Ronald Reagan /ronald-reagan Ronald Reagan en-US 2021 (c) 91Ö±²¥ Wed, 17 Jan 2018 10:01:00 GMT Year-One Presidential Scorecards on K-12 /policy-politics/year-one-presidential-scorecards-on-k-12/2018/01 Here's some highlights of President Donald Trump's impact on education in his first year—and a look at what his five predecessors did. Wed, 17 Jan 2018 10:01:00 GMT /policy-politics/year-one-presidential-scorecards-on-k-12/2018/01 Year One Check-In: What's Trump Done on K-12 Compared to Other Presidents? /policy-politics/year-one-check-in-whats-trump-done-on-k-12-compared-to-other-presidents/2018/01 President Donald Trump doesn't seem to have gotten as much accomplished on K-12 as his recent predecessors. Tue, 16 Jan 2018 03:00:08 GMT /policy-politics/year-one-check-in-whats-trump-done-on-k-12-compared-to-other-presidents/2018/01 How Reagan's Ghost Can Help Tear Down Our Cages (Opinion) /education/opinion-how-reagans-ghost-can-help-tear-down-our-cages/2015/04 Education must protect and prepare everyone—and we must keep costs under control. This is where the ghost of Ronald Reagan should inform our education policy. Tue, 28 Apr 2015 12:00:00 GMT /education/opinion-how-reagans-ghost-can-help-tear-down-our-cages/2015/04 Reagan’s Legacy: A Nation at Risk, Boost for Choice /policy-politics/reagans-legacy-a-nation-at-risk-boost-for-choice/2004/06 President Ronald W. Reagan left an education legacy of advocacy for vouchers and school prayer. Wed, 16 Jun 2004 14:00:00 GMT /policy-politics/reagans-legacy-a-nation-at-risk-boost-for-choice/2004/06 ‘We Mourn Seven Heroes’ /education/we-mourn-seven-heroes/1991/02 Following is the transcript of President Reagan's Jan. 28 statement to the nation on the shuttle crash, as recorded by The New York Times. Tue, 05 Feb 1991 21:58:00 GMT /education/we-mourn-seven-heroes/1991/02 Reagan Praises Teachers and Incentive Pay /education/reagan-praises-teachers-and-incentive-pay/1988/03 In a speech at Oakton High School here last week, President Reagan touted the Fairfax County, Va., school system's incentive-based efforts to professionalize teaching and encouraged students to consider entering the field. Wed, 30 Mar 1988 15:00:00 GMT /education/reagan-praises-teachers-and-incentive-pay/1988/03 President Vetoes Rights-Restoration Bill; Override Likely /education/president-vetoes-rights-restoration-bill-override-likely/1988/03 President Reagan refused to sign the proposed civil rights restoration act last week, and the Congress quickly set the wheels in motion for an override of his veto. Wed, 23 Mar 1988 15:00:00 GMT /education/president-vetoes-rights-restoration-bill-override-likely/1988/03 Reagan Sends Congress List For Cutting Budget's 'Pork' /education/reagan-sends-congress-list-for-cutting-budgets-pork/1988/03 President Reagan, who has often said he covets the line-item-veto authority enjoyed by most state governors, has given the Congress a taste of how he would use that power. Wed, 23 Mar 1988 15:00:00 GMT /education/reagan-sends-congress-list-for-cutting-budgets-pork/1988/03 1988 State of the Union Message: Praise for 'Imaginative Reforms' /education/1988-state-of-the-union-message-praise-for-imaginative-reforms/1988/02 Following are President Reagan's remarks on education in the Jan. 25 State of the Union Message: Wed, 03 Feb 1988 15:00:00 GMT /education/1988-state-of-the-union-message-praise-for-imaginative-reforms/1988/02 Reagan Directs E.D. To Develop Model Voucher Bill for States /education/reagan-directs-e-d-to-develop-model-voucher-bill-for-states/1988/02 In his annual legislative message to the Congress last week, President Reagan said the Administration would continue to promote parental choice in education by offering states model legislation on Chapter 1 vouchers and seeking a funding hike for the federal magnet-schools program. Wed, 03 Feb 1988 15:00:00 GMT /education/reagan-directs-e-d-to-develop-model-voucher-bill-for-states/1988/02 Reagan Applauds Choice, Prayer /education/reagan-applauds-choice-prayer/1987/12 In a speech before a group of high-school seniors and their parents in Florida last week, President Reagan reiterated his call for "choice in education," saying parents should be allowed their choice of schools and children their choice to pray. Wed, 09 Dec 1987 15:00:00 GMT /education/reagan-applauds-choice-prayer/1987/12 Rhetoric and Symbolic Politics: President Reagan's School-Reform Agenda (Opinion) /education/opinion-rhetoric-and-symbolic-politics-president-reagans-school-reform-agenda/1987/03 At the turn of this century, the United States became the first Western nation to recognize the need for a separate educational unit between elementary school and high school. Wed, 18 Mar 1987 22:22:42 GMT /education/opinion-rhetoric-and-symbolic-politics-president-reagans-school-reform-agenda/1987/03 President Reagan's School-Reform Agenda /education/president-reagans-school-reform-agenda/1987/03 