Resumes /resumes Resumes en-US 2021 (c) 91Ö±˛Ą Fri, 14 Jun 2024 18:55:12 GMT Candidates for School Jobs May Be Lying on Resumes. What to Do About It /leadership/candidates-for-school-jobs-may-be-lying-on-resumes-what-to-do-about-it/2024/06 A high percentage of job applicants cheat throughout the job application process. AI could make the problem worse. Fri, 14 Jun 2024 18:55:12 GMT /leadership/candidates-for-school-jobs-may-be-lying-on-resumes-what-to-do-about-it/2024/06 What I Learned From Helping Students Build RĂ©sumĂ© and Interview Skills /teaching-learning/what-i-learned-from-helping-students-build-resume-and-interview-skills/2019/02 High school students often don't recognize the value employers might see in their life experiences. We, the adults in students' lives, have a role to play in helping them see and sell their strengths in job interviews. Wed, 13 Feb 2019 23:22:55 GMT /teaching-learning/what-i-learned-from-helping-students-build-resume-and-interview-skills/2019/02 Highlighting Experiences on Your Resume (Opinion) /jobs/opinion-highlighting-experiences-on-your-resume/2017/03 Diverse experiences can count. Teachers do indeed spend a lot of time in the classroom instructing a subject. However, spending time with diverse audiences will help you prepare for your career. Diversity includes culture, religion, and thought. Learning something different gives you depth of knowledge, and an appreciation of others. Consider study abroad, service projects or learning a skill that stretches you. Tue, 07 Mar 2017 10:00:00 GMT /jobs/opinion-highlighting-experiences-on-your-resume/2017/03 Knowledge and Skills Emphasized on a Resume and During Interviewing (Opinion) /jobs/opinion-knowledge-and-skills-emphasized-on-a-resume-and-during-interviewing/2015/11 Five tips to help create strong resumes and interview selling points, allowing you to stand apart from the competition. Wed, 11 Nov 2015 21:36:49 GMT /jobs/opinion-knowledge-and-skills-emphasized-on-a-resume-and-during-interviewing/2015/11 Essential Elements for Resumes and Interviews (Opinion) /jobs/opinion-essential-elements-for-resumes-and-interviews/2015/11 Resume and interview tips shared by a former school district administrator. Learn the four basic themes that teaching candidates need to incorporate into their resumes and interview sessions. Tue, 03 Nov 2015 13:00:00 GMT /jobs/opinion-essential-elements-for-resumes-and-interviews/2015/11 Educator Resume - Should I Round My GPA? (Opinion) /jobs/opinion-educator-resume-should-i-round-my-gpa/2015/05 While it might be tempting to do, never round your GPA on your resume or other applications documents. Employers trust teachers and teacher candidates to be honest and ethical; don't risk being ruled out because you've stretched your GPA beyond its actual value. Tue, 26 May 2015 12:00:00 GMT /jobs/opinion-educator-resume-should-i-round-my-gpa/2015/05 Standing Out: In Person and On Paper (Opinion) /jobs/opinion-standing-out-in-person-and-on-paper/2014/12 What should you showcase to stand out from the competition? Highlight skills and experiences that bring value to the school district. Tue, 16 Dec 2014 16:18:41 GMT /jobs/opinion-standing-out-in-person-and-on-paper/2014/12 The 4 Biggest Mistakes Seen on Resumes (Opinion) /jobs/opinion-the-4-biggest-mistakes-seen-on-resumes/2014/10 Your resume is the gateway to securing an interview with a school district. Please avoid some of the mistakes that job seekers make when developing a resume. See the following mistakes that you should avoid: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 12:59:23 GMT /jobs/opinion-the-4-biggest-mistakes-seen-on-resumes/2014/10 Master Resumes for the Serious Job Seeker (Opinion) /jobs/opinion-master-resumes-for-the-serious-job-seeker/2014/08 Employers today expect targeted job search documents and well-prepared job candidates. One generic resume and cover letter for all potential employers simply is not very effective in this tough job market. If you want to get serious about your job search, create a master resume with all the details. Wed, 06 Aug 2014 12:29:52 GMT /jobs/opinion-master-resumes-for-the-serious-job-seeker/2014/08 A Quick Resume Checklist to Keep You Going In Your Summer Job Search (Opinion) /jobs/opinion-a-quick-resume-checklist-to-keep-you-going-in-your-summer-job-search/2014/07 Avoid using horizontal lines as the computerized applicant tracking systems that most school districts use may misread them as the end of the document so that your resume never even gets read. With this in mind, then, the entire document should have