Supplemental Education /supplemental-education Supplemental Education en-US 2021 (c) 91ֱȄ Tue, 05 Jan 2016 18:33:51 GMT Four Steps to Implement RTI Correctly (Opinion) /teaching-learning/opinion-four-steps-to-implement-rti-correctly/2016/01 Eight researchers weigh in on how RTI can be implemented successfully. Tue, 05 Jan 2016 18:33:51 GMT /teaching-learning/opinion-four-steps-to-implement-rti-correctly/2016/01 Get to Know a C.E.O., with Michael Lombardo (Opinion) /leadership/opinion-get-to-know-a-c-e-o-with-michael-lombardo/2013/05 We all know about the achievement gap between the rich and the poor, but we don't often acknowledge that schools do a particularly good job of educating kids when they have them. To close the achievement gap, we need the involvement of the community and more organizations like Reading Partners. Let's meet their CEO, Michael Lombardo. Wed, 01 May 2013 15:53:38 GMT /leadership/opinion-get-to-know-a-c-e-o-with-michael-lombardo/2013/05 Get to Know a C.E.O., with Tiffany Cooper Gueye (Opinion) /leadership/opinion-get-to-know-a-c-e-o-with-tiffany-cooper-gueye/2013/01 Dr. Tiffany Cooper Gueye is the leader in charge of BELL (Building Educated Leaders for Life), a national non-profit organization that partners with schools and school districts to deliver high quality out-of-school time programs to underserved youth in grades K-8. Let's get to know her. Mon, 14 Jan 2013 19:30:03 GMT /leadership/opinion-get-to-know-a-c-e-o-with-tiffany-cooper-gueye/2013/01 The SIIA ETBF: I laughed, I cried, I fell in love (with a few start-ups) (Opinion) /teaching-learning/opinion-the-siia-etbf-i-laughed-i-cried-i-fell-in-love-with-a-few-start-ups/2012/12 The SIIA Ed-Tech Business Forum featured presentations from a number of start-ups making moves in the learning community: let's take a look at the finalists! Thu, 06 Dec 2012 21:11:11 GMT /teaching-learning/opinion-the-siia-etbf-i-laughed-i-cried-i-fell-in-love-with-a-few-start-ups/2012/12 Forget Romance: Teach Me Ruby! (Opinion) /teaching-learning/opinion-forget-romance-teach-me-ruby/2012/11 There has been plenty of buzz of late about the need to teach computer programming in the classroom, and rightfully so. Where our schools are lagging, however, start-ups are picking up the slack. Wed, 28 Nov 2012 22:20:53 GMT /teaching-learning/opinion-forget-romance-teach-me-ruby/2012/11 (An Eighth of) A Penny for Your Thoughts? (Opinion) /teaching-learning/opinion-an-eighth-of-a-penny-for-your-thoughts/2012/11 What I see in America is a psychology that is simply different from the viewpoint of much of the rest of the developed (and developing) world, an assumption that the classroom is enough, when there is much evidence to the contrary. It is difficult to get a population of 300 million to collectively shift from this psychology given the investment generally has a very long tail on return. It is difficult to see the direct result of something like two hours of extra tutoring a week, or of beginning to educate a child a few months earlier in their lives, but the reality is the return on investment for these "supplemental" endeavors is grand and influential. This is where the Government can step in. Mon, 12 Nov 2012 20:08:34 GMT /teaching-learning/opinion-an-eighth-of-a-penny-for-your-thoughts/2012/11 Finding Flexibility in Supplemental Services (Opinion) /policy-politics/opinion-finding-flexibility-in-supplemental-services/2012/06 Colorado's NCLB waiver approach adds more flexibility for targeting supplemental tutoring funds, says state board of education chairman Bob Schaffer. Wed, 27 Jun 2012 15:37:40 GMT /policy-politics/opinion-finding-flexibility-in-supplemental-services/2012/06 Supplemental Educational Services Already Highly Regulated (Opinion) /leadership/opinion-supplemental-educational-services-already-highly-regulated/2012/01 To the Editor:Regarding the Commentary by Joan Jacobson about supplemental educational services, or SES, being a program with no regulations and no accountability ("Supplemental Educational Services—An Unregulated and Unproven NCLB Tutoring Program," Dec. 14, 2011): Ms. Jacobson asked the reader to imagine all that can go wrong in implementing SES from the decade-old No Child Left Behind Act. Wed, 25 Jan 2012 03:35:52 GMT /leadership/opinion-supplemental-educational-services-already-highly-regulated/2012/01 Jacobson Got It Right in Commentary On Flaws in SES Tutoring Program (Opinion) /education/opinion-jacobson-got-it-right-in-commentary-on-flaws-in-ses-tutoring-program/2012/01 To the Editor:Thank you, Joan Jacobson, for shedding a truthful and critical light on one of the most ineffective and highly privatized components of