Since 1983, American public schools have been experiencing the most sustained and far-reaching reform effort in modern times. This national effort to improve school performance, in pursuit of excellence and economic growth, was galvanized by leadership from the Reagan Administration. Yet, unlike previous administrations, this one mobilized reform with a minimum of federal expenditures and no direct intervention into state and local educational affairs. Wed, 18 Mar 1987 15:00:00 GMT /education/president-reagans-school-reform-agenda/1987/03 Reagan To Seek Hike In Magnet-School Aid /education/reagan-to-seek-hike-in-magnet-school-aid/1987/01 Suitland, Md--In a speech to a predominantly black student audience at a magnet high school here last week, President Reagan announced that he would seek a substantial increase in funding for the federal magnet-schools program. Tue, 27 Jan 1987 15:00:00 GMT /education/reagan-to-seek-hike-in-magnet-school-aid/1987/01 President Salutes Young Heroes /education/president-salutes-young-heroes/1986/02 President Reagan focused not only upon the family as the nation's "moral core" but on children themselves in his annual State of the Union address last week. Thu, 13 Feb 1986 01:03:25 GMT /education/president-salutes-young-heroes/1986/02 U.S.-Soviet Student Exchanges Urged /education/u-s-soviet-student-exchanges-urged/1985/12 President Reagan answered questions from students at Fallston (Md.) High School about U.S.-Soviet relations following his meeting last week with General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev. President Reagan brought the message of last month's summit meeting to a Maryland high school last week, encouraging students to participate in people-to-people exchanges with their peers in the Soviet Union. Wed, 11 Dec 1985 15:00:00 GMT /education/u-s-soviet-student-exchanges-urged/1985/12 Reagan Threatens to Veto Bills Above Senate Spending Cap /education/reagan-threatens-to-veto-bills-above-senate-spending-cap/1985/08 Dissatisfied with the spending cuts in the Congress's mid-summer budget resolution, President Reagan last week threatened to veto fiscal 1986 appropriations bills that exceed funding levels approved by the Senate last spring. Wed, 21 Aug 1985 14:00:00 GMT /education/reagan-threatens-to-veto-bills-above-senate-spending-cap/1985/08 Reagan, Citing Opposition, Pledges Not To Abolish E.D. 'At This Time' /education/reagan-citing-opposition-pledges-not-to-abolish-e-d-at-this-time/1985/02 Text of the Jan. 29 letter from President Reagan to Senator Orrin G. Hatch, chairman of the Committee on Labor and Human Resources, on his decision not to seek abolition of the Education Department: Wed, 06 Feb 1985 15:00:00 GMT /education/reagan-citing-opposition-pledges-not-to-abolish-e-d-at-this-time/1985/02 Reagan Contributes to Conservatives' 'Blueprint' on School Issues /education/reagan-contributes-to-conservatives-blueprint-on-school-issues/1984/10 President Reagan has contributed the introduction to a new book of essays on education published by a conservative organization in Washington. Wed, 03 Oct 1984 14:00:00 GMT /education/reagan-contributes-to-conservatives-blueprint-on-school-issues/1984/10 Reagan Says Teacher to Be First Space Passenger /policy-politics/reagan-says-teacher-to-be-first-space-passenger/1984/09 President Reagan announced that an elementary- or secondary-school teacher would be the first private citizen to fly on a space-shuttle mission. Wed, 05 Sep 1984 14:00:00 GMT /policy-politics/reagan-says-teacher-to-be-first-space-passenger/1984/09 Reagan Says Education Tops Americans' Agenda /education/reagan-says-education-tops-americans-agenda/1984/02 Repeating themes that he outlined in his State of the Union address, President Reagan told the National Association of Secondary School Principals that his administration had "put education at the top of the American agenda" and was responsible for a wave of reform initiatives in state education systems. The President told the principals attending their annual meeting in Las Vegas last week that they bore an "enormous responsibility" for improving the country's schools and that they did not need great infusions of new money to do the job. Wed, 15 Feb 1984 15:00:00 GMT /education/reagan-says-education-tops-americans-agenda/1984/02 Excerpt From President Reagan's State of The Union Address /education/excerpt-from-president-reagans-state-of-the-union-address/1984/02 Following is an excerpt from President Reagan's Jan. 25 State of the Union Address. Wed, 01 Feb 1984 15:00:00 GMT /education/excerpt-from-president-reagans-state-of-the-union-address/1984/02 Federal File: Youth's Earnings; Women's Projects; Committee's Labor /education/federal-file-youths-earnings-womens-projects-committees-labor/1983/02 The $3.35-per-hour minimum wage "never should have been applied to young people looking for