as simple formatting as possible. Wed, 09 Jul 2014 19:57:35 GMT /jobs/opinion-a-quick-resume-checklist-to-keep-you-going-in-your-summer-job-search/2014/07 Recruiters Aren't Just Looking at Your Resume (Opinion) /leadership/opinion-recruiters-arent-just-looking-at-your-resume/2014/03 Recruiters are not just looking at your resume anymore, they're checking out your Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn pages. What kind of things do you post and how is that making a difference in your job-future? Mon, 10 Mar 2014 18:18:55 GMT /leadership/opinion-recruiters-arent-just-looking-at-your-resume/2014/03 Does Your Paperwork Tell Your Story? (Opinion) /jobs/opinion-does-your-paperwork-tell-your-story/2014/02 There is a saying that "the job isn't finished until the paperwork is done." There is a different spin on this when applying for a position. The job won't begin if the paperwork is not done correctly. Your application and resume introduce you as a prospective candidate. Often attention to detail makes the difference in whether you are screened out or brought to the table in an interview process. Building and personnel administrators can tell stories of paperwork blunders that sometimes cost a potential candidate an interview and ultimately a position. Wed, 19 Feb 2014 14:48:26 GMT /jobs/opinion-does-your-paperwork-tell-your-story/2014/02 Resume and Application Tips (Opinion) /jobs/opinion-resume-and-application-tips/2013/09 Applications, resumes and job applications are always a "Work In Progress," or should be. Gone are the days when you took your rĂ©sumĂ© to the stone mason and had it carved in stone. Two things that employers look for are individual tailoring and recent activity. Mon, 16 Sep 2013 14:35:08 GMT /jobs/opinion-resume-and-application-tips/2013/09 Creating a "Stand-Out" Resume for the Job Search in Education (Opinion) /jobs/opinion-creating-a-stand-out-resume-for-the-job-search-in-education/2013/04 Recent reports predict the demise of the job resume and the rise of Twitter, LinkedIn accounts and video resumes - all in the service of expediency. Employers and job seekers may well be moving in that direction, but at this time, the professional resume is still required in most educational environments. Indeed, technology, such as the Appli-tracks job application system, is incorporated into the recruitment process. Within such systems, however, employers continue to request the professional resume. Consequently, job seekers benefit from focusing on how to make their resumes stand out among the possible 20, 200 or even 1,000 that are collected and reviewed by prospective employers for a limited number of positions. Wed, 03 Apr 2013 18:47:11 GMT /jobs/opinion-creating-a-stand-out-resume-for-the-job-search-in-education/2013/04 What should I put in my resume? (Opinion) /jobs/opinion-what-should-i-put-in-my-resume/2013/03 Your resume is a very valuable piece of job search realty! Don's skimp on preparing this document. I recommend that you contact your university Career Center for assistance; often you can find resume samples on their websites. There are also free online resume builders that are worth investigating. Here are some general guidelines for education resumes: Wed, 13 Mar 2013 01:44:30 GMT /jobs/opinion-what-should-i-put-in-my-resume/2013/03 I'm Thankful for the Lousy School Job on My Resume (Opinion) /education/opinion-im-thankful-for-the-lousy-school-job-on-my-resume/2012/11 I stumbled across my resume the other day and examined every major place I've worked in the past. I took a moment to reflect on my experience at each school and each journalistic publication. I paused over each university listed, each honor bestowed upon me. Wed, 21 Nov 2012 18:02:25 GMT /education/opinion-im-thankful-for-the-lousy-school-job-on-my-resume/2012/11 Leveraging Internships for More Than Resume Building /teaching-learning/leveraging-internships-for-more-than-resume-building/2012/09 A survey reveals experience in internships builds resumes, but not always gives real-world work experience. Thu, 06 Sep 2012 21:30:32 GMT /teaching-learning/leveraging-internships-for-more-than-resume-building/2012/09 Resume Tips That Will Get You an Interview (Opinion) /jobs/opinion-resume-tips-that-will-get-you-an-interview/2012/07 Not getting any interviews? Maybe it's your resume. How does yours stack up against the competition? A few things to keep in mind: Fri, 27 Jul 2012 18:17:03 GMT /jobs/opinion-resume-tips-that-will-get-you-an-interview/2012/07 Resume 101 (Opinion) /leadership/opinion-resume-101/2012/04 Last week, I