Got something to say? We know you do. That’s why we post a TalkBack online discussion forum with at least one commentary in every issue of 91Ö±²¥. We’re also planning to let readers post comments to all 91Ö±²¥ articles. We want to know what interests our readers, and we consider TalkBack one gauge of popular interest. But maybe it’s not a good yardstick. Maybe you don’t have time to participate even if the topic does interest you. Maybe the people who post responses are only those who like to hear themselves talk (or type...).
, we’re working to add even more multimedia storytelling to the site-via , photogalleries, and audio segments. Besides reading and watching education news, talking about educational issues with other readers may be even more productive. Our online chats give you a chance to send questions to featured guests, including policy wonks, researchers, educators and members of the media, and read their answers live or in our chat transcripts. We hope that our will give you an enticing taste of some of the slightly offbeat stories and goings-on we may not include in our regular coverage. TalkBacks provide the opportunity to discuss issues with other readers. Comments on every article would expand on this, giving you the chance to respond to any article you wanted. Would this be helpful? Or just distracting? We’re curious.
Some people say technology is creating a more isolated world where every interaction is separated by two monitors, a keyboard, a mouse, a video screen. This type of removed conversation may be instantaneous, critics say, but it’s less meaningful, less personal. Plus, who can resist the smell of fresh newsprint, the definitive turning of a page, the rustle of a creased paper, the safe place to rest your coffee mug on your desk or kitchen table? We know it’s hard to compete with old faithful, The Printed Word. But, the way we see it, we’re not competing, we’re enhancing. is your touchstone, your town square, a place to voice your opinions and meet with the rest of the education community. So enjoy your weekly fill of education news with paper in hand. But, when you’re done, stop by for some conversation. Raise your hand, pass a note, talkback.
And thanks for dropping by.
Rebekah Lewis
Online Producer