Special Education Monitoring /special-education-monitoring Special Education Monitoring en-US 2021 (c) 91Ö±²¥ Mon, 12 Sep 2016 20:30:00 GMT How Texas Keeps Special Education Enrollment Low /leadership/how-texas-keeps-special-education-enrollment-low/2016/09 School officials say that oversight from the state prompted them to keep special education enrollment at no more than 8.5 percent, even if that meant delaying evaluations or shifting kids into services that offered less legal obligation. Mon, 12 Sep 2016 20:30:00 GMT /leadership/how-texas-keeps-special-education-enrollment-low/2016/09 More States Meet Requirements Under Federal Special Education Rating System /policy-politics/more-states-meet-requirements-under-federal-special-education-rating-system/2015/07 The office of special education programs released its latest annual ratings of states and how well they are meeting the mandates of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. Mon, 06 Jul 2015 19:52:00 GMT /policy-politics/more-states-meet-requirements-under-federal-special-education-rating-system/2015/07 Home-Schooling Parents Protest Draft IEP Proposal by Sandy Hook Panel /teaching-learning/home-schooling-parents-protest-draft-iep-proposal-by-sandy-hook-panel/2015/03 An expert panel appointed by Connecticut's governor recommends in a draft that home-schooled students with disabilities receive individualized education programs and be monitored by their local school system. Wed, 04 Mar 2015 17:40:00 GMT /teaching-learning/home-schooling-parents-protest-draft-iep-proposal-by-sandy-hook-panel/2015/03 Administrator Deftly Steers District in Overhauling of Special Education /leaders/2015/administrator-deftly-steers-district-in-overhauling-of-special-education Kathy Fortino of Michigan's Muskegon regional school district strikes a balance between helping school systems provide special education services and monitoring them when they fall short. She is recognized as a 2015 Leader To Learn From. Tue, 24 Feb 2015 14:21:17 GMT /leaders/2015/administrator-deftly-steers-district-in-overhauling-of-special-education Survey: Practices Vary at Schools That Must Report on Students With Disabilities /teaching-learning/survey-practices-vary-at-schools-that-must-report-on-students-with-disabilities/2015/02 A federally-funded survey found that schools were more likely to adopt certain educational practices and move students to regular classrooms if they were required to report on the performance of students with disabilities. Wed, 11 Feb 2015 17:31:00 GMT /teaching-learning/survey-practices-vary-at-schools-that-must-report-on-students-with-disabilities/2015/02 Top-Read Posts of 2014: IEPs, Common Core, Education Department Moves /teaching-learning/top-read-posts-of-2014-ieps-common-core-education-department-moves/2014/12 Readers found posts on common standards and their implications for students with disabilities particularly compelling this year. Wed, 31 Dec 2014 19:05:00 GMT /teaching-learning/top-read-posts-of-2014-ieps-common-core-education-department-moves/2014/12 Investigation Alleges Former Seattle Special Education Chief Shared Bids /leadership/investigation-alleges-former-seattle-special-education-chief-shared-bids/2014/12 Zakiyyah McWilliams, the eighth special education administrator the district has had in the past five years, resigned prior to the release of the investigative report. Tue, 30 Dec 2014 21:40:00 GMT /leadership/investigation-alleges-former-seattle-special-education-chief-shared-bids/2014/12 Judge Dismisses Long-Running Class Action Special Education Suit Against D.C. /policy-politics/judge-dismisses-long-running-class-action-special-education-suit-against-d-c/2014/12 The Blackman-Jones case, filed in 1997, said the school system had systemic problems in meeting the mandates of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. Tue, 16 Dec 2014 22:12:19 GMT /policy-politics/judge-dismisses-long-running-class-action-special-education-suit-against-d-c/2014/12 D.C. Council Approves Bills to Improve Special Education /teaching-learning/d-c-council-approves-bills-to-improve-special-education/2014/10 The legislation is among the efforts intended to improve and expand special education services in the 45,000-student District of Columbia system. Wed, 08 Oct 2014 17:45:00 GMT /teaching-learning/d-c-council-approves-bills-to-improve-special-education/2014/10 Tiny Oklahoma District Fights State Grade Based on Disabled Students' Test Scores /policy-politics/tiny-oklahoma-district-fights-state-grade-based-on-disabled-students-test-scores/2014/10 The Peckham district in northern Oklahoma, which enrolls about 100 students in grades K-8, has about 30 students with disabilities and has seen its state ranking plummet to F over two years, based in part on student test scores. Fri, 03 Oct 2014 20:18:00 GMT /policy-politics/tiny-oklahoma-district-fights-state-grade-based-on-disabled-students-test-scores/2014/10 Use of NAEP Scores in Special Education Evaluation System Meant to Be Temporary /teaching-learning/use-of-naep-scores-in-special-education-evaluation-system-meant-to-be-temporary/2014/08 The Education Department responds to concerns from GOP lawmakers that it is using the National Assessment of Educational Progress inappropriately to grade states on academic performance. Thu, 14 Aug 2014 14:00:00 GMT /teaching-learning/use-of-naep-scores-in-special-education-evaluation-system-meant-to-be-temporary/2014/08 