dire. Wed, 18 Dec 2013 23:15:19 GMT /leadership/opinion-2013-in-review-part-1-charter-schools-public-private-or-parasitic/2013/12 John Thompson: Time is Right for "Principles that Unite Us" (Opinion) /leadership/opinion-john-thompson-time-is-right-for-principles-that-unite-us/2013/12 Teachers, unions, students, and families are finding a common voice. It is the perfect time for the American Federation of Teachers to issue "The Principles that Unite Us," a call for labor and communities to unite in a new era of school reform. Tue, 10 Dec 2013 21:23:29 GMT /leadership/opinion-john-thompson-time-is-right-for-principles-that-unite-us/2013/12 Florida Teacher: "I Was Among Those Who Reviewed the Common Core in 2009" (Opinion) /teaching-learning/opinion-florida-teacher-i-was-among-those-who-reviewed-the-common-core-in-2009/2013/11 As the review unfolded, it became apparent that we were not working with a holistic, integrated application of standards. To Rene and me, it began to look instead like a checklist forming a platform for standardized testing. Wed, 06 Nov 2013 16:43:18 GMT /teaching-learning/opinion-florida-teacher-i-was-among-those-who-reviewed-the-common-core-in-2009/2013/11 "Reign of Error" Reviewed: Ravitch Rises (Opinion) /policy-politics/opinion-reign-of-error-reviewed-ravitch-rises/2013/09 Diane Ravitch has emerged as an iconic figure on America's political landscape. What Daniel Ellsberg was to the Vietnam War, Ravitch has become to the battle raging over public education Sun, 15 Sep 2013 22:18:49 GMT /policy-politics/opinion-reign-of-error-reviewed-ravitch-rises/2013/09 Private Enterprise & Public Education (Opinion) /policy-politics/opinion-private-enterprise-public-education/2013/09 Public debate about for-profit education is confusing largely because it tends to ignore any benefits while focusing solely on the potential negatives. Fri, 13 Sep 2013 11:39:49 GMT /policy-politics/opinion-private-enterprise-public-education/2013/09