the No Child Left Behind Act, supplemental educational services, in the ("Federal Tutoring Program Is Deeply Flawed," December 14, 2011.) Commentary on that subject. Wed, 18 Jan 2012 04:17:25 GMT /education/opinion-jacobson-got-it-right-in-commentary-on-flaws-in-ses-tutoring-program/2012/01 Federal Tutoring Program Is Deeply Flawed (Opinion) /leadership/opinion-federal-tutoring-program-is-deeply-flawed/2011/12 Supplemental educational services, the tutoring component of NCLB, is required to be “high quality, researched-based,” but it is neither, argues Joan Jacobson. Wed, 14 Dec 2011 00:51:56 GMT /leadership/opinion-federal-tutoring-program-is-deeply-flawed/2011/12 SES Aims to Help Pupils, Not Turn Around Schools (Opinion) /education/opinion-ses-aims-to-help-pupils-not-turn-around-schools/2011/11 To the Editor:Regarding Steven Ross’ post about supplemental education services, or SES, in the Sputnik blog (“Supplemental Educational Services: Noble Ideas + Unreasonable Expectations = Disappointing Results,”, Oct. 19, 2011): While Mr. Ross is a talented researcher, he should stick to analyzing data, not policy. Wed, 16 Nov 2011 03:53:53 GMT /education/opinion-ses-aims-to-help-pupils-not-turn-around-schools/2011/11 Supplemental Educational Services: Noble Ideas + Unreasonable Expectations = Disappointing Results (Opinion) /education/opinion-supplemental-educational-services-noble-ideas-unreasonable-expectations-disappointing-results/2011/10 NOTE: This is a guest post by Steven Ross, Professor in the Center for Research and Reform in Education at Johns Hopkins University Wed, 19 Oct 2011 11:52:30 GMT /education/opinion-supplemental-educational-services-noble-ideas-unreasonable-expectations-disappointing-results/2011/10 Taking a Hard Look at Supplemental Educational Services (Opinion) /leadership/opinion-taking-a-hard-look-at-supplemental-educational-services/2010/08 An analysis of research findings indicates that the federal program is not meeting its primary goal, write Old Dominion University’s John A. Nunnery and Johns Hopkins University’s Steven M. Ross. Tue, 17 Aug 2010 21:08:22 GMT /leadership/opinion-taking-a-hard-look-at-supplemental-educational-services/2010/08 Why We Need to Study the Tutors (Opinion) /leadership/opinion-why-we-need-to-study-the-tutors/2010/01 Federal programs mandate supplemental educational services for students in need, writes Megan Beckett, but whether or not the providers are effective is unknown. Wed, 20 Jan 2010 00:02:49 GMT /leadership/opinion-why-we-need-to-study-the-tutors/2010/01 The Letter From: March 1, 2004 on Funding NCLB (Opinion) /education/opinion-the-letter-from-march-1-2004-on-funding-nclb/2008/06 A sound analysis of NCLB finance is not a mission to Mars. There are two kinds of costs: 1) compliance with NCLB performance requirements, such as those related to AYP or highly qualified teachers; and 2) the consequences of failure, including supplemental services and public school choice. Thu, 19 Jun 2008 13:33:35 GMT /education/opinion-the-letter-from-march-1-2004-on-funding-nclb/2008/06 NCLB Plan Would Add New Rules /policy-politics/nclb-plan-would-add-new-rules/2008/04 U.S. Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings formally unveils regulations that would require state and local school officials to provide more and better information about high school graduation rates. Fri, 25 Apr 2008 01:12:03 GMT /policy-politics/nclb-plan-would-add-new-rules/2008/04 School Improvement RFP of the Week (Opinion) /leadership/opinion-school-improvement-rfp-of-the-week/2008/04 This program would not be a huge stretch for many Supplementary Educational Services (SES) providers. Per pupil payments are a competitive factor, not a fixed fee, but there is no specific expectation of improvement in student performance. Tue, 01 Apr 2008 13:48:13 GMT /leadership/opinion-school-improvement-rfp-of-the-week/2008/04 The "Program Evaluation" Bar - Why Just for SES Providers? (Opinion) /leadership/opinion-the-program-evaluation-bar-why-just-for-ses-providers/2008/01 Regulation based on Scientifically Based Research is not fundamentally a problem of capacity. It's one of interest. Tue, 08 Jan 2008 17:36:25 GMT /leadership/opinion-the-program-evaluation-bar-why-just-for-ses-providers/2008/01 Friday Guest Column: Ethics in Supplementary Educational Services Marketing (Opinion) /education/opinion-friday-guest-column-ethics-in-supplementary-educational-services-marketing/2007/12 While the Education Industry Association and its Supplementary Educational Services (SES) subcommittee are actively representing and often defending the interests of the SES provider industry, we are keenly aware that