Teacher Collaboration
Reading and Writing Like a Scientist
English and science teachers in Missouri middle schools collaborate to help students tackle complex scientific texts.
English Learners
2 Districts Overhauled How They Teach English Learners. Here's How
They offer a case study in adopting an integrated, collaborative model that's a departure from teaching English learners in small groups.
Teacher Preparation
Democrats and Republicans Agree Teacher Prep Needs to Change. But How?
Teacher-prep programs "have been designed essentially to mass-produce identical educators," a dean said at a congressional hearing.
English Learners
What Schools Can Do to Help Immigrant Students Succeed
Researchers and educators recently shared advice on how to best work with immigrant students and English learners.
Teaching Profession
What the Research Says
Teachers Want Sustainable Workplaces. State Policies Make it Harder
Greater opportunities for collaboration could boost teacher retention, national group finds.
Teaching Profession
This Initiative Seeks to Redesign How We Staff Schools
A team-based approach to school staffing gives room for educators, school leaders, and system leaders to rethink their roles.
Teaching Profession
'Fundamentally Changing the Conditions' for Teaching
A specialized STEM program builds in more planning time for teachers.
What the Research Says
Team Teaching: A Boost to Teacher Retention
A study of Mesa, Ariz., teachers finds the collaborative approach boosts career satisfaction and effectiveness.
Professional Development
Teacher Collaboration Often Means Analyzing Student Data to Boost Learning. But Does It Work?
For this professional development to be effective, teachers need a blame-free, action-oriented protocol, writes a longtime data coach.
Special Education
Inside an Inclusive Classroom: How Two Teachers Work Together
This model for inclusive education benefits students of all abilities, and the teachers instructing them.
English Learners
English Learners Need Equal Access to Rich Texts. How One School Makes That Happen
A coordinator for an English-learner program discusses how to integrate language supports into English/language arts classes.
English Learners
To Effectively Support English Learners, Build Teachers' Skills, Experts Say
All teachers should be responsible for English learners, but not all are prepared for the work, researchers said.
English Learners
How Special Ed. and English-Learner Teachers Can Collaborate: A Guide
School and district leaders share how they got two departments to more deeply collaborate to support their students.
Teachers Share Their Best Ideas on How to Be a Better Teacher
When your lessons are so rote you could teach them in your sleep, it's time to change things up.