Tracking /tracking Tracking en-US 2021 (c) 91Ö±˛Ą Thu, 17 Oct 2024 20:04:31 GMT What Happened When A District Put Struggling Students in Regular Algebra? /teaching-learning/what-happened-when-a-district-put-struggling-students-in-regular-algebra/2024/10 In de-tracked classes with specially trained teachers, some struggling students saw their performance accelerate. Thu, 17 Oct 2024 20:04:31 GMT /teaching-learning/what-happened-when-a-district-put-struggling-students-in-regular-algebra/2024/10 What Schools Can Do So They Don't Exclude English Learners From Core Courses /teaching-learning/what-schools-can-do-so-they-dont-exclude-english-learners-from-core-courses/2024/09 Data from two states show that certain English learners tend to have less access to core academic courses they need to graduate. Wed, 18 Sep 2024 18:16:01 GMT /teaching-learning/what-schools-can-do-so-they-dont-exclude-english-learners-from-core-courses/2024/09 We Can End Academic Tracking Fast—Or We Can Do It Right (Opinion) /leadership/opinion-we-can-end-academic-tracking-fast-or-we-can-do-it-right/2024/06 Eliminating ability grouping can give students better opportunities, but teachers must be ready to get students to grade-level standards. Fri, 14 Jun 2024 17:00:00 GMT /leadership/opinion-we-can-end-academic-tracking-fast-or-we-can-do-it-right/2024/06 Math Tracking Starts as Early as Elementary School, a New Study Finds /teaching-learning/math-tracking-starts-as-early-as-elementary-school-a-new-study-finds/2024/02 Most principals also report that not all students have the opportunity to take Algebra I, new data show. Wed, 07 Feb 2024 22:17:16 GMT /teaching-learning/math-tracking-starts-as-early-as-elementary-school-a-new-study-finds/2024/02 San Francisco Insisted on Algebra in 9th Grade. Did It Improve Equity? /teaching-learning/san-francisco-insisted-on-algebra-in-9th-grade-did-it-improve-equity/2023/03 The policy change improved access to some courses. But racial inequities at the most advanced levels of math remain largely unchanged. Mon, 20 Mar 2023 21:44:10 GMT /teaching-learning/san-francisco-insisted-on-algebra-in-9th-grade-did-it-improve-equity/2023/03 Uprooting Inequities /leadership/uprooting-inequities What does it take for schools to move from embracing the goals of equity to enacting concrete steps that actually change the schooling experience for students who are black, Hispanic, and from low-income families? Wed, 04 Mar 2020 05:00:00 GMT /leadership/uprooting-inequities Black Parents Force District to End Academic Tracking /leadership/black-parents-force-district-to-end-academic-tracking/2020/03 Fed up with their district’s unmet pledges to stop steering African American students into low-level classes, parents take action. Wed, 04 Mar 2020 02:12:52 GMT /leadership/black-parents-force-district-to-end-academic-tracking/2020/03 A Quick But Important Test for How Your School Perceives Students (Opinion) /leadership/opinion-a-quick-but-important-test-for-how-your-school-perceives-students/2020/01 And four strategies for fixing the underlying problems most often laid bare, from Great Schools Partnership’s Craig Kesselheim. Wed, 22 Jan 2020 02:40:09 GMT /leadership/opinion-a-quick-but-important-test-for-how-your-school-perceives-students/2020/01 A Bold Effort to End Algebra Tracking Shows Promise /teaching-learning/a-bold-effort-to-end-algebra-tracking-shows-promise/2018/06 But will reductions in course-failure rates be enough to sustain the controversial San Francisco program? Wed, 13 Jun 2018 00:45:02 GMT /teaching-learning/a-bold-effort-to-end-algebra-tracking-shows-promise/2018/06 From Tracking to on Track: How One Teacher Transformed Math Education for His Students (Opinion) /education/opinion-from-tracking-to-on-track-how-one-teacher-transformed-math-education-for-his-students/2017/10 When teachers recognize a problem in the school system, they have a responsibility to advocate for change, writes Nick Tutolo. Here’s how he changed his school’s policy on advanced math classes. Wed, 18 Oct 2017 17:50:30 GMT /education/opinion-from-tracking-to-on-track-how-one-teacher-transformed-math-education-for-his-students/2017/10 What's So Bad About Tracking? (Opinion) /education/opinion-whats-so-bad-about-tracking/2016/04 Students are not being shortchanged by tracking when it is implemented at the appropriate level. Fri, 29 Apr 2016 11:52:00 GMT /education/opinion-whats-so-bad-about-tracking/2016/04 Poverty, Low-Tracking, and the Role of Differentiation (Opinion) /teaching-learning/opinion-poverty-low-tracking-and-the-role-of-differentiation/2015/02 To the Editor:I am in agreement with Carol Ann Tomlinson's reply to James R. Delisle on differentiated instruction ("Differentiation Doesn't Work," Jan. 7, 2015, and "To the Contrary: Differentiation Does Work," Jan. 28, 2015). Wed, 25 Feb 2015 03:30:49 GMT /teaching-learning/opinion-poverty-low-tracking-and-the-role-of-differentiation/2015/02 High Expectations and Access to Rigor Define a N.Y. Educator's Career /leaders/2015/high-expectations-and-access-to-rigor-define-a-n-y-educators-career Rockville Centre, N.Y., Superintendent William H. Johnson steadfastly elevates learning standards and opportunities for all students. He is recognized as a 2015 Leader To Learn From. Tue, 24 Feb 2015 21:56:39 GMT /leaders/2015/high-expectations-and-access-to-rigor-define-a-n-y-educators-career Failed Tracking Practices Led to New Instruction Methods (Opinion) /leadership/opinion-failed-tracking-practices-led-to-new-instruction-methods/2015/01 To the Editor:I read with interest James R. Delisle's Commentary on the failure of differentiated instruction. I think the need for differentiated instruction came as a result of the failures of tracking. Wed, 21 Jan 2015 04:13:13 GMT /leadership/opinion-failed-tracking-practices-led-to-new-instruction-methods/2015/01 To Track or Not to Track? (Opinion) /education/opinion-to-track-or-not-to-track/2014/01 Placing students in honors classes when they don't have the ability to meet the rigors will only frustrate them. Wed, 15 Jan 2014 12:26:00 GMT /education/opinion-to-track-or-not-to-track/2014/01 Common Core, China, and the Myth of Meritocracy (Opinion) /leadership/opinion-common-core-china-and-the-myth-of-meritocracy/2013/12 I think there could be a hidden, perhaps even subconscious agenda with the Common Core. We use the Common Core to create an artificial and arbitrary set of barriers to employment, and declare that anyone who is unable to surmount those barriers is too lazy or stupid to succeed in the modern competitive world. Mon, 30 Dec 2013 18:38:28 GMT /leadership/opinion-common-core-china-and-the-myth-of-meritocracy/2013/12 Momentum Grows Against Zero Tolerance Discipline and High-Stakes Testing (Opinion) /leadership/opinion-momentum-grows-against-zero-tolerance-discipline-and-high-stakes-testing/2013/11 Across the country, resistance is growing against public education's increased dependence on high-stakes standardized testing and on exclusionary discipline, such as suspensions, expulsions, and school-based arrests. Thu, 07 Nov 2013 15:25:45 GMT /leadership/opinion-momentum-grows-against-zero-tolerance-discipline-and-high-stakes-testing/2013/11 Social Darwinism Resurrected for the New Gilded Age (Opinion) /leadership/opinion-social-darwinism-resurrected-for-the-new-gilded-age/2013/10 The fittest will survive and perhaps have a chance at that ever-shrinking middle class. The rest will flounder, but we have the "ethos of the meritocracy" to rescue us from any pangs of moral conscience. Thu, 10 Oct 2013 18:20:26 GMT /leadership/opinion-social-darwinism-resurrected-for-the-new-gilded-age/2013/10 Exit Exams Boost the School to Prison Pipeline (Opinion) /teaching-learning/opinion-exit-exams-boost-the-school-to-prison-pipeline/2013/07 A new study sheds startling light on a strong connection between high school exit exams and rates of incarceration. Sat, 06 Jul 2013 14:28:57 GMT /teaching-learning/opinion-exit-exams-boost-the-school-to-prison-pipeline/2013/07 Michelle Newsum: Tracking Our Way to Wider Achievement Gaps (Opinion) /teaching-learning/opinion-michelle-newsum-tracking-our-way-to-wider-achievement-gaps/2013/05 Under the fear created by NCLB/RTTT, large scale ability group tracking has made its way back into schools. Because tracking is commonly considered odious, and the research does not support it, no one calls it that. It is now given cuter or more palatable names like 'Walk to Read' or 'Intervention Time' even 'Flexible Grouping.' (Although some schools have flexible grouping and intervention time that takes place in classrooms and is quite lovely.) Wed, 29 May 2013 14:22:52 GMT /teaching-learning/opinion-michelle-newsum-tracking-our-way-to-wider-achievement-gaps/2013/05 What Do You Think Of