Value-Added Measures /value-added-measures Value-Added Measures en-US 2021 (c) 91Ö±²¥ Wed, 22 Mar 2017 18:44:35 GMT William Sanders, Pioneer of the Value-Added Model for Evaluating Teachers, Dies /leadership/william-sanders-pioneer-of-the-value-added-model-for-evaluating-teachers-dies/2017/03 Sanders believed that teachers had the biggest impact on student learning, more so than family life, socioeconomic status, or ethnicity—a position that has been widely contended. Wed, 22 Mar 2017 18:44:35 GMT /leadership/william-sanders-pioneer-of-the-value-added-model-for-evaluating-teachers-dies/2017/03 Teachers Give Evaluation Systems Low Ratings, Survey Finds /teaching-learning/teachers-give-evaluation-systems-low-ratings-survey-finds/2016/04 A majority of teachers say evaluation systems based on student test scores have deteriorated their relationships with parents, students, administrators and other teachers, according to a new survey. Mon, 18 Apr 2016 19:50:00 GMT /teaching-learning/teachers-give-evaluation-systems-low-ratings-survey-finds/2016/04 Your Guide to Effective Teaching. In TIME Magazine. (Opinion) /leadership/opinion-your-guide-to-effective-teaching-in-time-magazine/2015/07 It's important for educators to read widely, about common issues--with a kind of radar for books and articles written for general audiences that contain important nuggets of wisdom, related to schools and learning. Why? Because general audiences aren't reading your favorite teacher blogs or books on the Common Core. Education takes place in the middle--between research-based expertise and unexamined habit. Wed, 22 Jul 2015 02:30:21 GMT /leadership/opinion-your-guide-to-effective-teaching-in-time-magazine/2015/07 Releasing Virginia's Teacher Evaluation Data Would Be a Bad Idea (Opinion) /leadership/opinion-releasing-virginias-teacher-evaluation-data-would-be-a-bad-idea/2015/03 Yesterday, the Washington Post reported on the Virginia lawsuit about releasing individual teacher evaluation data. Let's revisit what I wrote in 2010 about the L.A. Times reporting that data. Tue, 17 Mar 2015 12:00:00 GMT /leadership/opinion-releasing-virginias-teacher-evaluation-data-would-be-a-bad-idea/2015/03 Study Suggests Using Poverty as a Factor in Teacher Evaluation /teaching-learning/study-suggests-using-poverty-as-a-factor-in-teacher-evaluation/2015/01 Researchers suggest comparing "similarly circumstanced" schools in order to fairly evaluate teachers. Mon, 26 Jan 2015 22:00:57 GMT /teaching-learning/study-suggests-using-poverty-as-a-factor-in-teacher-evaluation/2015/01 Teacher Pay Starts Low, Grows Slowly, Is Generally Awful, Report Says /teaching-learning/teacher-pay-starts-low-grows-slowly-is-generally-awful-report-says/2014/07 D.C. may be one of the best places for career teachers in search of high pay, a new report says, while South Dakota is unquestionably the worst. Thu, 24 Jul 2014 00:47:02 GMT /teaching-learning/teacher-pay-starts-low-grows-slowly-is-generally-awful-report-says/2014/07 TNTP Presses for Performance-Pay Systems for Teachers /teaching-learning/tntp-presses-for-performance-pay-systems-for-teachers/2014/07 To bolster teacher quality, schools systems desperately need to institute variable pay structures that reward educators based on performance and challenging assignments, according to a report released this week by TNTP, a prominent nonprofit teacher-recruitment and policy organization. Fri, 18 Jul 2014 19:39:27 GMT /teaching-learning/tntp-presses-for-performance-pay-systems-for-teachers/2014/07 John Thompson: Time for a Truce in the Battle Over Education? (Opinion) /teaching-learning/opinion-john-thompson-time-for-a-truce-in-the-battle-over-education/2014/06 I believe we