Turnaround Schools /turnaround-schools Turnaround Schools en-US 2021 (c) 91Ö±²¥ Tue, 23 Mar 2021 20:22:34 GMT How COVID-19 Will Make Fixing America's Worst-Performing Schools Even Harder /leadership/how-covid-19-will-make-fixing-americas-worst-performing-schools-even-harder/2021/03 COVID-19's fallout has shaken how states spend billions in federal aid to fix poor-performing schools serving the most-vulnerable students. Tue, 23 Mar 2021 20:22:34 GMT /leadership/how-covid-19-will-make-fixing-americas-worst-performing-schools-even-harder/2021/03 How ESSA Could Complicate Rural Turnarounds /policy-politics/how-essa-could-complicate-rural-turnarounds/2019/09 Smaller school districts could face unique challenges in complying with the federal education law’s mandate for evidence-based strategies when it comes to improving their lowest-performing schools. Wed, 11 Sep 2019 01:01:39 GMT /policy-politics/how-essa-could-complicate-rural-turnarounds/2019/09 Total Dysfunction in Providence, R.I., Schools? Here's Some Context You Need to Know /leadership/total-dysfunction-in-providence-r-i-schools-heres-some-context-you-need-to-know/2019/06 A report outlines a horrifically low level of achievement in the district—and most of the contributing factors were open secrets. Thu, 27 Jun 2019 20:36:00 GMT /leadership/total-dysfunction-in-providence-r-i-schools-heres-some-context-you-need-to-know/2019/06 Taking Struggling Schools to New Heights /leaders/2019/taking-struggling-schools-to-new-heights Nonprofit foundations usually influence how school leaders work. In the case of Superintendent Wendy Wyman, the reverse turned out to be true as well. Wed, 20 Feb 2019 17:39:42 GMT /leaders/2019/taking-struggling-schools-to-new-heights From School Safety to Trauma, Principals Tackle Tough Subjects at Conference /leadership/from-school-safety-to-trauma-principals-tackle-tough-subjects-at-conference/2018/07 School leaders will also learn strategies to hire and keep the best teachers as well as how to use technology to connect with their students, staff, and community during the annual gathering of middle and elementary school principals. Wed, 11 Jul 2018 12:41:16 GMT /leadership/from-school-safety-to-trauma-principals-tackle-tough-subjects-at-conference/2018/07 Memphis' Turnaround Chief Tapped to Lead Statewide Improvement Effort /education/memphis-turnaround-chief-tapped-to-lead-statewide-improvement-effort/2018/04 Sharon Griffin will oversee Tennessee's state turnaround effort under its Achievement School District, which has been plagued by charter school pullouts, layoffs and leadership changes. Thu, 26 Apr 2018 15:58:58 GMT /education/memphis-turnaround-chief-tapped-to-lead-statewide-improvement-effort/2018/04 Trump Education Dept. Advises States on Leftover School Turnaround Money /policy-politics/trump-education-dept-advises-states-on-leftover-school-turnaround-money/2018/01 States can spend their left-over School Improvement Grant money under rules outlined in the Every Student Succeeds Act, the department says. Wed, 10 Jan 2018 21:26:18 GMT /policy-politics/trump-education-dept-advises-states-on-leftover-school-turnaround-money/2018/01 Georgia's State Board Picks School Turnaround Officer /education/georgias-state-board-picks-school-turnaround-officer/2017/10 Georgia's state politicians and local education officials have been at odds for several years over how to handle chronically low-performing schools. Wed, 18 Oct 2017 14:45:31 GMT /education/georgias-state-board-picks-school-turnaround-officer/2017/10 Houston District May Face State Takeover /policy-politics/houston-district-may-face-state-takeover/2017/08 Officials from the Texas Education Agency told Houston school district officials that a state takeover could be in the offing if the district does not improve some of its persistently struggling schools, the Houston Chronicle reports. Fri, 11 Aug 2017 16:23:55 GMT /policy-politics/houston-district-may-face-state-takeover/2017/08 DeVos Team Clarifies Rules for Evidence in ESSA School Turnaround Plans /policy-politics/devos-team-clarifies-rules-for-evidence-in-essa-school-turnaround-plans/2017/08 The U.S. Department of Education has laid out final regulations for how states and districts