Special Education Evaluation Process Under Fire From Senate Republicans /teaching-learning/special-education-evaluation-process-under-fire-from-senate-republicans/2014/08 The "results-driven accountability" framework unveiled in June is an example of overreach from the U.S. Department of Education, says a letter from Republican leaders on the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions committee. Tue, 12 Aug 2014 18:26:00 GMT /teaching-learning/special-education-evaluation-process-under-fire-from-senate-republicans/2014/08 D.C. Council Set to Vote on Special Education Improvements /teaching-learning/d-c-council-set-to-vote-on-special-education-improvements/2014/07 Observers say the District of Columbia schools, which has had a dysfunctional special education program for years, has been making notable improvements. Thu, 17 Jul 2014 16:06:00 GMT /teaching-learning/d-c-council-set-to-vote-on-special-education-improvements/2014/07 Education Secretary Lauds Revised Special Education Evaluation System /policy-politics/education-secretary-lauds-revised-special-education-evaluation-system/2014/06 The evaluation system used in previous years focused on compliance, but not as much on how well students were learning, said Education Secretary Arne Duncan. Wed, 25 Jun 2014 15:15:00 GMT /policy-politics/education-secretary-lauds-revised-special-education-evaluation-system/2014/06 Ed. Dept. Releases Results of New Special Education Evaluation Process /teaching-learning/ed-dept-releases-results-of-new-special-education-evaluation-process/2014/06 The U.S. Department of Education says fewer states are "meeting requirements" for students with disabilities as the department shifts to evaluating states on how well those students are being educated. Tue, 24 Jun 2014 13:00:00 GMT /teaching-learning/ed-dept-releases-results-of-new-special-education-evaluation-process/2014/06 S.C. Charters Agree to Accessibility Changes After Federal Investigation /teaching-learning/s-c-charters-agree-to-accessibility-changes-after-federal-investigation/2014/03 The Education Department's office for civil rights said that the district needed to make courses fully accessible for the 9,000 students enrolled in online schools. Thu, 20 Mar 2014 19:49:00 GMT /teaching-learning/s-c-charters-agree-to-accessibility-changes-after-federal-investigation/2014/03 Education Official Stresses Need for 'Results-Driven Accountability' /teaching-learning/education-official-stresses-need-for-results-driven-accountability/2014/03 The U.S. Department of Education plans to be more flexible in assisting states, said Michael Yudin, a department official, at a meeting of state education board members. Thu, 13 Mar 2014 16:10:00 GMT /teaching-learning/education-official-stresses-need-for-results-driven-accountability/2014/03 FBI Probe Finds No Misuse of Title I Funds in Providence, R.I. District /teaching-learning/fbi-probe-finds-no-misuse-of-title-i-funds-in-providence-r-i-district/2014/01 The FBI was one of several federal agencies involved in an investigation into a vocational program that was found to be improperly isolating students with intellectual disabilities. Fri, 03 Jan 2014 22:35:00 GMT /teaching-learning/fbi-probe-finds-no-misuse-of-title-i-funds-in-providence-r-i-district/2014/01 Ed. Dept. Resolves Compliance Review With School District in New York /teaching-learning/ed-dept-resolves-compliance-review-with-school-district-in-new-york/2013/10 The U.S. Department of Education's office for civil rights will monitor the Schenectady, N.Y., school district to ensure it does not over-identify minorities for special education services. Thu, 31 Oct 2013 22:21:12 GMT /teaching-learning/ed-dept-resolves-compliance-review-with-school-district-in-new-york/2013/10 Special Education Office Moves Toward Measuring Student Outcomes /teaching-learning/special-education-office-moves-toward-measuring-student-outcomes/2013/08 The reports on state performance in special education will shift to a system that measures "things that really matter," says Melody Musgrove, the director of the office of special education programs. Tue, 06 Aug 2013 18:14:00 GMT /teaching-learning/special-education-office-moves-toward-measuring-student-outcomes/2013/08 Special Ed. Office Aims to Revise Monitoring Focus /teaching-learning/special-ed-office-aims-to-revise-monitoring-focus/2013/05 Student performance is the goal of a revised reporting system proposed by the federal office of special education programs. Tue, 21 May 2013 21:23:22 GMT /teaching-learning/special-ed-office-aims-to-revise-monitoring-focus/2013/05 Special Education Office Aims to Revise Monitoring Focus /teaching-learning/special-education-office-aims-to-revise-monitoring-focus/2013/05 A new reporting system is expected to focus more on educational outcomes as opposed to procedural compliance. Tue, 14 May 2013 13:08:00 GMT /teaching-learning/special-education-office-aims-to-revise-monitoring-focus/2013/05 Special-Education Monitoring Sharply Attacked in Hearing /education/special-education-monitoring-sharply-attacked-in-hearing/1988/04 The Education Department has failed to correct the longstanding problems that keep it from ensuring that states comply with handicapped-education law, advocates and two former department officials charged last week. Wed, 06 Apr 1988 14:00:00 GMT /education/special-education-monitoring-sharply-attacked-in-hearing/1988/04