School Business Relations /school-business-relations School Business Relations en-US 2021 (c) 91ֱ Mon, 02 Dec 2024 21:55:41 GMT Crafting Outcomes-Based Contracts That Work for Everyone /events/webinar/crafting-outcomes-based-contracts-that-work-for-everyone Discover the power of outcomes-based contracts and how they can drive student achievement. Mon, 02 Dec 2024 21:55:41 GMT /events/webinar/crafting-outcomes-based-contracts-that-work-for-everyone Innovative Funding Models: A Deep Dive into Public-Private Partnerships /events/webinar/innovative-funding-models-a-deep-dive-into-public-private-partnerships Discover how innovative funding models drive educational projects forward. Join us for insights into effective PPP implementation. Wed, 29 May 2024 22:30:18 GMT /events/webinar/innovative-funding-models-a-deep-dive-into-public-private-partnerships Bus Contracts: The Pros and Cons for School Districts Outsourcing Transportation /leadership/bus-contracts-the-pros-and-cons-for-school-districts-outsourcing-transportation/2023/12 Districts see more predictable costs and get valuable expertise, but high costs send some back to an in-house model. Mon, 11 Dec 2023 21:53:10 GMT /leadership/bus-contracts-the-pros-and-cons-for-school-districts-outsourcing-transportation/2023/12 Late Arrivals, Steep Costs: Why Some Districts Ditch Third-Party Bus Companies /leadership/late-arrivals-steep-costs-why-some-districts-ditch-third-party-bus-companies/2023/11 Districts are facing a host of transportation challenges. Some have addressed them by deciding to bring buses back in house. Thu, 30 Nov 2023 23:03:44 GMT /leadership/late-arrivals-steep-costs-why-some-districts-ditch-third-party-bus-companies/2023/11 Scholastic Book Fairs, Explained: How They Work and Who Benefits /teaching-learning/scholastic-book-fairs-explained-how-they-work-and-who-benefits/2023/10 What you need to know about what students can find at book fairs, who organizes them, who selects the books for them, and more. Fri, 20 Oct 2023 20:28:56 GMT /teaching-learning/scholastic-book-fairs-explained-how-they-work-and-who-benefits/2023/10 Districts Try New Approach to Contracts: Tying Payments to Student Learning /leadership/districts-try-new-approach-to-contracts-tying-payments-to-student-learning/2023/05 The shift in contracting aims to broaden vendors' focus from providing services to showing results. Fri, 05 May 2023 18:44:34 GMT /leadership/districts-try-new-approach-to-contracts-tying-payments-to-student-learning/2023/05 Few Students Take Computer Science. This District Offers a Blueprint for Changing That /teaching-learning/few-students-take-computer-science-this-district-offers-a-blueprint-for-changing-that/2023/03 One New York district exposes its students to computer science from prekindergarten through high school. Mon, 27 Mar 2023 04:01:27 GMT /teaching-learning/few-students-take-computer-science-this-district-offers-a-blueprint-for-changing-that/2023/03 5 Ways Rural School Leaders Can Create Workforce Opportunities for Students (Opinion) /teaching-learning/opinion-creating-work-based-learning-opportunities-in-rural-communities-is-hard-but-it-doesnt-have-to-be/2022/02 The key to offering high-quality, work-based learning opportunities to students in rural areas is community building. Mon, 14 Feb 2022 10:40:19 GMT /teaching-learning/opinion-creating-work-based-learning-opportunities-in-rural-communities-is-hard-but-it-doesnt-have-to-be/2022/02 How K-12 Schools Tamed Silicon Valley /education-industry/how-k-12-schools-tamed-silicon-valley/2021/06 Forget disruption. Ed-tech startups Clever and Nearpod just sold for a combined $1 billion because they solved schools’ everyday problems. Wed, 09 Jun 2021 18:43:02 GMT /education-industry/how-k-12-schools-tamed-silicon-valley/2021/06 Millions of Students Got Free Home Internet for Remote Learning. How Long Will It Last? /technology/millions-of-students-got-free-home-internet-for-remote-learning-how-long-will-it-last/2021/03 Time and money are running out on temporary agreements between districts and ISPs. Broadband advocates want a federal solution. Wed, 10 Mar 2021 05:01:10 GMT /technology/millions-of-students-got-free-home-internet-for-remote-learning-how-long-will-it-last/2021/03 Building a Research Base for Your K-12 Product /technology/video-building-a-research-base-for-your-k-12-product/2019/07 Many vendors like the idea of building a research base for their product, but they aren’t sure where to start. There are simple ways for companies to begin laying a research foundation, which can not only impress district buyers but help vendors learn more about their products and how schools are using them. In this Two-Minute Tip, EdWeek Market Brief Managing Editor Sean Cavanagh