we must also defend high ethical standards. Fri, 07 Dec 2007 13:52:44 GMT /education/opinion-friday-guest-column-ethics-in-supplementary-educational-services-marketing/2007/12 Policies Steering Supplemental Educational Services to Struggling Schools /education/policies-steering-supplemental-educational-services-to-struggling-schools/2007/11 In the 2006-07 school year, 18 states had a policy for providing supplemental educational services in non-Title I schools rated as failing or low-performing. Tue, 06 Nov 2007 21:11:26 GMT /education/policies-steering-supplemental-educational-services-to-struggling-schools/2007/11 New Coalition to Lobby for Changes in NCLB’s Provisions on Tutoring /policy-politics/new-coalition-to-lobby-for-changes-in-nclbs-provisions-on-tutoring/2007/05 It backs a bill that would require districts to document how they informed parents about the availability of the tutoring. Tue, 22 May 2007 23:02:46 GMT /policy-politics/new-coalition-to-lobby-for-changes-in-nclbs-provisions-on-tutoring/2007/05 House Panel Examines NCLB Supplemental Services /leadership/house-panel-examines-nclb-supplemental-services/2007/04 House lawmakers invited ideas on how to improve the quality of and access to tutoring made available under the No Child Left Behind Act. Tue, 24 Apr 2007 23:38:19 GMT /leadership/house-panel-examines-nclb-supplemental-services/2007/04 NCLB Services Seen Difficult to Monitor /education/nclb-services-seen-difficult-to-monitor/2007/03 A survey found that 38 states said they were unable to monitor "to a great extent" the effectiveness of supplemental-service providers. Fri, 16 Mar 2007 20:18:02 GMT /education/nclb-services-seen-difficult-to-monitor/2007/03 States Face Federal Review On NCLB Choice, Tutoring /policy-politics/states-face-federal-review-on-nclb-choice-tutoring/2007/02 The Department of Education has added six more states to a list of 17 already selected for intensive monitoring of their supplemental-education-services and public-school-choice programs under the No Child Left Behind Act. Wed, 28 Feb 2007 00:56:17 GMT /policy-politics/states-face-federal-review-on-nclb-choice-tutoring/2007/02 House Panel Studies Ways to Boost Tutoring Under NCLB /policy-politics/house-panel-studies-ways-to-boost-tutoring-under-nclb/2006/09 With fewer than a fifth of eligible students taking advantage of federally financed tutoring and afterschool programs, policymakers here have begun exploring options for expanding the reach of those services. Wed, 27 Sep 2006 00:14:09 GMT /policy-politics/house-panel-studies-ways-to-boost-tutoring-under-nclb/2006/09 ‘Supplemental Services’: Theory vs. Practice (Opinion) /policy-politics/opinion-supplemental-services-theory-vs-practice/2006/05 Jeffrey Cohen, the president of Education Station, a leading provider of supplemental education services, looks at how this No Child Left Behind mandate can be modified so that it actually works. Tue, 23 May 2006 23:20:08 GMT /policy-politics/opinion-supplemental-services-theory-vs-practice/2006/05 'Supplemental Services' : Theory vs. Practice /education/supplemental-services-theory-vs-practice/2006/05 Does the supplemental-services provision in the No Child Left Behind Act need to be modified? What do you think? Tue, 23 May 2006 04:00:00 GMT /education/supplemental-services-theory-vs-practice/2006/05 Educate Inc. Puts Division Up for Sale /policy-politics/educate-inc-puts-division-up-for-sale/2005/12 The tutoring company Educate Inc. wants to sell its main supplemental-services division after it posted lackluster sales in the third quarter. Wed, 07 Dec 2005 03:01:58 GMT /policy-politics/educate-inc-puts-division-up-for-sale/2005/12 Supplemental Help Can Be Hard to Find for Rural Students /policy-politics/supplemental-help-can-be-hard-to-find-for-rural-students/2005/12 State officials and advocates for students in rural America say that many thousands of students in small and remote school systems are not getting the free tutoring that is their right under the federal No Child Left Behind Act. Wed, 07 Dec 2005 02:53:13 GMT /policy-politics/supplemental-help-can-be-hard-to-find-for-rural-students/2005/12 Supplemental Services /policy-politics/supplemental-services/2005/10 The federal law requires that children from low-income families enrolled at Title I schools that have not made adequate yearly progress for three years receive services such as tutoring, academic remediation, and other assistance. The department’s report provides case studies for the 2003-04 school year, the second year the supplemental-services provision had been in effect. Tue, 25 Oct 2005 20:52:50 GMT /policy-politics/supplemental-services/2005/10