
Standards & Accountability Series

Common Core 2013

A Steep Climb
Dowan McNair-Lee shares a farewell hug with student Mikel Robinson after the 8th grade promotion ceremony at Stuart-Hobson Middle School in June. Last month, she and other teachers learned the results of student tests.
Dowan McNair-Lee shares a farewell hug with student Mikel Robinson after the 8th grade promotion ceremony at Stuart-Hobson Middle School in June. Last month, she and other teachers learned the results of student tests.
Jared Soares for 91直播
Standards & Accountability One District's Common-Core Bet: Results Are In
Small teams from all District of Columbia schools have been analyzing student test performance from 2012-13 to guide teachers' instruction in the new school year.
Catherine Gewertz, September 9, 2013
14 min read
English/language arts teacher Dowan McNair-Lee fights fatigue as she grades papers in the evening at her home in southeast Washington.
English/language arts teacher Dowan McNair-Lee fights fatigue as she grades papers in the evening at her home in southeast Washington.
Jared Soares for 91直播
Standards & Accountability Year-End Tests Bring Urgency to Common-Core Push
A veteran teacher uses the last weeks of the school year to bolster her students' literacy skills before spring tests.
Catherine Gewertz, June 11, 2013
15 min read
Assistant Principal Katie Franklin oversees English/language arts instruction and academic interventions at Stuart-Hobson Middle School.
Assistant Principal Katie Franklin oversees English/language arts instruction and academic interventions at Stuart-Hobson Middle School.
Jared Soares for 91直播
School & District Management Administrator Seeks Sure Footing as Instructional Leader
An assistant principal often feels frustrated that she can't help teachers enough as they infuse the common core into instruction.
Catherine Gewertz, June 4, 2013
4 min read
Sarah Hawley is an instructional coach at Stuart-Hobson Middle School. She has spent 13 years teaching; this is her first year as a coach.
Sarah Hawley is an instructional coach at Stuart-Hobson Middle School. She has spent 13 years teaching; this is her first year as a coach.
Jared Soares for 91直播
School & District Management Instructional Coach Jumps Into New Standards
In the District of Columbia, instructional coaches like Sarah Hawley are learning the common-core standards along with the teachers.
Catherine Gewertz, June 4, 2013
3 min read
Dowan McNair-Lee leads her 8th graders at Stuart-Hobson in a lesson on figurative language.
Dowan McNair-Lee leads her 8th graders at Stuart-Hobson in a lesson on figurative language.
Jared Soares for 91直播
Standards & Accountability Into the Common Core: One Classroom's Journey
A veteran teacher finds it tough going to lead her students toward mastery of the common standards in English/language arts.
Catherine Gewertz, June 4, 2013
19 min read
Dowan McNair-Lee helps 8th grader Mikel Robinson with an English/language arts assignment at Stuart-Hobson Middle School. The District of Columbia has marshaled its resources to bring the common-core standards into classrooms.
Dowan McNair-Lee helps 8th grader Mikel Robinson with an English/language arts assignment at Stuart-Hobson Middle School. The District of Columbia has marshaled its resources to bring the common-core standards into classrooms.
Jared Soares for 91直播
Teaching D.C. Bets Big on Common Core
The District of Columbia has devoted many resources to the standards, resulting in hopes, frustrations, and the knowledge that changes are necessary.
Catherine Gewertz, May 21, 2013
15 min read
Mikel Robinson works on a packet in English class. He is one of millions of students nationwide trying to master new standards.
Mikel Robinson works on a packet in English class. He is one of millions of students nationwide trying to master new standards.
Jared Saores for 91直播
School & District Management Eighth Grader Looks Ahead to High School and Beyond
Mikel Robinson is among millions of students trying to meet the common standards.
Catherine Gewertz, May 21, 2013
3 min read
Brian Pick, chief of teaching and learning for District of Columbia Schools, visits a 2nd grade classroom at Neval Thomas Elementary School in Southeast Washington.
Brian Pick, chief of teaching and learning for District of Columbia Schools, visits a 2nd grade classroom at Neval Thomas Elementary School in Southeast Washington.
Jared Soares for 91直播
School & District Management Glimpses of Poverty Lead Administrator to Education
Now Brian Pick has the challenge of ensuring students, many of them disadvantaged, master the common core.
Catherine Gewertz, May 21, 2013
3 min read
Dowan McNair-Lee guides an English/language arts class. She's responsible for seeing that 128 8th graders meet the standards.
Dowan McNair-Lee guides an English/language arts class. She's responsible for seeing that 128 8th graders meet the standards.
Jared Soares for 91直播
Reading & Literacy Teacher Finds Salvation in the Classroom
When Dowan McNair-Lee took an education class at college, she knew that was where she belonged.
Catherine Gewertz, May 21, 2013
3 min read