Summer professional development is a fixture for educators and school districts, but there’s consensus that it shouldn’t be business as usual after a pandemic-disrupted school year.
91ֱ talked to teachers and principals about how they think this year’s PD can address crucial issues like students’ social-emotional learning needs, academics, and how to make sure teachers have a hand in shaping their training.
Tip #1: Train teachers to become “trauma-informed” and “resilient-focused” educators so that they can respond effectively to students’ social-emotional needs
Tip #2: Offer professional development that provide teachers specific strategies on how to connect with students in the virtual learning environment
Tip #3: Teachers: Give yourselves time to pause and reflect on what you want and need from professional learning, and choose opportunities accordingly
Tip #4: Empower teachers to own their professional learning
Tip #5: Give teachers dedicated time throughout the year to focus on professional learning