School Schedules
Start times. Snow days. Year-round schooling. Block scheduling. Four-day weeks. Get research and insights into school calendars
Year-Round Schooling Explained
Get the facts about year-round schooling, including pros and cons, statistics, and key definitions.
Student Well-Being
Middle School Is Tough for Boys. One School Found the 'Secret Sauce' for Success
Hands-on learning, choice, and other evidence-based practices help boys thrive.
Student Well-Being
What 'Boy-Friendly' Changes Look Like at Every Grade Level
An all-boys school gave students more autonomy and time for socializing. The results have been powerful.
School & District Management
4-Day School Weeks and Their Surprising Effect on Teacher Turnover
Four-day school weeks are more popular than ever. But a main district desire in making the switch might not pan out, new research suggests.
Student Well-Being
Don’t Just Blame Social Media for Kids’ Poor Mental Health—Blame a Lack of Sleep
Research shows that poor sleep leads to poor mental health—a link that experts say is overshadowed by the frenzy over social media.
School & District Management
As Districts Weigh 4-Day Weeks, Research Overlooks Their Most Pressing Questions
A new, searchable dashboard will help district leaders explore research on four-day school weeks.
School & District Management
The Complicated Fight Over Four-Day School Weeks
Missouri lawmakers want to encourage large districts to maintain five-day weeks—even as four-day weeks grow more popular.
Student Achievement
What the Research Says
Want to Boost Students’ Focus During Tests? Check the Time of Day
New study finds distractions spikes when students take reading and math assessments after lunch
School & District Management
It's Not Just Snow Days: How Can Districts Work Extreme Weather Into Their Calendars?
Extreme weather that's becoming more frequent is challenging districts with novel choices about when it's safe to stay open.
School & District Management
Fitting Tutoring Into the School Day Is Hard. How 3 Principals Made It Work
Three principals persist with high-dosage tutoring, using creative strategies to fit it into busy school schedules.
School & District Management
The Popularity of 4-Day School Weeks, in Charts
As more schools adopt the shorter week, some opinions on the modified schedule might be surprising.
School & District Management
In: Cocoa. Out: Chromebooks. E-Learning Didn't Kill Old-Fashioned Snow Days, Educators Say
Remember when virtual learning was going to put paid to snow days? These educators don't, either.
School & District Management
Recruitment Strategy? Teachers React to 4-Day School Weeks
A new survey asks educators how the schedule would affect their likelihood of taking a job.
School & District Management
What the Research Says
10 Education Studies You Should Know From 2023
These studies yielded new insights on social media, ChatGPT, and math, among other topics.
School & District Management
What the Research Says
What a Difference a Day Makes: How Schools Can Harness More Learning Time
Schools that are in session the longest provide five more weeks a year of learning time than those at the bottom of the scale.