talks about large and small-scale research strategies that work. Wed, 17 Jul 2019 14:06:47 GMT /technology/video-building-a-research-base-for-your-k-12-product/2019/07 Creating Pilot Projects that Impress K-12 Districts /education/video-creating-pilot-projects-that-impress-k-12-districts/2019/06 Successful pilot projects can lead to school- or district-wide contracts if they’re successful. In this Two-Minute Tip, EdWeek Market Brief's Michelle Davis talks about the steps vendors need to take to make sure pilot projects meet their goals and those of district leaders and educators. Wed, 19 Jun 2019 19:29:21 GMT /education/video-creating-pilot-projects-that-impress-k-12-districts/2019/06 6 Tips to Boost Usage of Your Ed-Tech Product /technology/video-6-tips-to-boost-usage-of-your-ed-tech-product/2019/05 School district leaders are looking at ed-tech products through a “use it or lose it” lens. With the help of new tools that monitor utilization of products in classrooms, they’re using data to determine whether to keep using different tools and platforms – or whether to pull the plug on them. How can ed-tech companies make sure their products are seen as essential? EdWeek Market Brief’s Michele Molnar offers tips for companies to make sure their usage is robust in classrooms. Wed, 15 May 2019 14:06:21 GMT /technology/video-6-tips-to-boost-usage-of-your-ed-tech-product/2019/05 How Does ESSA Impact Education Product and Service Providers? /policy-politics/video-how-does-essa-impact-education-product-and-service-providers/2018/06 The Every Student Succeeds Act gives states and districts more flexibility when it comes to school improvement, but they must back it up with evidence. What does that mean for those who are not necessarily practitioners, but are providing a role in support services and products? Sean Cavanagh, senior editor of EdWeek Market Brief, talks about the questions surrounding the business and private sector opportunities that ESSA offers as states, districts, and schools seek to benefit from the new law’s flexibility. This video was filmed following 91ֱ’s virtual summit on ESSA, where online participants submitted their questions about the upcoming implementation of the new federal law. Tue, 12 Jun 2018 14:13:41 GMT /policy-politics/video-how-does-essa-impact-education-product-and-service-providers/2018/06 In Education, Perfect Must Not Become the Enemy of Good (Opinion) /leadership/opinion-in-education-perfect-must-not-become-the-enemy-of-good/2018/01 Randi Weingarten and Stanley S. Litow explore how we can move past divisiveness on key education issues. Tue, 09 Jan 2018 02:19:04 GMT /leadership/opinion-in-education-perfect-must-not-become-the-enemy-of-good/2018/01 Getting Businesses Involved in Schools: What's the Secret Sauce? /teaching-learning/getting-businesses-involved-in-schools-whats-the-secret-sauce/2017/11 A high school in Minnesota is excelling at something that has eluded most schools, and is important as they try to focus on career readiness: enlisting businesses to participate in designing curriculum and teaching students. Wed, 29 Nov 2017 16:07:44 GMT /teaching-learning/getting-businesses-involved-in-schools-whats-the-secret-sauce/2017/11 Schools Take a Page From Silicon Valley With 'Scrum' Approach /leadership/schools-take-a-page-from-silicon-valley-with-scrum-approach/2017/11 In Chesterfield County, Va., and other districts, educators are borrowing a project-management approach from the world of software development: "Scrum" meetings. Wed, 01 Nov 2017 18:08:35 GMT /leadership/schools-take-a-page-from-silicon-valley-with-scrum-approach/2017/11 As Many Focus on Houston, Other Coastal Schools Slammed by Harvey Still Ache /leadership/as-many-focus-on-houston-other-coastal-schools-slammed-by-harvey-still-ache/2017/09 Some Texas coastal districts are racing to open just after Labor Day while others say they may be closed "indefinitely" Fri, 01 Sep 2017 21:36:15 GMT /leadership/as-many-focus-on-houston-other-coastal-schools-slammed-by-harvey-still-ache/2017/09 In Chicago, Enrollment Decline and Funding Uncertainties Lead to Smaller School Budgets /leadership/in-chicago-enrollment-decline-and-funding-uncertainties-lead-to-smaller-school-budgets/2017/07 The district expects its schools' budgets for the next school year to be smaller than the current year, in part because of projected decline in student enrollment and loss of federal funds. Fri, 21 Jul 2017 16:00:25 GMT /leadership/in-chicago-enrollment-decline-and-funding-uncertainties-lead-to-smaller-school-budgets/2017/07 Texas High School Senior Defeats Incumbent to Win School Board Seat /leadership/texas-high-school-senior-defeats-incumbent-to-win-school-board-seat/2017/05 Mike Floyd will take office