must link school turnaround strategies to research evidence. Tue, 01 Aug 2017 14:47:55 GMT /policy-politics/devos-team-clarifies-rules-for-evidence-in-essa-school-turnaround-plans/2017/08 Georgia School Turnaround Bill Advances /leadership/georgia-school-turnaround-bill-advances/2017/03 If a Georgia bill becomes law, the state board of education will hire a new "chief turnaround officer," who will work with schools whose achievement ranks them in the state's bottom 5 percent. Mon, 27 Mar 2017 15:09:54 GMT /leadership/georgia-school-turnaround-bill-advances/2017/03 Michigan Delays Decision on Potential Closures or Restructuring of Schools /leadership/michigan-delays-decision-on-potential-closures-or-restructuring-of-schools/2017/02 The schools, most of them in Detroit, face potential closure for appearing in the bottom 5 percent of all the state's schools over a three-year period. Fri, 24 Feb 2017 19:28:32 GMT /leadership/michigan-delays-decision-on-potential-closures-or-restructuring-of-schools/2017/02 A Passion for Saving Schools on the Brink /leaders/2017/a-passion-for-saving-schools-on-the-brink Sharon Griffin, the chief of schools in Tennessee’s Shelby County Schools, has led an urgent effort to turn around the academic performance of more than 20 low-performing schools in Memphis. She is recognized as a 2017 Leader To Learn From. Wed, 22 Feb 2017 15:36:16 GMT /leaders/2017/a-passion-for-saving-schools-on-the-brink Turnarounds Can Be Effective When Used With Other Strategies, Report Finds /leadership/turnarounds-can-be-effective-when-used-with-other-strategies-report-finds/2016/11 A new report from the Center on Reinventing Public Education offers the first comprehensive assessment on state turnarounds before the full implementation of President Barack Obama's Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). Fri, 11 Nov 2016 18:30:49 GMT /leadership/turnarounds-can-be-effective-when-used-with-other-strategies-report-finds/2016/11 How Will ESSA Be Different When it Comes to School Turnarounds Than SIG? /policy-politics/how-will-essa-be-different-when-it-comes-to-school-turnarounds-than-sig/2016/10 Under ESSA, states and districts will get much more say when it comes to turning around their lowest performing schools. Tue, 25 Oct 2016 21:50:46 GMT /policy-politics/how-will-essa-be-different-when-it-comes-to-school-turnarounds-than-sig/2016/10 See Ed. Dept. Guidance on Using Federal Aid for School Turnarounds Under ESSA /policy-politics/see-ed-dept-guidance-on-using-federal-aid-for-school-turnarounds-under-essa/2016/10 Last month, the department released "Supporting School Reform by Leveraging Federal Funds in a Schoolwide Program." It specifies how schools can use federal money to drive comprehensive turnaround efforts under the Every Student Succeeds Act. Wed, 05 Oct 2016 11:17:54 GMT /policy-politics/see-ed-dept-guidance-on-using-federal-aid-for-school-turnarounds-under-essa/2016/10 Scenes From a Bus Tour: Disaster Relief, College Access, and School Turnarounds /policy-politics/scenes-from-a-bus-tour-disaster-relief-college-access-and-school-turnarounds/2016/09 U.S. Secretary of Education John B. King, Jr. visited half a dozen Southern states, with stops touching on education from pre-K to college. Tue, 20 Sep 2016 11:43:48 GMT /policy-politics/scenes-from-a-bus-tour-disaster-relief-college-access-and-school-turnarounds/2016/09 Portraits of an Urban School Turnaround /teaching-learning/portraits-of-an-urban-school-turnaround/2016/06 Photographer Melissa Lyttle documents an academic turnaround at Boca Ciega High School in St. Petersburg, Fla. Fri, 03 Jun 2016 18:25:17 GMT /teaching-learning/portraits-of-an-urban-school-turnaround/2016/06 White House Turnaround Arts Initiative Expands /teaching-learning/white-house-turnaround-arts-initiative-expands/2016/05 The White House Turnaround Arts Initiative, which started in eight schools in 2011, will expand to 68 schools. Wed, 25 May 2016 23:03:12 GMT /teaching-learning/white-house-turnaround-arts-initiative-expands/2016/05 Another Brick in the (Data) Wall (Opinion) /leadership/opinion-another-brick-in-the-data-wall/2016/05 We used to believe, as public educators, that our product was our students--their eventual