had an interesting conversation with my coworkers about reviewing rĂ©sumĂ©s that were excellent, poorly-written, and even inappropriate, and how important a rĂ©sumĂ© can be in making a good first impression with an employer. This inspired me to share some lessons for creating and maintaining a professional rĂ©sumĂ©. Fri, 27 Apr 2012 14:04:52 GMT /leadership/opinion-resume-101/2012/04 ONE-PAGE RESUME? YOU MUST BE KIDDING! (Opinion) /jobs/opinion-one-page-resume-you-must-be-kidding/2012/03 "Keep your resume to one page." This is the message we've been receiving from districts recruiting our teachers. In a market with an oversupply of applicants, administrators need to be able to sort quickly through hundreds of resumes. Wading through padding, repetition, and unnecessary information is frustrating - and a poor use of time. Mon, 05 Mar 2012 20:41:32 GMT /jobs/opinion-one-page-resume-you-must-be-kidding/2012/03 How Do You Make Your Resume Stand Out? (Opinion) /jobs/opinion-how-do-you-make-your-resume-stand-out/2012/01 Put yourself in the shoes of the administrator who has to fill a teaching vacancy. You have 80 resumes and cover letters for one teaching job and after a while they all start to look the same. Fri, 27 Jan 2012 19:19:27 GMT /jobs/opinion-how-do-you-make-your-resume-stand-out/2012/01 Resume with Advanced Degrees - Re-Entry from Admin (Opinion) /jobs/opinion-resume-with-advanced-degrees-re-entry-from-admin/2011/05 A reader recently submitted a question regarding re-entering the classroom after a stint as an administrator and asked for feedback on her rĂ©sumĂ©, as she was having limited success in being selected for interviews. Diana Sanchez wrote an entry for this blog in December called "The 'Over-Educated' Myth?" in which she addressed some of the questions surrounding advanced degrees for teachers. I'll give my thoughts as a career services professional on a re-entry rĂ©sumĂ©, but I would encourage school HR or hiring officials to provide their (more relevant) thoughts as well. Thu, 12 May 2011 20:07:05 GMT /jobs/opinion-resume-with-advanced-degrees-re-entry-from-admin/2011/05 The Importance of Having Multiple Resume Reviews (Opinion) /jobs/opinion-the-importance-of-having-multiple-resume-reviews/2010/10 Yesterday afternoon and again, this morning I was reminded of the importance of getting multiple people's opinions about your resume. Basing your resume off of one person's opinion or that of your own can be a crucial error in the job search. This is when I tend to see resume's that are not attractive or aligned, have spelling errors, undersell your qualifications or include everything you have ever done! Mon, 18 Oct 2010 18:18:44 GMT /jobs/opinion-the-importance-of-having-multiple-resume-reviews/2010/10 Can you talk about your resume in an interview? (Opinion) /jobs/opinion-can-you-talk-about-your-resume-in-an-interview/2008/07 As most everyone knows, a resume is a document that highlights your experiences and qualifications to potential employers. Unfortunately, what some people don't know is they are held accountable for the information they put on the resume. If you post something on your resume, make sure it is truthful. In an interview, an employer can tell if you are skirting around the question or issue being talked about. If it's not true, don't post it. Also, you must know your resume very well and be ready to answer questions about everything on it. Tue, 29 Jul 2008 15:24:22 GMT /jobs/opinion-can-you-talk-about-your-resume-in-an-interview/2008/07 How Cute Is Your RĂ©sumĂ©? (Opinion) /jobs/opinion-how-cute-is-your-resume/2008/01 Occasionally, I get a rĂ©sumĂ© from an education candidate who believes that incorporating some cute graphics will demonstrate their ability to use technology to create inventive classroom projects. My advice is not to use your rĂ©sumĂ© for that purpose. Fri, 25 Jan 2008 22:56:43 GMT /jobs/opinion-how-cute-is-your-resume/2008/01 Resumes and Cover Letters: Getting a School's Attention /education/resumes-and-cover-letters-getting-a-schools-attention/2007/07 Resumes and cover letters may seem like mere formalities, but in fact they're often your best chance to make a good impression on a school. Thu, 19 Jul 2007 18:21:40 GMT /education/resumes-and-cover-letters-getting-a-schools-attention/2007/07 Resume Tips /education/resume-tips/2006/02 Good resumes are highly individualized products. However, there are some accepted standards—and added touches—that successful education resumes tend to share. Here’s a quick review. Sat, 11 Feb 2006 00:50:30 GMT /education/resume-tips/2006/02