must fight competition-driven, test-driven reform with all our power, but we must also be willing to offer and/or accept an olive branch. Fri, 20 Jun 2014 14:30:53 GMT /teaching-learning/opinion-john-thompson-time-for-a-truce-in-the-battle-over-education/2014/06 Adam Bessie: Retiring the "Bad Teacher" Boogeyman (Opinion) /teaching-learning/opinion-adam-bessie-retiring-the-bad-teacher-boogeyman/2014/06 In essence, the "bad teacher" is a not just a basic strawman, but a hologram, an insubstantial projection of whoever you want him to be, whatever you - or your child - perceives him to be. Mon, 16 Jun 2014 23:40:48 GMT /teaching-learning/opinion-adam-bessie-retiring-the-bad-teacher-boogeyman/2014/06 Vergara Decision Feeds Testing and Teacher Turnover (Opinion) /policy-politics/opinion-vergara-decision-feeds-testing-and-teacher-turnover/2014/06 The Vergara decision feeds into our societal obsession with test scores, and propels us towards schools with even less stability, and higher turnover. Sat, 14 Jun 2014 17:04:34 GMT /policy-politics/opinion-vergara-decision-feeds-testing-and-teacher-turnover/2014/06 From Common Core, to Vergara, to VAM, Gates Foundation Fingerprints Everywhere (Opinion) /technology/opinion-from-common-core-to-vergara-to-vam-gates-foundation-fingerprints-everywhere/2014/06 Someone in the mainstream media finally asked Bill Gates straight out what his role was regarding Common Core. What a concept! Wed, 11 Jun 2014 13:14:35 GMT /technology/opinion-from-common-core-to-vergara-to-vam-gates-foundation-fingerprints-everywhere/2014/06 John Thompson: Corporate Reformers' "Race to the Moon" Low on Fuel (Opinion) /technology/opinion-john-thompson-corporate-reformers-race-to-the-moon-low-on-fuel/2014/06 It is up to the Gates Foundation to decide whether it defends its quest for a better bottle rocket to drive school reform, or to heed the research of independent scholars. Thu, 05 Jun 2014 23:23:32 GMT /technology/opinion-john-thompson-corporate-reformers-race-to-the-moon-low-on-fuel/2014/06 Teacher Education Leaders Speak Out: Tim Slekar: Educators Must Be Advocates For the Needs of Our Students (Opinion) /teaching-learning/opinion-teacher-education-leaders-speak-out-tim-slekar-educators-must-be-advocates-for-the-needs-of-our-students/2014/05 There might be individual institutions and faculty pushing back but there is a need to organize these institutions and faculty. And this will be the challenge--how to organize the teacher education profession. Tue, 27 May 2014 13:48:03 GMT /teaching-learning/opinion-teacher-education-leaders-speak-out-tim-slekar-educators-must-be-advocates-for-the-needs-of-our-students/2014/05 Teacher Education Leader Francisco Rios: edTPA Leads Schools to Teach to the Test (Opinion) /teaching-learning/opinion-teacher-education-leader-francisco-rios-edtpa-leads-schools-to-teach-to-the-test/2014/05 The most frustrating aspect of these new faster, easier but not always cheaper approaches to teacher education is that they seem to be freed from many of the regulations that are now being required of traditional teacher education programs in colleges of education. Mon, 26 May 2014 14:33:09 GMT /teaching-learning/opinion-teacher-education-leader-francisco-rios-edtpa-leads-schools-to-teach-to-the-test/2014/05 Teacher Education Leaders Speak Out: Kevin Kumashiro on Teacher Preparation, edTPA and Reform (Opinion) /leadership/opinion-teacher-education-leaders-speak-out-kevin-kumashiro-on-teacher-preparation-edtpa-and-reform/2014/05 This week, I am sharing interviews with several leaders of schools of education around the country, who have thoughts about these issues and more. First up is Kevin Kumashiro, Dean of the University of San