contribution as advanced scholars, civic-minded community members, and part of the labor force. All of that has changed. Our product now is publicly displayed test scores. Our data. Wed, 25 May 2016 16:32:24 GMT /leadership/opinion-another-brick-in-the-data-wall/2016/05 Rural Turnaround Schools Face Unique Challenges, Report Finds /leadership/rural-turnaround-schools-face-unique-challenges-report-finds/2016/05 The report found that technical assistance was key for helping schools implement a transformation model. Thu, 19 May 2016 20:25:02 GMT /leadership/rural-turnaround-schools-face-unique-challenges-report-finds/2016/05 Teacher Protests Shut Down More Than 90 Schools in Detroit /leadership/teacher-protests-shut-down-more-than-90-schools-in-detroit/2016/05 The protest comes in response to an announcement that the district will run out of money at the end of June and may not be able to pay teachers for work they've already done. Mon, 02 May 2016 13:34:33 GMT /leadership/teacher-protests-shut-down-more-than-90-schools-in-detroit/2016/05 Mississippi Bill to Create Statewide School District Heads to Governor's Desk /policy-politics/mississippi-bill-to-create-statewide-school-district-heads-to-governors-desk/2016/04 In recent years, a growing number of states have sought to create statewide school districts with the charge of taking over and improving low-performing schools. Wed, 20 Apr 2016 16:16:33 GMT /policy-politics/mississippi-bill-to-create-statewide-school-district-heads-to-governors-desk/2016/04 Turning Around a Low-Performing School /leadership/video-turning-around-a-low-performing-school/2016/01 Wed, 06 Jan 2016 22:11:34 GMT /leadership/video-turning-around-a-low-performing-school/2016/01 Michigan Could Disband State-Run District for Low-Performing Schools /leadership/michigan-could-disband-state-run-district-for-low-performing-schools/2015/12 Gov. Rick Snyder has hinted for months that the Education Achievement Authority's status has been under review while lawmakers his latest plan to overhaul public education in Detroit. Wed, 16 Dec 2015 15:47:41 GMT /leadership/michigan-could-disband-state-run-district-for-low-performing-schools/2015/12 Teacher Sickout Closes at Least Seven Detroit Schools /leadership/teacher-sickout-closes-at-least-seven-detroit-schools/2015/12 A similar sickout prompted three Detroit schools to close Dec. 1. The sickouts are just the latest action in a district where teachers are increasingly distressed. Thu, 10 Dec 2015 16:12:32 GMT /leadership/teacher-sickout-closes-at-least-seven-detroit-schools/2015/12 Tenn. Appoints New Leader for State-Run Turnaround District /leadership/tenn-appoints-new-leader-for-state-run-turnaround-district/2015/11 Malika Anderson, the Achievement School District's current deputy superintendent, is a graduate of the Broad Foundation's Residency in Urban Education. Tue, 03 Nov 2015 18:31:01 GMT /leadership/tenn-appoints-new-leader-for-state-run-turnaround-district/2015/11 A Movie Based on the Atlanta Test-Cheating Scandal Is in the Works /leadership/a-movie-based-on-the-atlanta-test-cheating-scandal-is-in-the-works/2015/11 Actor Michael B. Jordan told the New York Times he will portray a teacher caught up in the city's testing scandal. Mon, 02 Nov 2015 18:30:48 GMT /leadership/a-movie-based-on-the-atlanta-test-cheating-scandal-is-in-the-works/2015/11 Chiefs Share Insights From School-Turnaround Efforts in New Mexico, Utah /policy-politics/chiefs-share-insights-from-school-turnaround-efforts-in-new-mexico-utah/2015/10 Has any state cracked the code when it comes to turning around schools that have been foundering for decades? Thu, 15 Oct 2015 19:25:41 GMT /policy-politics/chiefs-share-insights-from-school-turnaround-efforts-in-new-mexico-utah/2015/10 ESEA Rewrite May Put States in Charge of Turnarounds. Are They Ready? /policy-politics/esea-rewrite-may-put-states-in-charge-of-turnarounds-are-they-ready/2015/10 Both pieces of ESEA reauthorization legislation pending in the House and Senate would put states and districts, as opposed to the feds, in the driver's seat when it comes to turnarounds. Thu, 15 Oct 2015 11:56:41 GMT /policy-politics/esea-rewrite-may-put-states-in-charge-of-turnarounds-are-they-ready/2015/10