Using Ability Groups & "Tracking"? (Opinion) /teaching-learning/opinion-what-do-you-think-of-using-ability-groups-tracking/2013/05 This week's "question of the week" is:"What does research say about use of ability groups/tracking, and how have you seen it used or misused? What are workable alternatives?" Thu, 09 May 2013 03:49:51 GMT /teaching-learning/opinion-what-do-you-think-of-using-ability-groups-tracking/2013/05 Could This Be Everything You Wanted to Know About Tracking But Were Afraid to Ask? (Opinion) /teaching-learning/opinion-could-this-be-everything-you-wanted-to-know-about-tracking-but-were-afraid-to-ask/2012/11 Should we be tracking (ability grouping) students? This posts provides research to help you decided. Tue, 27 Nov 2012 19:46:29 GMT /teaching-learning/opinion-could-this-be-everything-you-wanted-to-know-about-tracking-but-were-afraid-to-ask/2012/11 New Research on Tracking and Value-Added (Opinion) /education/opinion-new-research-on-tracking-and-value-added/2012/10 My fellow Ed Week blogger Stephen Sawchuck highlights some interesting new research suggesting that student tracking in middle and high schools may create biases in value-added measures that make them weaker predictors teacher effectiveness in high school than in the elementary grades. I highlighted Kirabo Jackson, who conducted one of the studies, here last year. Fri, 26 Oct 2012 14:23:08 GMT /education/opinion-new-research-on-tracking-and-value-added/2012/10 Grouping, Tracking, & Personalizing (Opinion) /technology/opinion-grouping-tracking-personalizing/2012/09 An international educator told me his school community was discussing the "ethics and educational validity of streaming -- deliberately dividing students up into class/work groups based on ability, i.e., a strong and weak group." He asked for my thoughts. Thu, 13 Sep 2012 11:00:00 GMT /technology/opinion-grouping-tracking-personalizing/2012/09 Abandoning Age-Tracking (Opinion) /education/opinion-abandoning-age-tracking/2010/07 Tamara Fisher explores multi-age readiness-grouping, an alternative educational strategy to the age-tracking commonly used in most American schools. Wed, 21 Jul 2010 15:10:54 GMT /education/opinion-abandoning-age-tracking/2010/07 Beyond Tracking: Multiple Pathways (Opinion) /education/opinion-beyond-tracking-multiple-pathways/2009/07 Education reformers sometimes take on stances that carry good ideas to absurd lengths. One of those that has concerned me recently is the idea that the only acceptable outcome for a K-12 student is completion of a four-year college degree. This is what the jobs of the future will demand, we are told. But when I look at the shambles our economy is in, I begin to wonder who is better off, a college graduate with a degree in English and $50,000 worth of debt, or someone who has managed to get a strong set of skills as a carpenter, an electrician, or any number of technical positions that require training but not necessarily a bachelor’s degree. Mon, 13 Jul 2009 17:45:12 GMT /education/opinion-beyond-tracking-multiple-pathways/2009/07 Study Offers Ways to Better European Education /leadership/study-offers-ways-to-better-european-education/2006/01 School systems that track students into certain classes and academic programs based on ability end up worsening disparities between high and low performers, according to a far-ranging report that offers recommendations for improving education across Europe. Wed, 18 Jan 2006 00:45:08 GMT /leadership/study-offers-ways-to-better-european-education/2006/01 Academic Tracking /education/academic-tracking/2005/03 An international study suggests that rigid tracking of students into different classes by their academic ability provides little or no payoff for improving a nation’s overall academic achievement. Wed, 09 Mar 2005 02:40:12 GMT /education/academic-tracking/2005/03 High Schools’ Redesign: More Tests and Tracking? (Opinion) /education/opinion-high-schools-redesign-more-tests-and-tracking/2005/02 Beware of politicians promoting more testing and tracking of students. Wed, 02 Feb 2005 03:17:00 GMT /education/opinion-high-schools-redesign-more-tests-and-tracking/2005/02 Tracking /leadership/tracking/2004/09 Tracking is a commonly used term for ability grouping, the practice of lumping children together according to their talents in classrooms. Tue, 21 Sep 2004 04:00:49 GMT /leadership/tracking/2004/09