Francisco's School of Education. Sun, 25 May 2014 13:43:45 GMT /leadership/opinion-teacher-education-leaders-speak-out-kevin-kumashiro-on-teacher-preparation-edtpa-and-reform/2014/05 Massachusetts Teachers Association Takes On High Stakes Tests, School Takeovers (Opinion) /leadership/opinion-massachusetts-teachers-association-takes-on-high-stakes-tests-school-takeovers/2014/05 Activist rank-and-file movements are ramping up teachers unions' fight for justice, reason, and community solidarity by passing resolutions and winning offices across the country. Thu, 22 May 2014 14:45:36 GMT /leadership/opinion-massachusetts-teachers-association-takes-on-high-stakes-tests-school-takeovers/2014/05 John Thompson: Can the Gates Foundation Learn? (Opinion) /policy-politics/opinion-john-thompson-can-the-gates-foundation-learn/2014/05 Reformers once won a series of political victories, even as their educational theories were repeatedly defeated by realities in schools that are far more complex than anything they imagined. Mon, 05 May 2014 18:57:13 GMT /policy-politics/opinion-john-thompson-can-the-gates-foundation-learn/2014/05 John Thompson Reviews John Kuhn's 'Fear and Learning' (Opinion) /leadership/opinion-john-thompson-reviews-john-kuhns-fear-and-learning/2014/04 It was a Texan, Diane Ravitch, who rallied teachers when it seemed like public schooling was condemned to its Alamo. Now, it may be a Texan, John Kuhn, who points the way out of the educational civil war launched by data-driven reform. Thu, 10 Apr 2014 22:43:36 GMT /leadership/opinion-john-thompson-reviews-john-kuhns-fear-and-learning/2014/04 John Thompson: Legal Woes Growing for VAM-Based Teacher Evaluations (Opinion) /policy-politics/opinion-john-thompson-legal-woes-growing-for-vam-based-teacher-evaluations/2014/03 Since teachers must basically prove that value-added terminations are based on an irrational use of the model, it is no surprise that the first suits include cases where teachers are held accountable for the test score growth of students who they did not have in class. Sun, 30 Mar 2014 16:06:01 GMT /policy-politics/opinion-john-thompson-legal-woes-growing-for-vam-based-teacher-evaluations/2014/03 Bill Gates, On the Record (Opinion) /technology/opinion-bill-gates-on-the-record/2014/02 I am less interested in the praise that he will heap on the accomplished educators in the room than in what he has said and done in the past, when speaking to altogether different audiences. So like Marley's ghost on Christmas eve, I want to take us on a bit of a tour of the echoes of Gates' past Tue, 18 Feb 2014 18:12:54 GMT /technology/opinion-bill-gates-on-the-record/2014/02 John Thompson: Vergara Show Trial Highlights Gates Foundation Snake Oil (Opinion) /teaching-learning/opinion-john-thompson-vergara-show-trial-highlights-gates-foundation-snake-oil/2014/02 Vergara is a tragic distraction from the real problems facing our high-challenge schools, as well as the real reasons why it is difficult to staff high-poverty schools. Fri, 14 Feb 2014 03:57:53 GMT /teaching-learning/opinion-john-thompson-vergara-show-trial-highlights-gates-foundation-snake-oil/2014/02 Are Corporate Education Reformers Like Young Earth Creationists? (Opinion) /teaching-learning/opinion-are-corporate-education-reformers-like-young-earth-creationists/2014/02 In the spirit of the recent debate between science educator Bill Nye and creationist Ken Ham, let's take a look at the central points of belief for corporate education reform, and see if there is evidence. Mon, 10 Feb 2014 00:59:19 GMT /teaching-learning/opinion-are-corporate-education-reformers-like-young-earth-creationists/2014/02 John Thompson: Time to Fact-Check the Reformers (Opinion) /policy-politics/opinion-john-thompson-time-to-fact-check-the-reformers/2013/12 What if school reformers were open about their errors in fact and their misleading use of language? How would reformers fare if their facts were truly held up to scrutiny? Tue, 03 Dec 2013 14:44:08 GMT /policy-politics/opinion-john-thompson-time-to-fact-check-the-reformers/2013/12 John Thompson: Is Moving Strong Teachers to Struggling Schools a Viable Strategy? (Opinion) /leadership/opinion-john-thompson-is-moving-strong-teachers-to-struggling-schools-a-viable-strategy/2013/11 The idea that financial incentives can improve teacher quality in an age of high-stakes testing is dead on arrival unless top teachers can produce gains in the tough schools that are comparable to gains in lower-poverty schools. Tue, 12 Nov 2013 15:49:06 GMT /leadership/opinion-john-thompson-is-moving-strong-teachers-to-struggling-schools-a-viable-strategy/2013/11 Report: Teacher-Evaluation Policies Becoming Increasingly 'Rigorous' /leadership/report-teacher-evaluation-policies-becoming-increasingly-rigorous/2013/10 The Washington-based National Council on Teacher Quality released its annual report rounding up states' teacher-evaluation policies, which have become increasingly stringent over the last few years. Wed, 30 Oct 2013 19:48:59 GMT /leadership/report-teacher-evaluation-policies-becoming-increasingly-rigorous/2013/10 Paul Horton: Pseudo Democracy: Duncan Double Dribbles in Chicago (Opinion) /teaching-learning/opinion-paul-horton-pseudo-democracy-duncan-double-dribbles-in-chicago/2013/10 I managed to calm down only when I began to recall that virtually none of what he said was true: graduation rates are at an all time high, Tue, 29 Oct 2013 00:32:45 GMT /teaching-learning/opinion-paul-horton-pseudo-democracy-duncan-double-dribbles-in-chicago/2013/10 John Thompson: Michelle Rhee's DC IMPACT Value Added System Drives Teachers Out (Opinion) /technology/opinion-john-thompson-michelle-rhees-dc-impact-value-added-system-drives-teachers-out/2013/10 It stands to reason that effective teachers who are "false positives," meaning that they were inaccurately categorized, will behave like their colleagues who are not effective. Both will leave the D.C. schools. Wed, 23 Oct 2013 20:01:43 GMT /technology/opinion-john-thompson-michelle-rhees-dc-impact-value-added-system-drives-teachers-out/2013/10 Teacher-Evaluation Fears Playing Out in New York /teaching-learning/teacher-evaluation-fears-playing-out-in-new-york/2013/10 A Syracuse high school is serving as a case study for how apparent glitches in an evaluation system can affect teacher morale—and potentially jeopardize teachers' careers. Tue, 15 Oct 2013 19:30:32 GMT /teaching-learning/teacher-evaluation-fears-playing-out-in-new-york/2013/10 John Thompson: GAO and Elaine Weiss Converge on Harsh Appraisal of Race to the Top (Opinion) /policy-politics/opinion-john-thompson-gao-and-elaine-weiss-converge-on-harsh-appraisal-of-race-to-the-top/2013/09 how can educators attempt to comply with distractions like the RttT and still find the time and money necessary to implement more promising reforms? Fri, 20 Sep 2013 22:51:44 GMT /policy-politics/opinion-john-thompson-gao-and-elaine-weiss-converge-on-harsh-appraisal-of-race-to-the-top/2013/09 John Thompson Reviews "Confessions of a Bad Teacher" (Opinion) /technology/opinion-john-thompson-reviews-confessions-of-a-bad-teacher/2013/09 When Bill Gates or Arne Duncan tour a high-performing school that supposedly serves the "same" kids as failing neighborhood schools and proclaim, "Amazing!," do they really believe it? Sat, 14 Sep 2013 23:17:37 GMT /technology/opinion-john-thompson-reviews-confessions-of-a-bad-teacher/2013/09