three days before he graduates. Floyd said he ran, in part, because of remarks the district superintendent made about restroom policies for transgender students Mon, 08 May 2017 15:45:49 GMT /leadership/texas-high-school-senior-defeats-incumbent-to-win-school-board-seat/2017/05 The Global Ed-Tech Market: Risks, Opportunities for Companies Trying to Sell Abroad /education/video-the-global-ed-tech-market-risks-opportunities-for-companies-trying-to-sell-abroad/2017/03 The global ed-tech market presents numerous obstacles for K-12 companies, but also tantalizing opportunities if they can overcome those barriers. EdWeek Market Brief senior editor Sean Cavanagh spoke recently with company officials and others about the challenges ed-tech providers face in trying to work outside their home countries, which include trying to right viable buyers, the lack of reliable infrastructure in some nations and regions, increasingly complex demands from school officials, and the pressure on early-stage companies have a fully realized product before they go to market. Thu, 23 Mar 2017 17:34:17 GMT /education/video-the-global-ed-tech-market-risks-opportunities-for-companies-trying-to-sell-abroad/2017/03 Why K-12 Ed-Tech Companies’ Pitches Fall Flat /education/video-why-k-12-ed-tech-companies-pitches-fall-flat/2017/02 Tue, 14 Feb 2017 17:59:41 GMT /education/video-why-k-12-ed-tech-companies-pitches-fall-flat/2017/02 Former Detroit Schools Manager Charged in Flint Water Crisis Case /leadership/former-detroit-schools-manager-charged-in-flint-water-crisis-case/2016/12 The criminal charges stem from the decision to provide water to residents that was not properly treated, leading to lead contamination. Tue, 20 Dec 2016 19:30:50 GMT /leadership/former-detroit-schools-manager-charged-in-flint-water-crisis-case/2016/12 Entire School Board in Small Virginia Town Resigns /leadership/entire-school-board-in-small-virginia-town-resigns/2016/11 The seven-member school board in Franklin City, Va., resigned after the City Council asked the members to do so over questions of financial management. Mon, 14 Nov 2016 16:18:51 GMT /leadership/entire-school-board-in-small-virginia-town-resigns/2016/11 Chicago District Plans to Borrow $1 Billion /leadership/chicago-district-plans-to-borrow-1-billion/2016/10 The Chicago Sun-Times reports that the Chicago Board of Education approved borrowing nearly $1 billion for construction costs and to refinance high-interest debt. Thu, 27 Oct 2016 16:37:23 GMT /leadership/chicago-district-plans-to-borrow-1-billion/2016/10 Program Pairs Ed-Tech Companies, Schools /leadership/program-pairs-ed-tech-companies-schools/2016/06 The Learning Innovation Hub program, or iHub, allows digital providers to test and get feedback on their products from classroom teachers, in a process meant to nurture improvement and innovation. Mon, 06 Jun 2016 08:23:11 GMT /leadership/program-pairs-ed-tech-companies-schools/2016/06 Strike Drumbeat Builds in Chicago As District Urges More Negotiations /leadership/strike-drumbeat-builds-in-chicago-as-district-urges-more-negotiations/2016/04 After the Chicago Teachers' Union rejected a fact-finder's recommendations on a new contract, the school district has called for the teachers' union to drop the strike talk and return to the bargaining table. Mon, 18 Apr 2016 20:13:11 GMT /leadership/strike-drumbeat-builds-in-chicago-as-district-urges-more-negotiations/2016/04 Chicago Teachers' Union Rejects District Contract Offer /leadership/chicago-teachers-union-rejects-district-contract-offer/2016/02 The Chicago Teachers' Union on Monday said the district offered no guaranteed funds to pay for what it was offering the union and that there was lack of trust between union members and the school district. Tue, 02 Feb 2016 00:19:13 GMT /leadership/chicago-teachers-union-rejects-district-contract-offer/2016/02 District Per-Pupil Spending Fell Slightly in Fiscal Year 2013 New Federal Data Show /leadership/district-per-pupil-spending-fell-slightly-in-fiscal-year-2013-new-federal-data-show/2016/01 New data from the National Center for Education Statistics show that per-pupil spending by districts, when adjusted for inflation, was lower in fiscal year 2013 than in 2012. Thu, 28 Jan 2016 15:12:02 GMT /leadership/district-per-pupil-spending-fell-slightly-in-fiscal-year-2013-new-federal-data-show/2016/01 Michigan Lawmakers Target Detroit Teachers' Sickouts /leadership/michigan-lawmakers-target-detroit-teachers-sickouts/2016/01 Michigan's Republican state legislators want to make it easier for teacher sickouts to be characterized as strikes. It is illegal for Michigan teachers to strike. Fri, 22 Jan 2016 22:09:52 GMT /leadership/michigan-lawmakers-target-detroit-teachers-sickouts/2016/01