summer jobs, after-school jobs," said President Reagan last week, in defending his Administration's proposal for a sub-minimum wage for youths. Wed, 16 Feb 1983 15:00:00 GMT /education/federal-file-youths-earnings-womens-projects-committees-labor/1983/02 President Reagan's 1984 Education Budget /education/president-reagans-1984-education-budget/1983/02 The effects of President Reagan's fiscal 1984 budget proposal on various education-related federal programs are summarized in the following special section. The budget figures listed include: (1) the actual appropriation figures for the fiscal year 1982; (2) the fiscal 1983 budget set by the Congressional continuing resolution last fall; (3) new proposals by the Administration to rescind funds from the 1983 budget; and (4) the Administration's fiscal 1984 budget proposals. Wed, 09 Feb 1983 15:00:00 GMT /education/president-reagans-1984-education-budget/1983/02 President Reagan's Education Plan, from Speech /education/president-reagans-education-plan-from-speech/1983/02 We Americans are still the world's technological leader in most fields. We must keep that edge, and to do so we need to begin renewing the basics--starting with our educational system. While we grew complacent, others have acted. Japan, with a population only about half the size of ours, graduates from its universities more engineers than we do. If a child doesn't receive adequate math and science teaching by the age of 16, he or she has lost the chance to be a scientist or engineer. Wed, 02 Feb 1983 15:00:00 GMT /education/president-reagans-education-plan-from-speech/1983/02 Financial Aid and the Reagan Administration: Questioning the Commitment to Equal Opportunity (Opinion) /education/opinion-financial-aid-and-the-reagan-administration-questioning-the-commitment-to-equal-opportunity/1983/01 Financial aid. It was--and is--a powerful idea, one born in a spirit of national concern and fired in the crucible of the civil-rights" movement. Wed, 26 Jan 1983 15:00:00 GMT /education/opinion-financial-aid-and-the-reagan-administration-questioning-the-commitment-to-equal-opportunity/1983/01 Law Permitting Congress's Veto Is Itself Vetoed /education/law-permitting-congresss-veto-is-itself-vetoed/1983/01 President Reagan last week refused to sign a bill passed during the final days of the 97th Congress that would have strengthened the legislative branch's right to review and, if it deemed appropriate, to veto federal education regulations. By using the "pocket' veto, the President can fail to act on, and thereby veto, a measure approved by the Congress if the Congress's adjournment prevents him from returning it to the chamber where it originated. Normally, a bill automatically becomes law if the President fails to act on it within 10 days of receiving it. The bill, HR 7336, was drafted largely in response to a confrontation last summer between the Congress and the Education Department over the applicability of the General Education Provisions Act (gepa) to Chapters 1 and 2 of the Education Consolidation and Improvement Act of 1981. Wed, 19 Jan 1983 15:00:00 GMT /education/law-permitting-congresss-veto-is-itself-vetoed/1983/01 President Tangles With Congress Over Budget /education/president-tangles-with-congress-over-budget/1982/12 President Reagan threatened to bring the federal government to a standstill last week if the Congress failed to cut out a $5.5-billion jobs program from a key budget bill. Wed, 22 Dec 1982 15:00:00 GMT /education/president-tangles-with-congress-over-budget/1982/12 Critics Distort Record on Civil Rights, Justice Department Report Contends /education/critics-distort-record-on-civil-rights-justice-department-report-contends/1982/11 The Justice Department last week issued a 55-page report rebutting charges made by a lawyers' group here that the Reagan Administration had rolled back civil-rights enforcement on several fronts, most notably in the area of school desegregation. Wed, 17 Nov 1982 15:00:00 GMT /education/critics-distort-record-on-civil-rights-justice-department-report-contends/1982/11 President's Remarks to Editors on Tax Credits /education/presidents-remarks-to-editors-on-tax-credits/1982/10 Following is the text of remarks made by President Ronald Reagan to a group of religion editors at the White House on Sept. 14 and published in Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents. I'm delighted that you're all here, and I know that you've been briefed and had a briefing on the subject of our legislation for tuition tax credits. And I expect to make another strike and try for a breakthrough in that today and hope to get it out of the Senate committee and onto the floor, because I'll be meeting very shortly with Senators Dole and Moynihan and Roth and Packwood on this particular subject. Wed, 06 Oct 1982 14:00:00 GMT /education/presidents-remarks-to-editors-on-tax-credits/1982/10